After getting married, I became Mengbao's stepmother

Chapter 157 Technical Vulnerabilities

The ambiguous atmosphere in the car was broken by a phone call, and Lin Su pushed Gu Ye away in embarrassment.

"It's Lu Yan, I'll answer the phone."

Normally, Lu Yan would hardly contact Lin Su. What happened to make him call at night.

"Lin Su Lin Su, you finally answered the phone! I called you [-] or [-] times today, but you didn't answer any of them. I thought something happened to you." Lu Yan's voice was extremely excited, Lin Su doubted that if he was in front of him now, Lu Yan would probably pounce on him directly.

"Is there anything important?" Lin Su asked helplessly. She was so obsessed with designing her own plan that she didn't even hear the phone ring.

When Lu Yan mentioned being formal, he immediately changed into an extraordinarily serious look.

"Our plan encountered some troubles when it was implemented. AI cannot be well integrated with traditional Chinese medicine, and the algorithm processing is too rigid." Lu Yan was particularly anxious.

To let him study medicine, Lu Yan is handy, but he is really powerless about technical issues.

Using the combination of AI and Chinese medicine for a short period of time, I can't see any major problems. After all, there are few patients and situations encountered.

With the increase of the time of use, more and more patients were encountered, and various problems emerged.

Most doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are very old, and their ability to accept this kind of emerging things is relatively weak. In addition, many traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are folk prescriptions, or each doctor has a unique name for the name of the medicinal materials. There are not so many AI content databases. content.

Therefore, sometimes there will be a situation of wrongly checking medicinal materials. The problem is not too big, but the solution will be cumbersome and requires a large amount of data entry.

It will take a lot of time to sort out the materials, but the plan for linking AI and medical skills will be officially launched soon, and Lu Yan is afraid that this problem will not be solved before it goes online.

"Gu Ye's technical consultant worked overtime to solve the problem, but I saw no progress. Lin Su, the plan we have prepared for so long will not be defeated by this technical problem in the end, right?" Lu Yan sighed, and Lin Su could do it. Picture him frowning over the phone.

Anxiety can't solve the problem, Lin Su thought for a while, and said, "Brother, you continue to study medicine, leave this problem to me to solve, and I will give you an answer in two days."

"No, do you really have a solution?" Lu Yan was skeptical of Lin Su, why didn't he know that his little junior sister also had AI skills.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. It's useless for you to be anxious. You might as well try to let me handle it." Lin Su's tone was flat, and Lu Yan really had no better way, so he could only leave the matter to Lin Su .

"Junior Junior Sister, I put all my hopes on you, come on!"

Lin Su hangs up the phone helplessly, and after returning to the car, he has no intention of continuing to make out with Gu Ye. All he thinks about is how to solve the technical problem.

The website suddenly came to mind, and Lin Su had a bold idea.

As long as you have money, what problems can't be solved?
"What's the matter, Lu Yan?"

Gu Ye, who was suddenly interrupted, expressed his dissatisfaction now, and pursed his thin lips lightly.

Lin Su briefly talked about the troubles that Lu Yan encountered. After all, Gu Ye was a partner, and he had to find a way to solve problems.

"I'll take care of it when I go to the company tomorrow, just leave it to me." Gu Ye squeezed Lin Su's hand, already determined in his heart to wait until tomorrow to deal with it himself.

He didn't want Lin Su to be troubled.

And Lin Su only thought that Gu Ye was going to hand over the matter to other people in the company, and never thought that Gu Ye would handle it himself.

Lin Su sighed, leaned on the car seat to rest, and muttered, "Lu Yan asked the people from the company to look at it, and they didn't have any good solutions. If it doesn't work, I can spend a little more. President Gu, I Apply for financial assistance."

"Susu, but I don't need to say this, you can take as much money as you want from the family."

Sure enough, men are most handsome at two times, one is when they work hard, and the other is when they spend money on you.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll just take all the money away and abandon you?" Lin Su laughed, tilting her head and looking at Gu Ye playfully.

And Gu Ye also thought about it seriously, "No, after all, as long as you are by my side, I can give you a steady stream of money."

"Of course I know that Susu is not willing to leave me. Judging by my appearance, I should be quite suitable for you."

The serious Gu Ye said unserious words, Lin Su glared at Gu Ye, and deliberately pressed his body on Gu Ye, "Seeing that your appearance is quite in line with my taste, I want you, money I also want."

"Well, then Susu be gentle."

The single dog driver sitting alone in the front row burst into tears.

Please pay attention, there are people in front of him, and such unscrupulous sprinkling of dog food will cause great harm to his soul.

Can he apply for a work-related injury?

After Lin Su went back, he sorted out his needs, tentatively set a price of 100 million, and the price can be negotiated, and posted it on the website.

It can solve the problem, and she can accept some more money. After all, Lin Su has saved a lot of money after staying abroad for several years, and there is no chance to use it after returning to China to marry Gu Ye.

Don't use it in vain, if the money spent is valuable, it is earned.

Yue Yue browsed the website as usual, browsed the technical posts sent by other bigwigs, and occasionally replied to some posts. Recently, he is not in a hurry to take on the task, but wants to strengthen his own technology.

Those books bought by Lin Su have been read four or five times. The improvement of technology means more problems. Before that, Yue Yue was very confident in his technology, but now he feels that there are too many shortcomings. place.

Compared with the real boss, he is still far behind.

"Huh? This post was sent by Susu's mother?"

Because of the previous missions, Yueyue paid special attention to Lin Su's account, and he immediately noticed Lin Su's post.

In the past, Yueyue might not be able to fulfill Lin Su's request, but now he is most confident that he can solve it easily, and Yueyue accepted Lin Su's task without any hesitation.

The little guy was very excited to be able to help Lin Su, even though Lin Su repeatedly emphasized that he never blamed Yue Yue, but he still wanted to make up for Lin Su.

If a person makes a mistake, he must bear the responsibility brought about by the mistake, and he cannot be exempted from being responsible for it just because he is a child.

"Mother Susu, I will definitely be a good boy in the future, and I will not be impulsive anymore!" Yue Yue clenched his little fists, his immature face was full of determination.

He wrote the code very seriously, and when he couldn't stand the sleepiness, he washed his face with cold water, and finally completed the code when he woke up at dawn.

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