Build the underworld from scratch

Chapter 206 The closed stone door!

Chapter 2 The closed stone door!
After some careful study, they discovered that these unusual minerals contained a rare element.

This element is very rare on Earth and is almost exclusively found in this specific region of the Kunlun Mountains.

The characteristics of this element cause it to release a special energy after an earthquake, causing various strange phenomena to occur in mountainous areas.

"If we get rid of this energy, maybe all the weird phenomena will slowly disappear!" Lin Sisi said to everyone.

"Yes, it seems that we are not far from completing the task." Zhang Haoran seemed very optimistic.

Zhao Xinting next to him poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Knowing and being able to do it are two different things. Don't be too happy too early!"

Zhang Haoran felt that he was too disappointed, so he walked away and ignored her.

Further research showed that this special energy is closely related to the geological structure of the mountainous area.

Earthquakes cause underground rock formations to twist and shift, causing elements in these minerals to release energy.

This energy spreads through underground rock formations, affecting various places in the mountainous area, causing strange phenomena such as time distortion, hallucinatory fog, and spatial dislocation.

During the survey by Lin Sisi and his party, they also discovered some ancient underground caves, which seemed to be the sites of ancient rituals in the Kunlun Mountains.

"There are a lot of things marked on this wall. There are paintings on it. It looks like it was marked a long time ago."

Lin Sisi held her hand pad against the wall and took pictures.

"Look, there's something else in here. I wonder if there's something good hidden there?"

"It's like entering a new world again. I've never seen anything in it before!"

In a spacious cave, they found a special stone tablet engraved with ancient texts.

These characters look strange and ancient, completely different from modern Chinese characters.

Lin Sisi guessed that this might be an ancient mountain script that only the residents of Kunlun Mountain could understand.

"I can't understand this text. Can any of us understand it?"

Linguists and archaeologists on the team began to carefully study these ancient texts, trying to restore their meaning.

After a long period of research, they gradually revealed the story told in these words.

These markings and paintings record an ancient ritual, one designed to balance and control special energies.

Ancient mountain dwellers believed that Kunlun Mountain was a sacred place, imbued with mysterious powers and in need of protection through worship and ritual.

The ceremony includes worshiping the mountain gods, dancing, singing, praying, etc., aiming to establish a connection with the mysterious energy in the mountains to maintain harmony and balance in the mountains.

As time goes by, these ancient rituals are gradually lost, causing the special energy in Kunlun Mountain to gradually become uncontrolled, causing various strange phenomena.

It is by simulating these ancient rituals that Lin Sisi's team attempts to re-establish a connection with the special energy in the mountains in order to calm these anomalies.

The air in the cave is filled with an ancient mysterious atmosphere, as if you have traveled to the distant past.

However, they also understand that it is not easy to restore these ancient rituals, which include many mysteries that need to be solved.

In this ancient cave, Lin Sisi's team embarked on an exploration journey full of adventure and challenges in order to unlock the secrets of special energy.

Every step they take will lead to more mysterious and amazing discoveries, and the story will continue to unfold deep in the Kunlun Mountains.

Lin Sisi's team continued to delve deeper into the cave, and they invested a lot of time and energy in trying to restore all aspects of the ancient ritual.They began experimenting with ancient dances and songs, looking for ways to connect with the special energy of the mountains.

Among them, dance is an important part.

They observed the paintings on the cave walls and tried to imitate the dance steps of the ancient inhabitants.Every movement is full of mystery and ritual, as if communicating with the mountain god.

Team members practice these dances and constantly improve them, hoping to accurately restore ancient dance rituals.

At the same time, they also began to learn ancient songs.

The lyrics of these songs are imbued with the mystical beliefs of the mountains, and the singing is thought to evoke special energies.

The team members sang these songs in ancient languages ​​in an attempt to resonate with the mysterious power of the mountains.

"Forget it, the method on this wall may not be right, and it doesn't seem to have any effect. Let's keep looking forward. Maybe we can find a solution as we go forward!" Lin Sisi saw that everyone was a little downcast, so she said Come on, everybody.

In the ancient cave, Lin Sisi's team continued their journey of exploration, trying to unlock the secrets of Kunlun Mountain.

As they walked forward, they discovered that ancient residents had used a special mineral to make ritual ornaments and crafts.

These ornaments seem to have special energy and can interact with the power of the mountain.

Lin Sisi's team decided to study these ornaments in the hope of finding a connection between them and special energies.

Inside the cave, they found well-preserved ancient ritual objects, including a variety of herbs and plants used in rituals.

These herbs have an intoxicating aroma and seem to help trigger the release of special energies.

The team members began to study the properties of these herbs, trying to find their connection with the strange phenomena in the mountains.

They also studied the ritual schedules of the ancient inhabitants and found that at certain dates and points in time.

Special energies in the mountains become more active, and these dates are often associated with natural phenomena and horoscope movements.

Lin Sisi's team conducted painstaking and in-depth research in ancient caves, trying to find out the origin of the special energy and everything related to it.

Deep in the cave, they discovered a huge stone door that seemed to lead to an unknown world.

Netizens are not surprised at all about various doors.

"Every time you pass through a door, you'll come to a new world, but I'm still curious, what does it look like?"

"You have to be extra careful this time. After all, there are dozens of weird things going on at the same time, and the energy is not that great."

"I think it's better to retrace our steps and go back to the laboratory for research. Don't touch anything you're not familiar with. It'll be troublesome if you encounter danger."

"I think it doesn't matter what we say. Based on our previous understanding of him, they will definitely move forward!"


The group of them continued forward without hesitation, walked up to it, and looked at the stone door carefully.

This stone door is engraved with ancient runes and patterns, exuding a mysterious light.

Lin Sisi and her team understand that this door may be the key to the secret behind the special energy.

However, the stone door is tightly closed and there is no obvious way to open it.

They began studying the runes on the door, trying to understand their meaning.

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