Chapter 120 Rose Castle 28
When Lu Ning returned to the room, he found that there was another person in the room.

Lu Ning took a closer look, and it turned out to be a boy in a white robe.

The other party saw her enter the room, so he came over with a newspaper.

"Here you are, it records the case of that year."

Lu Ning accepted it happily. The newspaper was full of traces of time. Although it was well preserved, the handwriting on it was still blurred a lot.

However, Lu Ning still saw three familiar words from a pile of mottled spots, Alisa, which was the name of the old countess.

According to newspaper reports, the old count and his wife were burned to death alive.

One night 18 years ago, due to the carelessness of the servants, the window in the corridor on the third floor was left closed, the wind blew the candlestick by the window over, sparks splashed on the curtains, and then things got out of hand. By the time everyone reacted, the fire was already raging.

Since most of the servants lived on the first floor, they escaped quickly, but the third floor was the hardest-hit area, and it had been burnt beyond recognition.

In the end, only the two sons of the old earl were saved.

The old earl and his wife died in the fire, and the title of earl was inherited by their eldest son.

Then, the youngest son of the old earl was lost due to an accident. Since then, the old earl's family has become the talk of some people in the society.

As for this case, in the end, only a few servants who were working at that time were disposed of, and then the case was closed.

Lu Ning read it word by word, and after reading the entire chapter, he didn't see the butler appear.

She couldn't help laughing: "It's too casual for this case to end!"

The boy took the newspaper, looked at it, and said casually, "Whatever? It's okay, the evidence is complete!"

Lu Ning leaned back on the chair and replied, "I just think it's a bit casual to wait until the fire can't be contained. Besides, aren't there servants patrolling the castle at night?"

The boy shook his head: "I'm not sure."

Lu Ning sighed, but after thinking about it, she was not without gains.

At least he knew that the person the housekeeper had a crush on was the old countess.

I just don't know if the current earl knows about it.

And... Lu Ning looked at the boy beside her who was meditating with her, she thought for a while, and suddenly asked him: "Why did you choose to enter the church?"

The boy was taken aback by the question, his round eyes widened, and then he said with a matter of course: "I have lived in the church since I was a child! I have been exposed to these things since I was a child, so I naturally worked in the church when I grew up."

Lu Ning continued to ask him: "Lived in a church since childhood? Don't you have parents?"

The boy shook his head: "No, I was adopted by my godfather since I was a child, and I haven't met my parents."

Seeing the loneliness on the boy's face, Lu Ning handed him a glass of water embarrassingly.

Oops, I poked someone's wound.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first." The boy stood up and carefully packed the newspaper.

Lu Ning also stood up: "Please run for a while."

The boy waved his hand and said casually, "No trouble, I'm leaving."

Lu Ning opened the door and watched the boy leave, and closed the door until he could no longer see his back.

Back in the room, she took out her notebook and wrote down the information she just got.

While combing and recording, it soon became late at night.

Lu Ning checked the doors and windows, and then checked the white cloth covering the patterns. After everything was checked and there was no problem, he lay down on the bed.

Since he walked a lot during the day, Lu Ning slept very soundly this night.

In the middle of the night, she vaguely heard some voices coming from outside, but because she slept so deeply, she thought she was dreaming, so she ignored it.

She didn't know until the next day that another person died last night.

(End of this chapter)

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