Cannon fodder suddenly took the heroine script

Chapter 211 This world belongs to me, and no one can take it away

Chapter 211 This world belongs to me, and no one can take it away

The emperor was still the same, lying sickly on the bed, as if he could swallow his breath at any time.

But Guan Hong knew it would be impossible, so he found the best doctor for him to be on call at any time to ensure that he could live longer.

However, this time, he didn't want to look at a comatose emperor.

Guan Hong called a doctor and woke the emperor up.

In fact, the emperor woke up when he entered the door, but he didn't want to see him, so he didn't open his eyes.

Now that he was forced to wake up by the doctor, he didn't hide anymore, and looked at him with heavy eyes.

Guan Hong raised his hand and sent out those who didn't want to do it.

The emperor noticed his movements, not only did not shout, but also smiled in relief.

"You've grown up!"

This is a very kind and filial saying.

At the very least, Guan Hong thought that such words would not happen to their father and son.

But miraculously, this incident happened to their father and son.

He smiled for no reason, "I heard that you want me to be the emperor, to take your place?"

The emperor laughed when he heard the words, "You really cooperated with the empress, didn't I help you fulfill your wish? Why didn't you seize this opportunity to take the opportunity to ascend the throne?"

A cruel smile appeared on Guan Hong's face, "You won't forget my identity, will you? Foreigner! Tell me, how many of the ministers in your hands will surrender to me?"

A weak smile appeared on the emperor's face, "You underestimate yourself too much. I believe you can manipulate them. I have always been very relieved of you."

"Oh, is that so? I thought the person you trusted the most was Guan Du? He's the crown prince you personally selected, isn't he?"


The emperor wondered: "So, are you jealous of him? Hahaha, so my son still has such a child!"

The emperor sighed and said casually: "He is just a stepping stone I prepared for you, it's a pity you didn't follow the route I set for you.

However, it doesn't matter, you are still on the road of being hostile to me, I am very relieved, my son, you are doing well. "

Guan Hong felt that he was ill, and it was not serious.

Such a father who would rather die for his son to grow up, not to mention that he has never imagined it, even if he really met him, he would not believe it at all.

But the emperor didn't seem to know this, and whispered a lot of arrangements for him in the future, as if he was his daughter who had gone through so much trouble.

But Guan Hong clearly remembered his childhood experience, he had no choice but to compare the warm and amiable man in front of him with the indifferent man in his childhood.

Perhaps his reaction was too indifferent, the emperor's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally reached the point where it was almost inaudible.

Guan Hong straightened up and looked at him without saying a word.

In the end, this space became completely silent, and the time passed was extremely long.

Like the imprint of time emanating from the long corridor, dull and dead.

After a long time, Guan Hong heard him speak again:
"I will not give this throne to anyone else. I have already written the imperial edict, which is in the black box in the study, and you can see it at a glance.

Don't worry, I have already greeted those ministers.When you go out, go to Qin Tianjian's supervisor Qiuming, and he will try his best to ensure that you ascend to the throne.

As for the future, it's up to you. Remember, this world belongs to me, and no one can take it away. "

After finishing speaking, the emperor closed his eyes heavily and never opened them again.

(End of this chapter)

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