Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 298: Chance to recover the Demon King from serious injury

Chapter 300 Chance to recover the Demon King from serious injury

The devil knew very well that if he persisted, he would definitely die. He chanted a spell and the broken flower basket returned to its original appearance.

Then the devil got into the flower basket and disappeared. When other believers saw this, they also turned into dark clouds and fled.

When she saw the devil put the flower basket on the ground, Lin Sisi realized that this guy was going to run away, so she moved towards this side as quickly as possible.

But it was already too late. When she arrived at the flower basket, not only did the devil disappear, but the flower basket gradually shrank and finally disappeared.

After confirming that the devil and his followers had escaped, Lin Sisi sat down on the ground and began to rest.

This battle was fought outnumbered and under extremely unfavorable circumstances, even though he was well prepared.

The enemy is full of tricks.Lin Sisi's spirit was in a highly tense state, and her mental energy was rapidly consumed. Now that she relaxed, she felt like she had a terrible headache.

Lin Sisi knew very well that she could not stay here for too long. After resting for 10 minutes, she set off immediately, relying on her last bit of clear consciousness.

Lin Sisi left the place of origin. As soon as she left the strange aura, Lin Sisi felt a lot of power pouring into herself.

Lin Sisi felt a little more comfortable, and when she saw her best friend Zhao Wuxia, Lin Sisi relaxed.

After sending Gu Zhaoyuan and others to a safe place, Zhao Wuxia returned to the edge and waited where Lin Sisi entered.

Now that she saw Lin Sisi coming, she was naturally very happy. When Lin Sisi saw Zhao Wuxia, she smiled and fainted.

This was a bolt from the blue for Zhao Wuxia. She thought Lin Sisi was dead, so she hugged Lin Sisi and cried.

Lin Sisi was shaken awake by Zhao Wuxia and said weakly.

"Auntie, I am overworked, not dead. Why are you crying here? Why don't you take me home quickly?"

Seeing that Lin Sisi was not dead, Zhao Wuxia helped wipe away his tears, carried Lin Sisi into the car, and drove away at high speed.

On the other side, the devil led these believers to another gathering place.

This location is underground. There are multiple barriers on the ground. There is a lot of food underground. It is a very important stronghold for them, if the castle had not been destroyed before.

The Demon King will not come here, and he can't care much about it now. After the Demon King landed, he waited for almost a minute, and the believers had already rushed over.

The first group to land were Gao Wusheng and the others. Looking at Gao Wusheng, the Demon King smiled and didn't say a word.

Suddenly the Demon King spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then fainted. Gao Wusheng and others hurriedly supported him, and then carried the Demon King to the bed. At first, everyone thought that the Demon King had exerted too much force.

Therefore, he kept giving his energy to the devil, thinking that the devil would wake up in 3 minutes.

But 10 minutes passed, and the Demon King still showed no intention of waking up. Gao Wusheng and the other elders frowned.

After finally rescuing the Demon King, if he had been sleeping, wouldn't all the years of planning have been in vain?

After careful inspection, everyone found that the Demon King was not injured. Gao Wusheng suddenly thought of something at this time, and he told everyone.

“If I’m not wrong, the Demon King’s core energy was damaged and he fell into a deep sleep.

If you want him to wake up, you must catch a large number of spiritual bodies for him to absorb. "These believers' eyes lit up after hearing Gao Wusheng's statement. For them, whether it is killing people or catching spirits, it is not a problem. Gao Wusheng also made a rough estimate, and it would take almost three thousand. It is not easy to capture so many spirits in one fell swoop.

Gao Wusheng suggested a way, which was to intercept and kill them on Huangquan Road.

This is an extremely risky matter, and it is likely to anger Lin Sisi, causing Lin Sisi and the forces in the underworld to spare no effort to track them.

When the devil doesn't wake up and Lin Sisi finds them, they will be in despair, but no one has a better way.

Several elders finally decided to let Gao Wusheng lead the team and do this in person. Although the risk was high, Gao Wusheng knew one thing very well.

If he could succeed, he would definitely be promoted after the Demon King woke up, so he agreed without hesitation.

Gao Wusheng then selected those believers who had only suffered minor injuries, and it took almost half an hour to gather twenty people.

Although the number of people is a bit unsatisfactory, this is the best combination at present.

On the way, a believer's suggestion changed Gao Wusheng's mind. He suggested to Gao Wusheng that he might as well go to the mountains to set up formations.

Then choose some things that the spiritual energy likes to eat, and burn a large number of ingots to attract those spiritual bodies and trap them behind the formation.

Catch all these guys calmly. From the perspective of the believers, the risk will be much lower.

Moreover, if they attack Huangquan Road, they will probably hit Lin Sisi, and then they will not be able to go back.

After careful consideration, Gao Wusheng thought that the previous plan was indeed a bit impulsive.

This plan was slower than the attack on Huangquan Road, but more reliable. He praised the cultist.

"You are right. When you are weak, you need to use some resourcefulness, so let's do it this way."

The plan was quite good, but they immediately faced a problem, that is, no money. This time everyone came to the birthplace without bringing a lot of money with them.

When they left the gathering place, no one took any cash with them, and if they went back now, it would take a lot of time to go back and forth.

Gao Wusheng finally made up his mind to use magic to control ordinary people and let them take half of the money from their bank accounts and give it to him.

In this way, even if those ordinary people are awake, they can only admit that they are unlucky and will not call the police or cause an uproar.

It would not attract Lin Sisi's attention. Gao Wusheng's thoughts, and the believers immediately began to flatter him, and everyone could see clearly.

Gao Wusheng is a person whom the Demon King focuses on promoting and training, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future. If he flatters and builds a good relationship at this time, he may be able to follow suit in the future.

Gao Wusheng was happy in his heart, but on the surface he was very serious, asking everyone not to flatter him, but to think carefully about the plan.

Just in case in the end, due to a small flaw, the entire plan will be wasted.

At this time, Lin Sisi had been put on the bed by Zhao Wuxia.

But Zhao Wuxia was still very worried inside.

Ever since Lin Sisi said those few words, she fell into a deep sleep and never woke up.

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