Rebirth of Wufu Jin

Chapter 254 Looks Like

Chapter 254 Looks Like
This kind of punishment will undoubtedly make Zhang Jiazhuyue never stand up. Except for Zhang Jiazhuyue, everyone else feels very happy.

It's just that Zhang Jiazhuyue's face turned green immediately, and she almost roared: "Fu Jin, you can't treat me like this, you can't send me to Zhuangzi, I want to see the prince, and the prince will not treat me like this."

After finishing speaking, she wanted to rush out of the house, but she was stopped by Ying'er and Yue Wen just as she reached the door, and a few silences came to the door at some point, presumably she had been on guard for a long time, and was waiting for her here !

Seeing that the hope of meeting the prince was in vain, Zhang Jiazhuyue started to laugh out loud, pointing at everyone in the room one by one while laughing.

At the same time, she also spoke nonsense: "If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse. How did Fujin get to where he is today? Aren't you curious?"

What she said made everyone baffled, but Wanyue was a little curious, did Zhang Jiazhuyue know something?Back then, except for her and Nanny Li, no one in the mansion knew about the affairs of Guar Jiayinan and Liu Jiamiaoyin, and it was impossible for Nanny Li to betray Wanyue.

Wanyue became interested, wanting to see what else Zhang Jiazhuyue could say.

"Come and tell me, and see how I got to where I am today!"

Seeing that Wanyue didn't look worried at all, Zhang Jiazhuyue calmed down silently, and realized that she had dug a hole for herself just now in a hurry.

But the words have been said, there is no reason to take them back, Zhang Jiazhuyue gritted her teeth, and started with "I also heard people say it", but just after she finished saying these words, those few princesses couldn't help it laughed at her.

From their point of view, Zhang Jiazhuyue is simply a generous existence, the ear-piercing laughter made Zhang Jiazhuyue a little bit at a loss, her former aura seemed to be ineffective today for some reason.

Everyone was still looking at her like a joke, Zhang Jiazhuyue understood that the group of people would not believe what she said next.

She laughed like crazy, Wanyue winked at Ying'er and Yuewen, and they pulled Zhang Jiazhu and Yue Zhuyue out, and handed them over to the nanny standing at the door.

The nuns moved very quickly. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jiazhuyue disappeared from everyone's sight. When she left, she cursed and grinned. I don't know which nuns quickly took out a handkerchief and twisted it into a ball and stuffed it into Zhang Jiazhuyue's mouth. , In the end, she could only make a whining sound from her mouth.

Wanyue also eliminated a scourge for the women in the backyard. Everyone lamented Wanyue's thunderous means. Apart from admiration, they were also a little shocked. After all, Zhang Jiazhuyue was sent to Zhuangzi for charming the prince like this, and he would never live forever. Going back to Prince Heng's mansion, if they follow Zhang Jiazhuyue's example again, they will end up in the same way if they don't keep them clean.

All of a sudden, the small calculations in everyone's minds began to calculate again.

However, Qian Gege was the most shocked when Zhang Jiazhuyue was sent away. She thought that Wanyue would be punished to kneel Zhang Jiazhuyue for several hours at most, but she did not expect that she was sent to Zhuangzi, which was a crueler punishment than when she was sent to Zhuangzi. , she couldn't figure out why.

Wanyue felt a little tired after dealing with Zhang Jiazhuyue's affairs, Suxin and Siyan looked at each other and smiled.

Suxin immediately said to several princesses: "You all go back to your house first, Ma Cian Fujin and I will stay and take care of Fujin."

After several Gege left, the house finally quieted down, Siyan sighed, the disaster in Fifth Sister-in-law's house was finally gone, and she could feel more at ease.

Seeing that it was getting late, Siyan comforted Wanyue a few words, thanked her and left Prince Heng's mansion.

Leaving Suxin and Yun Zhao in Wanyue's house, but the two of them are still a little strange about Wanyue's decision. After all, Tong Gege seems to have relied on clumsy means to make the prince favor her. Di Fujin was furious like today.

Yun Zhao was very curious. She had never heard of Zhang Gege's offending Fujin in the past. She just asked casually as if she was listening to gossip: "Fu Jin drove her to Zhuangzi because of Zhang Gege's arrogance. of?"

Seeing Ma Jia Yunzhao asking this question, Wanyue has never been a talkative person, she seems to be really curious, Wanyue pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "If a person like her stays in the mansion, we might not live in peace in the backyard. Furthermore, it is also the meaning of Lord Baylor, Lord Baylor asked me to deal with it, so this is it."

Wanyue's words made Ma Jiayunzhao understand, and then nodded, it seems that this Gege has indeed touched the prince's bad luck.

But Suxin was thinking about Zhang Gege's defiant performance, it's strange that Di Fujin didn't take her into action, and Zhang Gege's status as a servant girl didn't know how to be cautious in her words and deeds but acted recklessly. She made herself up to Zhuangzi and was never allowed to come back. This is not the same as imprisoning her on Zhuangzi forever.

"She is also self-inflicted. She has just been named Gege. She doesn't know how to restrain herself and makes the people in our backyard unhappy. I don't know when she had the idea of ​​being a superior. Fujin handled it properly. This kind of person should have been driven out of the mansion long ago. Go." Suxin said with a bit of resentment.

The three chatted for about an hour, until Ying'er ran in in shock, and immediately knelt on the ground in a panic, breathless and crying towards Wanyue: "Fu Jin. Mammy, she's not breathing."

Wanyue was obviously frightened by these words, and she almost couldn't control her anger. In the end, it was Suxin and Yun Zhao who helped Wanyue go to the ear room.

Wanyue didn't have much recollection of what happened afterwards, she was too sad, and some things were vaguely remembered, but what she still had was the fact that Yinqi sent a strict housekeeper to notify Li Nanny's family, and gave them a generous amount of money. Madam Li was buried.

The death of Nanny Li had dealt a big blow to Wanyue, and her body was also a little weak. In addition, her pregnant belly was also getting bigger, so she either lay on the bed or sat in a daze at the entrance of the main hall of Xinuange all day long.

She also temporarily handed over the affairs of the house to Suxin and Yun Zhao. If Yinger hadn't accidentally discovered a strange thing, I'm afraid Wanyue would continue to sink.

This happened half a month after Nanny Li passed away. Yinger went to the garden to pick some petals to make flower cakes for Wanyue, but she accidentally found the bracelet on the hand of Xiner, a maid who sweeps the garden, which seemed to be given to Zhang Gege by Fujin the one.

Ying'er was full of doubts about this immediately: Isn't Zhang Gege sent to Zhuangzi?How did the bracelet that Fujin gave to Zhang Gege appear on Xin'er's hand?
But she was just puzzled at that time, and didn't think much about it. Fujin's body needs to be recuperated recently, so she didn't tell Wanyue about it.

(End of this chapter)

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