Seeing others laughing, Liu Wanjun couldn't help but laugh too.

I have to say that with so many grandchildren in the family, Shiro has the best mentality.

Look, he had just been beaten, and he was still lying on the bed. He didn't feel depressed or aggrieved. Instead, he was bragging eloquently.

"Mom! Mom, please open the door, Mi Bao wants to see you!"

However, just when everyone was happy, a choked voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, and saw Mi Bao lying on the door panel of Su Wenxiu's house, slapping his little hands, with a pitiful little face and red eyes.

Liulang stayed by Mibao's side. Seeing that Mibao was about to cry, he hurriedly helped Mibao and shouted, "Auntie, auntie, open the door quickly, Mibao is about to cry."

However, no matter how much the brother and sister shouted, the door of the room was always closed, and Su Wenxiu inside remained silent.

It turned out that Mi Bao had just come down from Su Guang's arms after being carried out of the kitchen house. He originally wanted to see Si Lang and Wu Lang, but he felt relieved when he saw that Si Lang was in a good mood and telling stories as if nothing was wrong.

Mibao thought that he would go and see his mother first without interrupting his fourth brother's storytelling.

Then he ran to Su Wenxiu's house.

As soon as I pushed it, I didn't expect that the door was locked from the inside.

Mibao tried to call the door twice, but there was no response from inside.

Recalling the way Su Wenxiu turned around and left just now, she realized that her mother might be angry.

Mibao became anxious.

Rokuro is now only Mibao, his younger sister. He always remembers his brother's identity, so he pays special attention to Mibao, his younger sister, wishing he could become his sister's little tail.

Originally, he was a little disappointed because Mibao and Shiro didn't call him when they went to town, so he naturally paid more attention to Mibao, and became the first person to notice Mibao's behavior.

He looked at the closed door and was also frightened by Su Wenxiu's reaction.

Just now I was glad that my aunt was gentler than my mother and would definitely not hit Mi Bao. I didn't expect that Mi Bao would be beaten or not, but Mi Bao was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing Mi Bao makes me cry. It seems to be similar to beating Mi Bao.

After all, Rokuro was still young, so he thought a lot vaguely, and finally decided to help Mibao call the door together.

Facts have proved that calling is useless.

When Su Guang saw Mi Bao like this, he immediately felt distressed and couldn't help but mutter, "What's going on with Xiu Xiu? How could you do this to Mi Bao?"

With that said, he planned to go there.

Liu Wanjun reached out and grabbed Su Guang's arm.

"Wanjun?" Su Guang was puzzled.

Liu Wanjun looked over and said, "It only happened in three ways. The first time was to encourage Liu Lang to run up the mountain, and the second time was to follow Shi Lang and the others to sneak into the town to find us. When they came back, they promised us that they would be obedient and would not do it again. He did such a thing, but today he sneaked into town again, and did more things than before..."

"It's time to give Mi Bao a long memory."

After hearing this, Su Guang was still a little reluctant to let go.

But Liu Wanjun's face darkened, and he did not dare to say anything more.

Su Shan and Wu Yuniang, on the other hand, still don't know what Mi Bao and the others did when they sneaked into the town, so they can't bear it at the moment. After all, Mi Bao is not yet four years old.

Wu Yuniang was able to punish the stinky boy she gave birth to with a stick and a stick, but she was not so cruel to a well-behaved little girl like Mi Bao.

She couldn't help but plead to Mibao, "Mom, Mibao is still young."

"The three of them were able. When they arrived in the town, they went to the gambling shop where Zhong Xiong worked. They asked Xiao Huang to find a group of stray dogs and chewed up the lives of Zhong Xiong and Zhao Changan."

Liu Wanjun directly told what Shiro and the others had done.

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of Su Shan and Wu Yuniang changed.

Dalang is an older child after all, so he naturally knows what the lifeblood refers to, and subconsciously closed his legs.

No, Shiro and the others went to the town to cause such a big thing?
He subconsciously turned around and searched the yard, trying to find Shan Ye.

Ono said that the guard named Cheng Er was following Mibao and the others to protect him. He wanted to ask if these were true?

However, there was no sign of Shan Ye at all in the yard.

Dalang couldn't help but murmur in his heart, where did Xiaoye go?It was still in the yard before.

However, Aiyama's eyes were also scanning the yard.

He's not looking for people, he's looking for sticks.

Seeing a stick by the door of the stove, Sushan walked over and took it in his hand.

Su Guang asked hurriedly, "Da Shan, what are you doing?"

