Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 232: Solving the Dark Camp Power

Chapter 234: Solving the Dark Camp Power

The guard stopped, his weapon slipping from his hands, and he collapsed to the ground.

Xiaomi and Lin Sisi quickly dragged the guard to one side of the passage to ensure that he would not wake up again.

Then they moved on, looking for the end of the passage.

A huge iron door appeared at the end of the passage, with strange symbols carved on the door.

Lin Sisi tried to unlock the door, but failed.She said: "This door is magically sealed and we need to find a way to unlock it."

Xiaomi nodded, and they returned to the passage to continue looking for possible clues.

Soon they discover a hidden room filled with ancient books and scrolls.

The books appear to contain the secret to unlocking the Iron Gate.

Lin Sisi flipped through the books, looking for information on how to unlock it.

She gradually found clues and began to try to unlock the iron door's seal.

Xiaomi stood by, always alert to prevent anyone from approaching.

She knows that time is of the essence for them, and they must find those senior members as soon as possible and uncover the truth about the evil organization.

Lin Sisi continued to work hard, her fingers moved on the scroll, and the runes gradually unraveled.

Finally, the iron door made a slight click and slowly opened.

The two stood in front of the door, ready to enter the next unknown territory and face more challenges and dangers.

Their determination is even stronger, and they know that only by uncovering the secrets of the evil organization can they completely destroy it.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi walked through the iron gate and entered a darker space.

The space appears to be a vast underground warehouse filled with a variety of items, including weapons, equipment, and strange artifacts.

In a corner of the warehouse, they found a huge stone platform with an ancient statue on it.

The eyes of the statue are shining with mysterious light and seem to have special power.

Lin Sisi stared at the statue, and her intuition told her that this might be the clue they were looking for.

She cautiously walked towards the statue and tried to touch it.When her fingers touched the surface of the statue, a mysterious rune appeared on her hand and then quickly disappeared.

Xiaomi watched all this intently, and she asked: "What happened?"

Lin Sisi frowned slightly and replied: "I feel a strange energy that seems to be guiding us forward. Maybe this is the key to unlocking the iron gate."

They decide to continue following this mysterious energy and see where it leads them.

They walked along the aisles of the warehouse, passing rows of shelves, until they came to a huge underground cave.

There is a dark stream in the cave, with a faint blue light floating on the water.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi followed the light and walked into the depths of the cave.

They feel a mysterious force surrounding them, guiding them forward.

Suddenly, they came to a spacious underground space, where there was a huge stone platform with complex runes and patterns on it.

In the center of the stone platform, there is an ancient scroll, which emits strong energy fluctuations.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi exchanged a look and understood that this scroll might be their answer.

They approached cautiously and tried to unlock the scroll.The scroll emanated a powerful force that tried to stop them, but they continued steadfastly.

The scroll's seal is eventually broken, revealing an ancient prophecy.This prophecy reveals the true purpose of the evil organization and their plans.

It also mentions the names of those senior members and their locations.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi were shocked and angry, they now had enough evidence to reveal the truth about the evil organization.

But they also know that this will be a dangerous battle and they must navigate it carefully to protect themselves and uncover the truth.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi left the underground cave and returned to the team's base with the information in the scroll.

They shared their findings with Xiaojie and the other members, and everyone was shocked.

Xiaojie said: "This is really a huge breakthrough. We now have a powerful tool to expose the truth of the evil organization. But we must also be careful, after all, the opponent is very powerful."

The team decided to create a detailed action plan, and they needed to make sure every step was flawless.

Lin Sisi will use her supernatural abilities to help the team, but she knows the battle will be full of tests.

Over the next few days, the team continued to gather intelligence and located the location of top members of the evil organization.

They also secretly contacted some like-minded people in the hope of getting more support.

Finally, they prepared a decisive move.

Lin Sisi and Xiaomi led the team to a secret base of the evil organization, preparing to expose their conspiracy.

The operation went smoothly, and they successfully broke into the base and made the evidence public.

In the fierce battle in basement B3, the team members tried their best to engage in a life-or-death duel with senior members of the evil organization.

The power of Lin Sisi and other supernatural beings shined during the battle, creating a dazzling light that illuminated the dark basement.

The senior members are extremely powerful and use all kinds of evil spells and technologies to fight against the team.

But Lin Sisi and her team refused to back down. They firmly believed that the power of justice would defeat evil.

Lin Sisi had a fierce duel with the leader of the evil organization.

The leader is a ruthless man with powerful dark powers.

He tried to use dark energy to suppress Lin Sisi, but Lin Sisi did not flinch, and her supernatural abilities gradually suppressed the leader's dark power.

At the same time, other members of the team are also fighting fiercely with the evil organization's men.

Sparks flew and energy blasts shook the entire basement.The sounds of battle echoed in the space, as if announcing a decisive showdown.

In the final stage of the decisive battle, Lin Sisi showed her ultimate strength without reservation and subdued the leader of the evil organization under her supernatural power.

The leader was unable to move in his restraints, and his dark magic could not be unleashed again.This was the turning point of the entire battle.

Other members of the team also performed well, and they each launched fierce confrontations with the evil organization's men.

One by one, members of the evil organization are subdued and no longer pose a threat to the resistance.

Winning this showdown would mean a huge victory for justice, but the team knows they can't take it lightly.

There is still much work to be done to ensure that evil organizations can never again threaten the peace of the world.

In the joy of victory, the team handed over the top leaders of the evil organization to the local law enforcement agencies, and also handed over the subdued subordinates one by one.

The evil organization's plans were completely disrupted and their top members were arrested.

Quietness returned to basement B3, with only the team members standing there, the joy of victory filling their hearts.

After this decisive battle, Lin Sisi and her team were able to prevent a huge disaster and save many innocent lives.

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