Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 283 Evil Mage Paper Man Blackwater

Chapter 285 Evil Mage Paper Man Black Water

Because the captain's actions were very inconvenient when he was handcuffed to Lin Sisi, the captain prepared to open the handcuffs, but Lin Sisi refused.

There is now a law enforcement recorder. If it is unlocked, the captain will violate the regulations first, and he will not be able to achieve his previous purpose.

In order to sneak in smoothly, Lin Sisi grabbed the captain and jumped directly over the wall. The captain was a little unaccustomed to this flying feeling.

When he landed on the ground, he almost sat on the ground, and Lin Sisi was already used to it. After the captain was ready, she and other team members quietly approached.

The conversation in the room continued, and everyone thought that their lurking was very successful, but when the police officers came under the window and looked inside.

But she found that there was no one inside, but the voice was louder. At this time, Lin Sisi was the one who reacted fastest. She knew that she had fallen into the opponent's trap.

The young people from before appeared outside the police encirclement, including other people, and they launched a counter-encirclement against the police.

Everyone is holding a paper man in his hand. This paper man is very lifelike and looks very impressive.

However, the police were not afraid. Everyone issued warnings to these people, but they turned a blind eye.

At the same time, he laughed mockingly at the police and kept approaching them. At this time, Lin Sisi asked everyone to retreat quickly.

She and the captain came to the front, and then waved their hands gently, emitting a golden light, which formed a circle.

After protecting the police and Lin Sisi herself, those people tried to get closer, but were stabbed by the golden light and retreated one after another.

The leading young man did not panic when he saw this situation. He put his paper man on the ground and slowly chanted the spell. The paper man slowly grew in size, and in the end it turned into a giant more than two meters tall. .

Under the command of the young man, the paper man opened his mouth and spit out a lot of black water. The black water was very smelly, and there was a sharp scream in the black water.

These shouts only lasted for 30 seconds, and all the surrounding police officers fainted. The captain was relatively close to Lin Sisi.

Protected by her energy, she was just dizzy. Seeing this, Lin Sisi asked the captain to quickly remove the cuffs.

Then Lin Sisi took the handcuffs into her own hands, chanted a spell, blessed the handcuffs, and then touched them gently.

The handcuffs made a crisp sound after the collision, and at the same time produced a huge vibration on the ground. The captain felt that his head no longer hurt, but painful groans came from the black water.

Including the paper figures on the ground, they kept shaking. When the young man saw this, he laughed ferociously. He kept nodding and praising Lin Sisi.

"A ghost is a ghost after all. It is not something that ordinary mages can compare to. If it had been anyone else, he would have fainted by now."

While the other party was talking, he stepped up his attack. The black water was so powerful that it actually broke through the circle drawn by Lin Sisi, which shocked Lin Sisi.

You must know that this is serious fairy energy, and the other party can actually destroy it, which shows how evil this black water is.

Lin Sisi cast two spells in one breath, but they both fell into disarray without making any sound, and the black water continued to shrink the encirclement.

Suddenly a huge fireball fell from the sky and hit the black water. The black water evaporated instantly and a lot of white gas came out. Lin Sisi looked up.

She was overjoyed to find that it was Zhao Wuxia who came. At the same time, the flame also reminded Lin Sisi, and she immediately mobilized the power of fire.

Huge flames soared into the sky, evaporating the black water in the blink of an eye, and then turned into fire dragons and rushed towards the paper figures.

The leading young man saw that something was not going well and was about to run away, but Zhao Wuxia had already blocked his way, waiting for him to react.She launched an attack. She hated this guy so much that she had to arrest him. However, this young man was young but had very powerful magic. Seeing that she had no way to escape.

He dodged Zhao Wuxia's attack.

While taking out a rabbit from his treasure bag, he held the rabbit in his hand and chanted a spell. In the blink of an eye, the rabbit turned into a pool of blood.

Seeing that his spell was successful, the young man suddenly used a few big moves, forcing Old Zhao to retreat, and then jumped into the snow water and disappeared.

As fast as a person diving into the water.

When Lin Sisi and Zhao Wuxia arrived, this guy had completely disappeared.

This was the first time Lin Sisi had seen this method of escaping, which made Lin Sisi frown. Now the enemies were becoming more and more powerful.

The spells used are becoming more and more ancient and evil. Unlike the enemies I encountered before, I can easily crush them.

"It seems there will be more and more trouble."

Helpless Lin Sisi said such a sentence, but Lin Sisi did not indulge in negative emotions, but immediately called the police to rescue her.

Three minutes later, they all woke up. At this time, Lin Sisi came to Zhao Wuxia and asked her why she was in this place.

Zhao Wuxia said that after Lin Sisi was taken away, she had been worried that those evil guys would cause trouble in the police station.

After following him to the manor, he saw the evil black water and burst into flames out of desperation.

After listening to the story, the two people laughed happily.

At this time, the captain came over, hoping that Lin Sisi and Zhao Wuxia could return to the bureau and record a confession. As for whether Lin Sisi could regain her freedom.

It depends on the decision within the bureau, and Lin Sisi said she would definitely cooperate.

Soon everyone returned to the police station. Fortunately, they also caught some other members, including the girl who looked very much like Lin Sisi.

The girl confessed that she had been trained by the other party, and her daily job was to watch Lin Sisi's videos and learn her manners.

Those people also forced her to learn magic, but the police came too suddenly today and she was less courageous, so she didn't use it.

After hearing this confession, the captain also had lingering fears. If the girl was brave enough to use magic at that time.

I'm afraid many police officers will be injured.

The captain, who was still frightened, reported what happened to the director. Now the chain of evidence was complete, and Lin Sisi had no problems.

The director immediately made the decision to release Lin Sisi and published an official announcement online, explaining clearly the cause and effect of the matter.

Zhao Wuxia was naturally very happy that Lin Sisi's grievances were redressed and things went so smoothly, but she found that Lin Sisi was worried.

But now that he was still in the police station, Zhao Wuxia didn't ask any more questions. This was not the place to talk.

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