Lonely non-good minister

Chapter 484 The Royal Family’s Temptation

Unscrupulously teasing Emperor Hong Ming, in front of Song Yuan, Song Yu's arrogance was indeed a bit too much.

Song Yuan drank tea with a cold face and stopped following his words, knowing the purpose of his trip.

"There is something I should be bold enough to ask His Highness the Crown Prince." Song Yu said politely, but with an extremely arrogant look on his face: "Why not thoroughly investigate the sudden death of Crown Prince Ming Gong?"

Song Yuan raised his eyes and looked at him: "Prince Ming Gong died of an emergency. The hospital has already made a conclusion on this."

"Emergency?" Song Yu chuckled, obviously not believing it: "I heard that before Prince Ming Gong died of illness, his appearance was haggard, and the skin on his body was sore and pus-prone. It was clearly poisoning. I don't know what the specific emergency mentioned by His Highness was. How can a disease cause such serious harm? I would like to ask Your Highness the Crown Prince to explain it clearly so that I can clear up my confusion even though I have read through medical books."

Song Yuan looked unkind: "The young prince's information channels are really well-informed. I don't know where I heard these false claims. Prince Ming Gong's illness was accumulated over several months. He has been taking medicine for several months. Once the illness broke out, It is true that he is just sick, and the pain is excruciating. It is true that he is as skinny as a stick, but it is a bit ridiculous that his skin is ulcerated and pus-filled."

"I believe that such an important thing will not come out of nowhere. Since there are rumors, there must be some truth or falsehood. If the imperial doctor can give a general idea, it is still somewhat credible. However, the imperial doctor is very tight-lipped about this. If you don't say anything, it will arouse suspicion." Song Yu's face was full of confidence: "If His Highness had not become the person who benefited, he would have doubts about this matter and pursue it to the end, right?"

Song Yuan put down the tea cup: "So the young prince is suspicious of Gu?"

"I know that His Highness and Prince Ming Gong have a close brotherly relationship. This matter should not be suspected on His Highness. However, His Highness's smooth succession to the throne is really hard to convince people. Several of His Highness's brothers are not good-natured ones. Man, when Prince Ming Gong was here, they fought fiercely, why are they willing to give in now?"

Hearing this, Song Yuan raised the corner of his mouth: "This is not just the confusion of the young prince, but also the confusion of other royal families."

"Your Highness Shengming, although His Highness has outstanding talents, is popular among the civil servants in the court, and has the support of the military power in the Second Master's hands, it is natural for him to succeed to the throne, but it is really surprising that the other princes have acquiesced in this attitude. Whenever they make a fuss , this matter may still be somewhat credible, the position of crown prince was obtained too smoothly, there must be something fishy."

He insisted on asking Song Yuan to give an explanation, but Song Yuan could only remain silent. There was something Song Yu said that was right. If she was not the beneficiary, then she would also have doubts about it.

But this matter is really not that easy to explain clearly. A thorough investigation of the cause of Song Chun's sudden illness and death will inevitably expose the fact that Emperor Hongming favored the great witch Zhiyan and was used by the great witch Zhiyan to kill people. What will happen to the people then? How do you treat Emperor Hongming, an already mediocre emperor? Will the ministers continue to believe in their father and son? Will the royal family still stay safe?

If asked about the great witch Zhiyan, should she, the person who made a contract with the great witch Zhiyan, save her or not? If she is saved, then she will be charged with being the accomplice of a tiger, and she will be nailed to the list of fainting emperors like Emperor Hong Ming. Then all her years of planning will be ruined. If she is not saved, she will break the contract and bear the price, and she will still die.

Several brothers are willing to give in. One is that they have been suppressed by Song Chun before and there is no possibility of turning around. The other is that the power in their hands is really difficult to compete with the second brother Song Run. The third is that her own political achievements in recent years are really there. , every reason is very clear, but others don’t believe it.

These royal families never believed that those who fought for power and profit would take the overall situation into consideration. Just like Emperor Hong Ming looked at Song Fu, they could not understand why he was willing to surrender even though he had firearms and military power.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince." Song Yu clasped his fists: "Can you give me a convincing explanation?"

Song Yuan asked back: "The explanation that the young prince wants to hear is for Gu to admit that before, Prince Ming Gong suppressed all the princes and only spared Gu because of Gu's plan. Gu made Prince Ming Gong act as a pawn and offended all his brothers. Then you stand up to seek justice for all your brothers, and kill Prince Ming Gong in exchange for your brothers’ support, right?”

"Don't you think it's reasonable, Your Highness?" Song Yu smiled.

"Is it reasonable? How can the young prince explain that Prince Ming Gong will listen to my arrangements? Prince Ming Gong is not a waste who can be manipulated by others. If I had the ability to control Prince Ming Gong to do these things, why would I have to suffer in the northwest for so many years? Song Yu was still smiling: "Your Highness has no skills, but are the people around you capable? Is your Highness familiar with the art of puppetry?"

"I'm lucky enough to have heard it." Song Yuan admitted generously: "It's a pity that I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Could it be that the young prince has seen it?"

Song Yu smiled: "I haven't seen it before, but I know how powerful it is. Your Highness should know that it doesn't matter whether this kind of magic is used on Prince Ming Gong. What's important is that this kind of magic exists. As long as it exists, then It’s not that important whether you use it or not.”

"Is the young prince planning to put this shit basin on my head?"

"It's hard to say whether Your Highness has been wronged or not." Song Yu said casually, "Is the Imperial Master one of His Highness's?"

When he asked, Song Yuan suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. She turned to look at him, suppressing the surprise and endless thoughts in her heart, and showed a faint look of doubt: "Is the Imperial Master a lonely person?"

"Your Highness, guess how I knew?" Song Yu was almost fooled by her reaction.

Song Yuan shook his head: "How can I guess such a ridiculous thing? It can't be calculated by the young prince, right?"

"Your Highness, let me tell you whether the divination is accurate." Song Yu also asked for credit: "Moreover, I also asked someone to predict another thing. I wonder if Your Highness is interested in knowing?"

Song Yuan nodded: "Please speak."

Song Yu smiled meaningfully: "His Royal Highness's mother seems to have a very close relationship with Prince Ming Gong."

He became more and more presumptuous, and Song Yuan darkened his face: "This is not funny."

"Your Highness, you don't believe it?" Song Yu deliberately lengthened his tone.

Song Yuan stood up angrily: "You are just trying to throw dirty water on Gu, but you really shouldn't involve Gu's mother."

After saying that, Song Yuan walked away. Song Yu was not afraid of offending her. The royal family were not decorations. Song Chun could still understand if he couldn't handle it. If he couldn't handle the young Song Yuan, then it would be in vain. For many years.

Although Song Yuan is now the crown prince, and although he has the support of other princes and courtiers, the power of the royal family cannot be underestimated. If she is not obedient enough, they have many ways to target her.

The night she returned to the palace, Song Yuan stayed alone in the study and sent everyone away early. The candlelight on the table only flickered slightly, and she knew the person she was waiting for had arrived.

"It seems that it's time for me to be loyal to Master Jiu." The great witch Zhiyan couldn't conceal his excitement in his tone.

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