Snow plus white is a perfect match!The fairy air is fluttering, and it coincides with the wind and snow falling in the peak, and the heroic posture of dancing the sword is unique in the sky.

"Let's go, go west, find a place where we can live, and we will continue on our way when we meditate until the sun rises."

Not long after Jiang Su broke through, she still needs to meditate and cultivate to stabilize her cultivation. Now she reckons that her alchemy will be a batch of drifters.

She hasn't tested for a while, how the monks of Yuanying's own spiritual power will control the spiritual materials when they are refining alchemy.

One is the degree of subtle control, and the other is the maximum of spiritual power.These still need to be discussed after her Nascent Soul stabilizes, and it can only delay the alchemy plan for a few days.

The atmosphere in the city where Fang Zhe landed was somewhat bleak, but it was not like an ordinary autumn day in the world.In other words, something unusually quiet and desolate.

Jiang Su thought he had a good footstep, and walked slowly for dozens of feet after landing, but he didn't hear the sound of any living things around him.

"Where is this place? There are so few people? Fang Zhe, you must have stopped in some empty city..."

"No, there is no war near the sea, how can there be a desolate and empty city? Even Li Can, the lunatic in the Central Capital, would not even think about taking down the town behind the fairy mountain in the Southern Territory."

In the terrain of the southern region, the fairy mountain of Shifangmen is like the Shanhaiguan in the modern world. For Jingchao, what it can resist is custom culture.

The most remote place outside the fairy mountain is almost a group of idiots and vulgar tribes who use their hands to eat.

Jiang Su supported the arm of the monk in red and walked step by step on the flat stone ground.

"Tap ~ tap ~ tap ~"

At an unknown moment, there suddenly appeared a sound like water droplets dripping, accompanied by an inexplicable hot wind.

"??? What is this..."


The thick drum sounded suddenly, accompanied by the tinkling of copper bells from far to near.The extent of the hot wind blowing over the girl's sleeves gradually increased, and Jiang Su's slender arms were blown out from bottom to top by the wind. She didn't stop, and continued to bend forward with Fang.

"Blowing upwind? Is there a hole in the ground?"

She suddenly raised the corners of her lips, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"It's really interesting, the smell of the sea is blowing hot wind... There is something in this place." She said, stomping on the very flat stone ground under her feet.

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance, overshadowing the first "da da" sound.

At this time, in Fang Zhe's eyes, a group of people walked out from behind this lonely and old house.

These people seem to be local people, and they are basically dressed in the same clothes. They are all surrounded by colorful cloth strips, surrounded by pearls on the sleeves and necks, and small gongs and drums are hung around their waists.

Wearing clam shells and clam beads on the head, colorful stones are wrapped around the neck, and the ribbons around the waist are braided into crooked tassels.

All of them held harpoons neatly in their hands, and they moved as if retreating, walking towards the two monks vigilantly.

Fang Zhe's language ability cannot match the current situation described by Jiang Su.

These people looked different from the "people" he had seen in the past. Their lower bodies were human... their upper bodies were fish heads.

This is a... demon city.

The blind Jiang Su is still working hard to create a model of the weird old city in his own sea of ​​consciousness.She fabricated the setting for this old city to be an old city or an ancient tribe that broke away from the Jing Dynasty in the Middle Earth, and things were buried under the stone bricks, which may be the place where treasures and other artifacts are kept.

She wanted to see the real scene of this place in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"someone is coming?"

"It's not an empty city... Could it be that this is the city after the pandemic..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Su touched Fang's folded arm, and with her fingertips, she wrote on the tender flesh of the man's inner arm: "Is the visitor hostile?"

Judging whether an unknown old city is safe or not depends on how the locals react to outsiders.Jiang Su is actually not worried about his own safety.

Please, who is next to me, crazy knife Fang Zhe, who slaughters all the villain bosses who are full of himself in minutes.

"Don't worry, I trust your judgment."

Jiang Su's voice was soft and soft, like the tone of encouraging his little dog to start learning to say goodbye, but in fact, he wished that he could hold the dog's paw and make it walk upright in the next moment.

After Fang Zhe heard these words, there was a glimmer of light in his empty eyes. On Gu Bo's unhappy face, a pair of thick eyebrows were slightly frowned. If others saw it, they would definitely be able to tell that this person was thinking deeply!
Arms are itchy.

Fang Zhe looked at the "murlocs" who were gradually gathering around him.

There was a hissing sound as the ends of the harpoons in their hands rubbed against the stone bricks, the bells on the harpoons jingled, and the continuous pounding of the ground contained a certain emotion.

These murlocs couldn't keep their left and right eyes on the two people in the middle at the same time, so they shook their heads and walked sideways, trying to surround them.

Jiang Su listened to the sound of beating the ground, and carefully analyzed whether the melody in the sound of beating the ground corresponded to Gongshangjiao Huiyu.She tilted her head slightly, and her brows were also furrowed. Under unknown circumstances, she squeezed her square arm again, with the intention of urging her.

At this time, the "murlocs" suddenly knelt down with their human legs, and there was a continuous sound of "thumping". They threw all their harpoons on the ground with crackling, and the next moment they threw their bodies on the ground and kowtowed to the two of them.


Jiang Su's heart was also pulled to a nervous and exciting frequency with the sound of everyone's kowtow. She could clearly feel her adrenaline soaring, and her arms were almost trembling with excitement.

"Hee hee, kill, you can kill, blood, see blood! They took the initiative!"

"It can't be done, I can't bear it anymore! Let's do it!!! Let's kill!!!"

Jiang Su suddenly pulled out the ancient rusty hatchet from the back of his waist to kill, took a step back, held the knife in one hand, and made a tactic with the other, as if about to shoot an arrow from a bowstring.

Seeing the girl in Tsing Yi suddenly take out a weapon that would glow faintly in the moonlight, the "murlocs" expressed their shock with their bodies - the kowtow speed was even more intense!

Some fish stick their mouths directly to the ground and kiss the ground with their mouths again and again.There are also murlocs similar to monkfish. When the lantern on the top of the head hits the ground, it makes a "clicking sound".

When Jiang Su heard it, hehe, are you starting to cast spells? ! !No, I rushed! ! !When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

The girl in Tsing Yi stepped forward without saying a word, raised her knife, and went straight to the monkfish who was kowtowing.

Seeing this, the murlocs around took a step back and kowtowed more respectfully.

Fang Zhe's words got stuck in his throat, and he didn't know when to say them.In a blink of an eye, Jiang Su cut off the murloc's "long lantern" in the blink of an eye.

"Alright..." the monk in red said suddenly.

Jiang Su replied subconsciously: "I have vision."

wait... what?What is Fang Zhe talking about?
"Fang Zhe, what's good???" Jiang Su was puzzled, she didn't look back, she still closed her eyes to meet the enemy, her blood was hard to cool.

At this moment, the monk in red held the girl's hand that was about to strike the fish's head again, and a low and hoarse voice sounded from the girl's upper part: "Yes... yes."

"What's good?"

"People... ok."

Did I hack wrong?

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