Chapter 169 Go Back
167. go back
Xia Yunbo took out a stone from his body. The stone was as big as an egg, oval, milky white, and crystal clear.

"what is this?"

"This is the only thing I brought over from my previous life."

Zhang Yu took the stone, feeling slightly cool, "Why haven't I seen this thing before."

Xia Yunbo explained: "In my previous life, I came here before I could tell you about the origin of this stone. Later, I found out that this stone has a secret. Before I figured out the secret, I didn't plan to tell you for the time being."

"This was given to me by a parent of one of my students. I was not a volunteer teacher in a remote area before! There was a flash flood, and I rescued several students from the flood. One of the parents of the students gave this to me. He said he didn't have anything valuable to give me, so he gave me this as a souvenir."

"A farmer in a remote mountainous area, where did such a thing come from? Is it jade? What's the secret?"

"When he gave me this stone, he told me that he had rescued a wounded fox before, and the fox left after healed. Half a year later, the fox brought the stone to him with its mouth in its mouth. What did he think it was? He sold valuable jade in a jade store, but he was told that it was just a very ordinary stone and worthless."

"You don't want to say that this stone can help us go back!"


Zhang Yu was shocked: "How is this possible?"

"I tried it. At twelve o'clock in the night, I dripped blood on this stone, and said in my heart, I want to go back, and then I can go back."

"Have you been back?"

"Yes!" Xia Yunbo said affirmatively.

"That night, I was lying on the bed playing with this stone, and suddenly I had a nosebleed, and the nosebleed happened to drip on this stone. The strange thing is that this stone quickly absorbed the blood, and the stone instantly became Red, like a fireball, emits red light, and the whole room becomes bright, and in the blink of an eye, I thought, I want to go back, and then really, I went back."

"In an instant, I appeared in the previous world, bustling streets, high-rise buildings, endless traffic, and everyone on the street has a mobile phone..."

"I inquired about it, and the time has come to 2023, my God, that is, five years after I left, and one year after you left."

"I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to come back, or that I didn't come back at the right time, and I missed you, so I hurriedly bit my finger, dripped blood on this stone, and came back again. It was twelve o'clock in the daytime."

"Fortunately, I came back at the same time as I went there, and the hour hand in my room was still at twelve o'clock that night. I was there, but I stayed there for almost 24 hours, that is to say, From here, you have to pass at twelve o'clock at night, but when you get there, it is twelve o'clock at noon. The way back is the same, from twelve o'clock at noon over there to twelve o'clock in the night here. .”

"The reason why I discovered this secret is because I tried several times later, but it was unsuccessful. To succeed again, three conditions must be met at the same time. The first is the time, which is exactly twelve o'clock at night. On the stone, third, say silently in your heart, take me back. These three points are indispensable.”

Zhang Yu said excitedly: "Then the two of us can go back at twelve o'clock tonight."

Xia Yunbo looked at Zhang Yu with a complicated expression.

"This stone was emerald green before. Every time I wear it, its color becomes a little lighter, and it was thick before, and then it becomes thinner and thinner. That is to say, its energy is limited, and it cannot be used countless times. Wear it around."

Zhang Yu carefully caressed and played with the stone.

Indeed, it is said to be a stone, but it does not have the heavy and heavy feeling of a stone. It is very light and thin, and the color is very light. I thought it was crystal clear before, but it is actually because of the effect of the extremely light color.

"You mean to say that the current energy of this stone may only have one chance to pass through. Maybe, if we pass through, there will be no chance to come back."

Xia Yunbo nodded.

"Before I walked through it alone, or through it, I would consume some of the energy of this stone every time. Now if two people pass through together, it may consume more energy. I guess there is only one chance. If you are lucky, Maybe there is still a chance to wear it back. Or maybe not.”

Zhang Yu froze.

She thought that with this stone, she could switch to that side or this side at will.

They may go and never come back. In this case, there are many issues that need to be considered.

When she goes back, she can see her parents, as well as those former classmates and friends, but at the same time, she will lose everything here, wealth, decent job, friends, and most importantly, Er Niu and Xiao Bao.

Having been together day and night for four years, sharing joys and sorrows, Zhang Yu has completely regarded them as his own brothers and sisters emotionally.

If she wants to leave them, she may never see them again for the rest of her life, and she is still a little hard to let go.

What's more, they are still young, Er Niu is 16 years old, Xiao Bao is 11 years old, both are minors.

Although they have no problems in learning ability and living ability, they can cope with it, but when encountering difficulties and setbacks, there should be someone around them to encourage and guide them.

But from another point of view, economically, the money Zhang Yu left for them is enough for them to live on, not to mention that they now have the ability to make money.

So, she left them, and they could still live well.

When Zhang Yu thought of this, she was startled, her desire to go back was stronger than her desire to stay.

But when she thought of Xiaobao's innocent and cute face, and Erniu's unconditional trust and dependence on her, her heart ached.

Did she have the heart to leave them behind?

The two of them are living happily and recklessly now, and their happiness index and mental health are no different from other children. Isn't it because she, the eldest sister, is giving them strong support?

What would happen to them if she suddenly disappeared?Will it be as helpless as the sky at home has fallen?No matter how smart and capable they are, no matter how self-reliant they are, they are still just children after all.

They lost their parents and grandfather. They have already experienced two traumas that many children of the same age cannot bear. Will losing their eldest sister once again destroy the sense of security that Zhang Yu has worked so hard to build for them over the past four years?
But what about her parents?She was their only child. When Zhang Yu left, they were already 56 years old. One of the three major tragedies in life is losing a child in old age.

 I'm sorry, I've been allergic for the past few days. I took anti-allergic medicine and fell asleep all day long. Today's update.

(End of this chapter)

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