For Lu's words, Lianyi didn't doubt it, and Meng behind him took the salt bag, and they left the edge of the Peacock Clan's clan again.

Xiang didn't stop much all the way, and returned to the tribe in seven days, went directly to the clan leader, explained the situation, and delivered the things in the rattan basket.

The patriarch Dan immediately asked someone to invite the witches in the clan. Only witches can distinguish these things.

After a while, the witch from the peacock family came. She was a beautiful and coquettish female. After listening to Xiang's speech and looking at the things in the basket, she couldn't put it down, especially the peacock-colored linen.

"If Xiang and the others are right, that female should be the recently rumored emissary of the beast god. The shaman of the bear clan said in communication with me that I am sending an invitation to her now, and she should be able to sense it. After that, I can sense it more clearly."

"Okay, then please trouble Wu and invite her and her followers to enter the clan."

Patriarch Dan immediately said that he valued these fresh foods more.

Wu nodded and walked out of the tree house, standing on the platform outside the tree house, chanting words, and because of her actions, a breeze blew up in the surrounding woods, as if conveying her invitation.

Lianyi was looking at the fruit that had been picked suddenly. It was a white fruit the size of a football with a very hard shell. Lianyi was beating on it when the leaves above her head suddenly made a rustling sound.

"It's pretty fast."

Lianyi put down the white fruit in her hand, got up and said to Meng:

"We are now setting off to enter the land of the Peacock tribe, and their witches have sent me an invitation."

Keeping silent is Jin's virtue, he nodded, and went to find Duhe Wei, and the warmth that was resting.

After everyone learned that they could enter the land of the Peacock Clan, they went directly to Lu and walked towards the tribe in a leisurely manner.

When learning that Lianyi was invited by Wu, Lu was not surprised at all, and her attitude became more respectful.

When Lianyi was on the road, he split the ginkgo fruit, and the result was a white powder inside, which was very fine. After tasting it, Lianyi found that it was starchy, and started to develop this new food on the road.

She first mixed the powder with water, kneaded it into a dough, and then covered the dough with a wet cloth. After leaving it for a while, she pressed it lightly, and the dough became fluffier. She asked Dudu to chop a piece of meat, Then add some scallions and ginger to the meat paste, and wrap a pot of meat buns.

After being steamed in a stone pot, the buns become crystal buns, and the meat dumplings inside can be seen clearly.

Lianyi let him taste it fiercely, and ate one in one gulp, before saying after a while:
"It's not poisonous, it can be eaten."

Lianyi had a black line on her head, and said with a hand on her forehead:

"I'm asking about the taste. Of course I know it's not poisonous, and I won't let you eat it if it's poisonous."

Going over alone, he squeezed one and put it in his mouth. After eating it, he said:

"The transparent outer skin is very strong, and the stuffing inside is delicious, suitable for females to eat."

Nuannuan was the last one to try. She was very supportive and ate three of them in one go, saying that the taste was very good.

Lu also tasted one, but she didn't expect that the pink fruit that can be seen everywhere in the peacock land can be eaten like this.

The next day, Green helped to pick some more. This time, Lianyi burned a stone pot of spring water, and poured the milky powder fruit juice that had been melted in warm water into the boiling water, and then kept stirring with a wooden stick. Get up until the water in the whole stone pot becomes viscous.

Then pour the crystal paste in the stone pot into another stone pot with cold spring water and let it cool slowly. During the cooling process, the ripples will be pressed from time to time to determine the degree of cooling. After two hours Completely solidified.

Lianyi took out the solidified crystal powder, cut it into strips, added a little pepper powder with minced ginger, onion and garlic, poured boiling oil, smashed a seasoning fruit, added a little salt, and made a cold crystal powder, She felt good eating it by herself, warm and very flattering, the hot and sour taste suits her appetite very well.

The Peacock Beastman on the side was even more eye-opening. This kind of pink fruit is the best to preserve. As long as the shell of the pink fruit is not broken, it can be stored for at least a whole year. When it is opened again in the second year, the inside The white powder is somewhat yellowish.

Peacocks usually use this kind of powdered fruit to cook into a tasteless paste in the cold season when there is really no food to eat, and persist until hunting in the warm season.

Many cubs came here like this, so that when they grow up, they are very disgusted with this kind of pink fruit, as long as they have something to eat, they will never pick it.

Just such a food, in the hands of the god envoy Lianyi, was eating tricks. Lu felt that there was no need to meet the witch, he could be sure that this was definitely the envoy of the beast god that the witch said.

When the group arrived at the Peacock tribe, their mouths had already been raised. In fact, they ate the same food along the way. Just steamed, fried, fried, and deep-fried meat made flowers. Son, even if it is the most traditional barbecue of the orcs, the taste made by the Ripple Angel is better.

Lianyi met Dan, the patriarch of the peacock tribe, and the beautiful Wu. After the two parties met, Lianyi explained the purpose of coming, and asked Wu to look at the warm body.

"The child was injured before, but after you helped her repair it, she has taken care of herself well during this time. Now the cub in her womb is very healthy, and it should be born safely in the last month of the harvest season."

After hearing Wu's words, Wen Nuan immediately stepped forward to salute and thank him respectfully.

"I'll refill some medicine for you, and if you take it for another three days, there shouldn't be any problems."

After hearing this, Lianyi also thanked Wu Dao.

Patriarch Dan couldn't wait to ask about the new food.

Lianyi didn't talk nonsense, picked up a few important things, and let Nuannuan teach them the rest.

Along the way, Wen Nuan saw that Lianyi made these foods and learned a lot. After her body recovered, she took the initiative to take over the job of cooking. If she didn’t understand, she would ask Lianyi for advice. In the peacock clan, she only needs to move her mouth. It is a very easy task to tell the production steps and then give some pointers.

Nuan immediately nodded in response, and accompanied by Wei, went to teach the females of the peacock tribe how to make new food.

As for the new way to eat pink fruit, Lu has already dictated it to her females, and after they try it successfully, they will spread the word.

"God Ripples, what I'm most interested in is this piece of colored linen, and it's also the unique color of our peacock clan's beast body. We like it very much. I wonder if you can tell us how to do it."

The glamorous witch asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's dyed with a kind of stone"

Lianyi briefly talked about the process of dyeing cloth, and finally said:
"This linen cloth is a bit rough. If it can be made finer, the dyed color will be more beautiful, and it can also be dyed with different colors of cloth. As for the dye, it can be extracted from ore or gorgeous flowers. You need to try it yourself."

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