Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 239 Supernatural Ability

Chapter 241 Supernatural Ability
Lin Sisi stood in the warehouse, the wounds on her body gradually stopped bleeding, her eyes were still firm.

The leader looked at her with a sinister smile on his face.

"Do you think you can stop us?" the leader sneered.

Lin Sisi responded unwaveringly: "No matter what, I will not allow your evil plan to succeed."

Then, she unleashed her supernatural powers again, and a powerful wave of energy swept through, overturning the items in the warehouse and forcing the leader to retreat.

The leader did not show weakness. He gathered more dark power to compete with Lin Sisi's energy.

Their battle became more intense, and the energy fluctuated, making the onlookers feel thrilling.

The light in the warehouse was dim, with only the energy exchange between the two supernatural beings illuminating the entire space.

This is a decisive battle. The winner will determine the fate of the evil organization, while the loser may pay a heavy price.


Lin Sisi's supernatural abilities and the leader's dark power collided fiercely in the warehouse, creating flickering sparks and fiery shock waves.

The onlookers were stunned and stared at this thrilling battle in disbelief.

The leader's smile gradually disappeared, and he felt Lin Sisi's unusual strength.

He knew that this supernatural being should not be underestimated.

He has to go all out to try and defeat her, otherwise his evil plan will fail completely.

Lin Sisi's whole body was filled with energy, and her eyes were firm.

Her supernatural abilities become more and more powerful, as if they have gathered the power of the entire universe.

She knew that she couldn't lose, she had to defend the city and protect innocent people.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise and the roof of the warehouse began to collapse, sending dust and debris flying everywhere.

Lin Sisi and the leader were knocked away and fell in the ruins not far away.

Onlookers fled the scene and looked for safe places to hide.

The fighting inside the warehouse has caused massive destruction and the entire city has been plunged into panic.

Lin Sisi and the leader slowly got up. Their bodies were seriously injured, but their will was firm.

They know that this decisive battle is not over yet, and the key to victory still lies in who can persist to the end.

The two sides clashed again, determined to decide the winner.

In the ruins, Lin Sisi and the leader started a more intense fight.

Their supernatural abilities continue to collide, releasing powerful energy fluctuations and involving the surrounding ruins into the battle.

Lin Sisi could feel that the fate of the city hung on a thread, and she devoted herself to the battle.

Her power seems to have no limit, and every swing is like a force that destroys everything.

Not to be outdone, the leader released dark energy in an attempt to suppress Lin Sisi.

The two flew intertwined in the air, forming a spectacular picture, like a mythical battle.

Onlookers witnessed the scene in shock and awe.They understand that this battle will determine the fate of their city, and no one can stay out.

As time passed, Lin Sisi gradually gained the upper hand.Her determination and strength exceeded her leader's expectations.

Finally, she knocks the leader to the ground with a powerful blast of energy.

The leader lay limp on the ground, his dark power dissipated and no longer a threat to the city.

Lin Sisi stood in front of him, her eyes firm, she had won.The people in the city cheered, they were saved.Lin Sisi's victory symbolizes the victory of justice over evil, and the city will regain peace and tranquility.

Lin Sisi turned and left the ruins. She knew that although the battle was won, her work was not over yet.

She will continue to defend the city and protect those innocent lives until the very end.

When Lin Sisi realized that the evil organization might not give up, she began to be more vigilant.

She knew that they must be plotting a terrible revenge, and she must do everything in her power to stop them.

Lin Sisi's team has also become closer. They are looking for possible clues every day, trying to understand the evil organization's new plan.

However, the evil organization has become more and more secretive, and their members are so perfectly disguised that they are difficult to detect.

At the same time, the evil organization began to collect intelligence about Lin Sisi.They delve into her past, trying to find her weak spots.

Lin Sisi's childhood, family, and friends, everything became the object of their investigation.

They sent spies deep into her social circle to try to get more information.

They began gathering intelligence and looking for her weak points.

On a quiet night, Lin Sisi and her team were discussing the latest intelligence in the headquarters. Suddenly, an emergency alarm sounded.

The name of a hospital is displayed on the screen. It is reported that members of an evil organization are causing chaos in the hospital and hostages are trapped.

Lin Sisi hurriedly organized a team, they put on special equipment and rushed to the hospital.

Unnerved by the nature of the emergency, they had to act quickly to ensure the safety of the hostages.

When they arrived at the hospital, the situation seemed even more chaotic.The lights in the hospital flashed and sirens blared.

Lin Sisi used her supernatural abilities and sensed an abnormal energy, as if someone was manipulating the situation.

Cautiously making their way through the hospital's corridors, they encounter an injured medical staff member who tells them that members of the evil organization are somewhere in the hospital.

Lin Sisi immediately directed the team to the target location.

However, when they arrived at their target location, they found it empty.

Everything seemed unusually quiet and unsettling.Lin Sisi began to wonder if this was a trap, but it was too late to back down.

Suddenly, the hospital lights suddenly went out, plunging the entire building into darkness.Immediately afterwards, the door to the room was locked, trapping the team inside.

Lin Sisi's supernatural perception told her that they had fallen into the trap of the evil organization.

A tense atmosphere filled the darkness as Lin Sisi and her team prepared to face the upcoming challenges.

Members of the evil organization hide in the darkness, waiting for their prey to walk into the trap.

Lin Sisi understood that they had to go all out to get out of this fatal situation.

In the dark hospital, Lin Sisi and her team felt nervous and uneasy.

They know that members of the evil organization are lurking nearby, ready to strike.

Lin Sisi used her supernatural abilities to try to sense the enemy's location, but couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness.

Suddenly, a cold laughter sounded in the darkness, as if it was a mockery from hell.

Then, a beam of light shot down from the top of the hospital, illuminating the entire room.

Lin Sisi and her team found themselves trapped in a huge laboratory.

In the center of the lab, a member of the evil organization stands in front of a console.

He held a seemingly ordinary needle in his hand, but Lin Sisi's keen intuition told her that the needle was filled with deadly venom.

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