Chapter 201
199. Aunt
"Isn't he still young! You have to give him time and opportunity!"

"Tell me what he promised you. Let me help you analyze the probability of him successfully fulfilling it."

"He said he would love me forever."

"Okay, this can only be verified when you are gray-haired."

"He said he would do everything in his power to make me happy."

"anything else?"

"He said he would buy me a big house to live in..."

"Big house, what kind of big house, is it like the house you live in now? Then let me calculate, the house you live in now costs at least 6000 yuan, and his monthly salary is 50 yuan, at least Spend [-] yuan! The remaining [-] yuan, [-] yuan a year, can buy a house like that in ten years, and you still have your children under the condition of saving food and clothing! His family is in the countryside, it is impossible He doesn’t subsidize them at all! So this dream may not be realized in ten years.”

"His family doesn't need his subsidies, and I also have a salary myself!"

"Your salary is only enough for yourself every month."

"So what? We have feelings, and we are together for love. For love, I am willing to rent a house with him and live with him through hard times."

"That's right, for the sake of love, you can use the best years of a woman to rent a house with him and live a hard life. If you have love, drink enough water! It's all right if he can cherish your efforts. If he is afraid, he will be afraid in the future. I made a fortune with your help! At that time, you were no longer young. With his appearance, the man was in his 40s and 50s, and his charm was still unabated. If he found a young and beautiful one again, would you regret it? For the past few years, I have spent a hard life with him foolishly."

"Sister-in-law, why don't you expect me to order well? Let me tell you, he is not such a person."

"Chunxiang, in my judgment, 80.00% of him is this kind of person."

"How do you judge?"

"He has been in love with you for more than two years, and he has been telling you not to tell your family. It shows that he has scheming plans and wants you to grow old so that your family has to accept him."

"He said that he would tell the family after he made some achievements, so that the family would not dislike him for his poor conditions."

"Then what achievements has he made in the past two years?"

"He did business, didn't he make money!"

"What kind of business does he do? Selling clothes? It's impossible to fail! Clothes sellers have made a fortune in the past few years. This incident shows that on the one hand, he may be cheating you. He made money but in order to continue to get your financial support. , he lied that he didn’t make any money, if he really didn’t make any money, then he’s not suitable for business, and he won’t be able to make a fortune in this life.”

"It's impossible for him to lie to me. As for not making money, who can guarantee that he has never failed in doing things in his life."

"Chunxiang, I have been in business since I was 16 years old. Every day when I open my eyes, I think about what to do to make money. Although I have never done clothing business, I have learned that at this time, people who do clothing business are making money. Sun Shaolin He said he didn't make any money, so why did he continue to open the shop?"

"He didn't make money, but he didn't lose money either. He said that if he persisted, he might get better."

"If I'm not wrong, you gave him the money to open this clothing store, right?"

"We plan to be together, what else should we share between mine and his?"

"You don't share, but he does! He made money and said he didn't, obviously he didn't want to give you the money."

"What's his is mine, and what's mine is his."

"Okay, I won't talk about this matter, I'll leave it at that, you can judge whether it's true or not, I have other doubts about him."

"What else?"

"He has been in love with you for two years, have you talked about his family situation?"

"He said that there is an older brother, a younger brother and a younger sister in the family. After getting married, the parents will be taken care of by the older brother and the younger brother. We don't need to take care of them, so the family will not drag us down."

"That's right! He said the same thing at home yesterday. If it was you, the family would confess you through all kinds of hardships, but you have a job in the city, and you have a girlfriend, so you try your best to make your relatives Get rid of them all, and shirk the responsibility of raising your parents, can you do it?"

"There are other brothers and sisters in his family, and his parents live with them and let them raise them. That's right!"

"The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the fountain! The kindness of parents is even greater than the sky. If a person doesn't even care about his parents, think about how cruel and cold-blooded he is. You can guarantee that he will accompany you unconditionally." People without any blood relationship will die of old age, sickness, poverty and disaster?"

Zhao Chunxiang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily threw down the chopsticks.

"Miss Zhang, what you said is too extreme. Don't think that you can slander my boyfriend like this by treating me to a meal."

Zhang Daniu hurriedly picked up the chopsticks and handed them to her.

"Okay, okay, even if I didn't say anything, let's have a good meal, let's not talk about these useless things, I am also entrusted by others, and it is a matter of loyalty! Please understand."

"I know you have a good mouth and can speak, but you can't destroy my feelings like this!"

"Chunxiang, maybe what I said made you feel uncomfortable. If you are uncomfortable, it means that you have touched a place in your heart that you don't want to touch. Because you know these things in your heart, but you dare not admit it. No matter what, I have no bad intentions for you!"

"Your mother, your brother asked me to persuade you. Actually, I don't want to come, because I can see how much you care about Sun Shaolin. I know that no matter what I say, you won't listen to it. If it doesn't work, you will treat me You yelled loudly and turned against me. I knew that doing this was thankless, but I came anyway because you are Chunhua's younger sister and also my younger sister. I sincerely hope that you will be well in the future."

The anger on Zhao Chunxiang's face subsided a little.

"Thank you for not hitting me and splashing vegetable soup on my face even though you were upset after hearing my words."

Zhao Chunxiang chuckled.

"It's not that I don't know how powerful you are. I want to hit you, but do I dare to hit you? Can I beat you?"

Zhang Da Niu also laughed.

"In short, that's all I've said. If you think it makes sense, just listen to it. If you think it's bullshit, then treat it as bullshit. Don't care about it, let alone hate me from now on, because I don't have any malicious intentions. If you hate me because of it , I am not too wronged."

"Okay, okay, I don't care about you, but in the future, don't talk to me about such nonsense."

"Stop talking, I won't say a word about this topic in the future, hey! I actually don't want to say it, but it's not easy to be a daughter-in-law, and it's even more difficult to be a sister-in-law. Do you remember? At the beginning you objected that I was with your brother Together, show me some face."

Zhao Chunxiang picked up chopsticks to eat again.

"Okay! Then we're even."

(End of this chapter)

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