Su Shan said, "You brat, I didn't know he did such a thing with his siblings before. If the beating is light, I have to beat him again!"

Su Guang hurriedly stepped forward and stopped him, "Okay, I got beaten twice yesterday and today. You don't have to worry about being beaten again!"

"Dad, that kid is too courageous! If I don't beat him, I'm really worried that he will cause some big trouble in the future!" Su Shan and Su Guang started pushing and shoving.

"Then you have to be measured. He's not even nine years old yet. He's really good at beating him up. Besides, if he was afraid of being beaten by you, would he still do what he did today?"

"Dad, that's because the beating wasn't hard enough!"

Wu Yuniang also came back to her senses now.

She was really at a loss for Shiro, so she could only turn to her mother-in-law for help, "Mom! I really don't know how to teach this kid, Shiro!"

He actually did such a thing!

Liu Wanjun couldn't help but sigh when she thought about what Shiro had done.

Although what I was doing was very relaxing, I still had lingering fears when I thought that if something went wrong and Zhong Xiong and the others knew that it was the three brothers and sisters who were behind it.


Liu Wanjun shouted to stop the father and son who were still holding their own opinions, and said, "The beating has already been completed, and it would be pointless to fight again now! Why didn't you ask the ins and outs first before beating?"



Along with Sushan's voice, there was also Mibao's milky cry.

She opened her arms and cried towards Liu Wanjun, hugged her legs, and choked with sobs, "Grandma, what should I do? Mom is ignoring me? Grandma, mother must be angry with me, what should I do, Mi Bao? Fear!"

Mi Bao has lost his father since he was born, and his life in the Zhao family was difficult. Although Su Wenxiu was bedridden for a long time and could not take care of Mi Bao too much, for Mi Bao, her existence is Mi Bao. spiritual dependence.

It can be said that the mother and daughter live in the Zhao family dependent on each other.

Later, the mother and daughter returned to the Su family, and their lives became easier.

Although Mi Bao is much more cheerful and lively than before at the Zhao family, playing here and there with his brothers all day long, he is still a child and is attached to his mother. Every night when he lies in bed with Su Wenxiu, he must He talks small talk for a long time, and I wish he could tell all the trivial details of the day.

Su Wenxiu has always been gentle and patient with her.

This was the first time Su Wenxiu was so angry.

Mibao was panicked.

She didn't think there was any point in sneaking away to town with her brothers to settle accounts with Zhong Xiong and the others. She just felt that her mother was afraid and wanted to help her vent her anger.

I thought my mother would be happy if I told her this when I came back.

Unexpectedly, my mother ignored me.This unexpected situation made Mi Bao subconsciously feel that he must have done something wrong!

Su Wenxiu reached out and touched Mibao's head, "Has Mibao ever thought about why your mother ignores you?"

Mibao shook his head, "Mibao doesn't know, but Mibao knows that he is wrong. Grandma, can you help Mibao speak and ask mother not to ignore Mibao?"

As a result, not only the dispute between Su Guang and Su Shan could not go on, but Erlang Sanlang who was in the room also came out when he heard Mi Bao's cry.

Everyone felt heartbroken when they saw Mi Bao's appearance.

When Liulang saw Mibao crying so sadly, he became anxious and kept beating the door, "Auntie, auntie, please open the door quickly. Mibao is crying so sadly. I'll apologize for Mibao, don't be angry. Got it!"

Shiro's voice came from the west room, "Auntie, I was the one who instigated Mibao to go to town. If you want to blame, blame me. Don't be angry with Mibao!"

Wu Lang also echoed, "And me. Auntie, it's none of Mi Bao's business. Otherwise, you can beat us again!"

"Auntie, if you're angry, just beat Xiao Wu again!"

Wulang, who was lying on the bed, was shocked. He looked at Shiro, who was also lying next to him, and asked, "Fourth brother, how can you let my aunt just hit me? Shouldn't you be together?"

Shiro rolled his eyes, "Didn't you ask for a beating yourself? I'm not as stupid as you to ask for a beating. Also, brat, don't ask me for a beating in the future. I've been beaten enough." too much!"

Goro, "..."

He is now beginning to doubt how sincere the fourth brother was when he took the responsibility just now!

Dalang and the three of them also went over and knocked on the door.

However, no matter what these nephews said, Su Wenxiu would not open the door.

There was no reaction at all.

The men had no choice but to look at Su Shan and Wu Yuniang.

The two looked at each other, and finally looked at Su Guang and Liu Wanjun respectively.

