The First Beastmaster of the Nine Realms

Chapter 131 Good Attitude and Cold Lotus Pond

Chapter 131 Good Attitude and Cold Lotus Pond

"Nobody... what does that mean?" Shi Qizhen backed away slowly.

She couldn't detect any aura from the beautiful man in front of her, but he didn't attack her either.

He pushed open the door and came out of the house. He had been inside all the time, but only now heard the movement. It seemed that there was a big gap between what Jian Baisan said about the "coming Jindan powerhouse".

Could it be... is this an ordinary person?

But the moment Shi Qizhen raised her head and met his eyes, she found that her dantian suddenly turned upside down, and finally realized that she was wrong.

The aura surged wildly, as if a whale was stirring up waves in her dantian, "You... what are you..."

"Have you finished your work?" The male voice didn't answer any questions, and asked again as if chatting.

The bad premonition in Shi Qizhen's heart became stronger and stronger. She wanted to escape, but found that she could not move.

The handsome man in front of her stood under the moon, looking at her with a smile on her face: "Let's have a chat."

Jian Baisan realized later - he couldn't move his limbs anymore.

And the voice inside spoke too much, and Jian Baisan had already recognized it.

That was... the voice of Leng Lianchi, the young lord of the Zhongqing Sect.

However, for some reason, the voice sounded weak, as if the owner had been injured.

Shi Qizhen is obviously still holding on: "You let me go...!"

She thought it was an ordinary strong man.But if she knew who the person in front of her was, she probably wouldn't speak in such a tone.

"What's your name?"

Shi Qizhen didn't speak, but found that no matter what, she couldn't take a single step: "I...I can't say."

"That's all." Leng Lianchi said gently.

She didn't expect Leng Lianchi to be so talkative, Shi Qizhen was taken aback.

Jian Baisan, who was forced to listen to the corner, was also taken aback.

"Take back what you stole, and let's go."

This sentence is extremely lenient.Even Jian Baisan felt that kindness was too much.

If it were Jian Baisan himself, if he met a thief, besides getting back the things, he would at least break the thief's hand as a punishment.

But Leng Lianchi didn't do anything.

It even sounded like he was in a good mood.

Shi Qizhen took a tentative step and found that she could move.

She quickly lowered her head, took out the stolen things from her gift box, and put them back in the original place.

Jian Baisan also moved his hands and feet, put the ring on the ground, turned around and ran.

I don't know why this bloodthirsty suzerain is going crazy... Could it be that the rumor of "only killing acquaintances" is true?Don't know Shi Qizhen so don't do it?
Then, isn't she, Jian Baisan, the most dangerous here!

It was the first time for Shi Qizhen to meet Leng Lianchi, and it was already the third time for him to meet him!
And when they met for the second time, Leng Lianchi almost killed her!

But I heard Leng Lianchi's voice was a little lower, and it came from a distance, exuding a chilling coldness: "If you don't leave, I'm afraid I can't help but kill you."

...He was in a good mood, but it couldn't cover up his bad temper.

After running two steps, Jian Baisan met Ji Xuexian face to face.

At the same time, a loud sound like a big bell came straight into the small courtyard. The walls of the courtyard covered with fragrant mud were shattered inch by inch, and some of the colorful boxes were crushed into powder. Jian Baisan could take a look. See what's going on inside.

A bell jar glowing with golden light envelops the entire courtyard including the forest of lights.

A tall monk stood tall in mid-air, Jian Baisan raised his head sideways, and could only see a pair of snow-white monk shoes and a scarlet golden cassock: "The old monk Jingshan Temple Xiukong, here to cleanse the sinner Leng Lianchi !"

Jian Baisan saw Leng Lianchi from a distance again through a few clumps of glazed silk.

He was also wearing a cassock, which was very similar to the monk's, with large dark blood clots clotted on it.

He said softly, "How dare you come alone?"

"Leng Lianchi, you should know that killing karma and stoma karma will definitely result in retribution."

"That's you damned."

"I can't teach you, Leng Lianchi, saving you back then was a catastrophe for my Buddhist sect!"

And Shi Qizhen stood there in a daze, still not reacting to the name she heard.

Cold... cold lotus pond?

This is the only Yuanying Patriarch in Chuyuanzhou, and he is the strongest person in Chuyuanzhou.

She... Just now, she was saved by this person?
She trembled like she was sifting chaff, and ran out, but in the next second, the old monk Xiukong tilted her head and held her in her hand: "Who are you? Don't go!"

Shi Qizhen kept saying in fear: "Compassionate Nanwu saves the deceased Buddha, compassionate Nanmo saves the deceased Buddha, I, I also believe in the deceased Buddha, longing, longing for the Buddha way... Master..."

Only then did Jian Baisan realize that Xiukong had kept his eyes closed, and he said, "What you said just now is our sect..."

"I swear to God, I won't say it, I won't say it!"

Xiukong didn't move her head, looking at the little Shi Qizhen in her hand, as if she was thinking about something.

"Buddhism is merciful, so I will convert to Buddhism..."

"The benefactor has the roots of wisdom." Xiukong put the person in his hand on the ground.

Shi Qizhen showed a hopeful expression.

"It's time to swear to the Buddha." Xiukong smiled, but the corners of his mouth were raised too much, making it look extraordinarily weird.

"Yes Yes."

Shi Qizhen changed "Tiandao" to "Buddha" and swore the oath again.

But Leng Lianchi lowered his head slightly and stretched out his hand in annoyance.

A blood-red flame flew over, most of it was blocked by the unprepared Xiukong, but one star still stuck to Shi Qizhen's clothes.

It was this star of flame that caused Shi Qizhen to let out a scream in less than a breath, and turned into a pile of ashes, which fell to the ground, and was blown away by the night wind.

"You!" Xiukong's palms became more and more golden, and he chanted scriptures in his mouth. In an instant, his figure doubled, and half of his face was also half. Go: "Leng Lianchi, you killed the disciples of the descended Buddha one day ago, and today you dare to massacre believers in front of the descended Buddha..."

"Interesting, is the upper body of a ghost worthy of being called Advent Buddha?" Leng Lianchi stepped out, and the bell rang "Ding Lingling".

Before Jian Baisan had time to think about what "Descent to the Buddha" was, when he heard the ringing of the bell, he fell into a drowsy dream uncontrollably and fell limply to the ground.

Leng Lianchi's pupils turned lightly in this direction for a moment, and vaguely saw a familiar black figure.

He moved his eyes back again, and moved his fingers.

The six Jixue fairies were smiling and looked down at Jian Baisan before, but after receiving Leng Lianchi's order, they squatted down one by one, covering Jian Baisan's mouth and nose with their snow-white wide sleeves, Lest her exhalation light up the glazed lamp.

But over the small courtyard, strong winds blew up, and the two fell into a fierce fight.

A moment later, Leng Lianchi's hand mercilessly inserted into Xiukong's dantian, and when he pulled it out, he brought out a section of bloody intestines.

And he didn't care.

He put away the cassock on his body, put the cassock on Xiukong's body on his body, and pressed the folds with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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