Su Guang snatched the stick from Su Shan's hand, walked quickly to Su Wenxiu's door, and patted the door panel, "Xiuxiu, open the door. Dad will talk to you."

"Dad. I won't see Mi Bao until she realizes what she did wrong." There was finally a reply in the room, but what he said was heart-wrenching.

Su Guang said anxiously, "Oh, what are you talking about? Mi Bao is just over three years old. She doesn't understand many things and needs us adults to teach her slowly. Don't say anything and let her reflect on her own. Think about it, then you have to think of when, you won’t have something like this!”

"Don't worry, Dad, that kid is very smart. He will figure it out."

Su Guang was so anxious that he almost got angry, "Xiuxiu, don't tell me, you taught Mi Bao this way before!"

There was silence again.

Su Guang waited for a while and saw that no one was talking inside, so he walked towards Mi Bao again.

Mi Bao was still holding Liu Wanjun's legs, but instead of crying, she shed tears and watched Su Guang knocking on the door helplessly.

Seeing that Su Guang was back, Mi Bao grinned in grievance and looked about to cry again.

"Grandpa, Mibao knows that I was wrong. I shouldn't have sneaked into town and let the dogs bully that bear and my uncle!"

Mibao burped and said loudly, "Mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't..."

I said the reflections I had made again very seriously.

After he finished speaking, he kept crying and burping as if he couldn't stop.

Su Guang felt more and more distressed, and hurriedly held Mi Bao in his arms, coaxing her gently and stroking her back, trying to calm Mi Bao's emotions.

After coaxing him for a while, he turned to look at Liu Wanjun and said, "We all know Xiuxiu's temper. She looks soft and weak. Once she gets stubborn, it's really...Wanjun, if you don't want our precious granddaughter to cry, I fainted, please help me quickly."

Su Guang was speechless. Before he found the three brothers and sisters, he was anxious and angry. He thought he had found him, and at most he would be beaten and scolded if he needed to be beaten. Anyway, the little boy had to be dealt with, but it was easy to deal with him. Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned out to be... To deal with my daughter and granddaughter.

Liu Wanjun remained calm and silent.

Seeing that Su Wenxiu's door never opened, Mi Bao cried even more sadly. His cries were accompanied by hiccups, and he looked like he couldn't breathe.


Su Guang was horrified, and Wu Yuniang, Su Shan and others also gathered around.

I'm just afraid that something will happen to the child if he doesn't catch his breath.

"Wang! Wang Wang!"

At this time, Xiao Huang, who had finally calmed down in the yard, started barking again.

This time the barking was a bit restless, and it kept circling around Su Guang's feet, looking anxious.

However, the problem was not only that Xiao Huang brayed, but the donkey in the shed also brayed and tugged restlessly on the rope around his body.

Dalang noticed it and hurried over to stop the donkey.

"Hey, did you hear anything?"

Erlang asked suddenly.

Sanlang listened carefully and said, "Well, there seems to be a sound."

"What's that sound?"

Erlang muttered.

Su Guang and the other adults didn't pay attention at first, but after Erlang Sanlang reminded them, they paid attention now and heard it.

Well, it sounds like a duck.

Not only ducks, but also chickens seem to be crowing.

No, no, no, there are geese...

Wait, why do you still hear the cow braying? !

The more the Su family listened, the more they felt that the sounds were mixed, and the more they listened, the more they felt that the sounds were getting louder, and that something was not quite right.

"What's the noise? It's so noisy."

Shiro, who was lying on the bed, walked out of the west room in a weird posture, stood at the door and looked out.

Seeing this, his eyes widened!

He raised his hand and pointed outside the courtyard door, "Oh my God, what kind of battle is that?!"

At this time, Su Guang and the others also noticed the situation outside the yard one after another, and everyone had the same expression as Shiro on their faces.

"Oh mother!"

Liulang was so frightened that he no longer stayed at the door of Su Wenxiu's house. He crazily rushed toward Su Shan with his two short, trembling legs.

"Dad! Daddy! Hug me!"

Sushan looked at Rokuro who ran to his legs and hugged his legs tightly. He raised his head again, glanced at the formation coming towards his side, and opened his mouth slightly.

"Chickens, ducks, geese, cattle and sheep..."

Shiro checked it carefully, his lips trembled.

Outside the courtyard gate, I saw groups of chickens, ducks and geese chasing each other and rushing towards my home. Behind them, there were several sheep and several cows...

Look carefully, there are several birds hanging on the cow's head...

The dust was flying, the livestock were ferocious, and some people thought some army was about to attack the city...

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