His little apprentice has a soft and charming waist

Chapter 337 The Final Chapter of Zhenguo Gong

Feng Yanling doesn’t know the specific details of what happened in the palace.But when the news of the prince's death came, she understood what the third brother said when sending Zhao Zhao off.

The prince is indeed dying soon.However, even Ning Shuo did not expect that he would be able to take such a chance in the end.

He put on his plain clothes silently and followed everyone into the palace to worship.

Mr. Li took the girls with him, and Mr. Ning Guo took his three sons.

Feng Yanling was always worried about Ning Shuo and turned around three times earlier. Li was relieved and reassured: "He's fine."

The prince has no relationship with their family, so if he dies, he will die, just to see what impact it will have on his achievements in the future.On the other hand, Duke Zhenguo... She sighed, "Although I don't know what happened, it's definitely not simple. Let's just be careful in our words and deeds, regardless of whether these things are there or not."

Feast Bell nodded, "I know."

Mo Yunyan personally came out to entertain them and said, "The male guests are being helped by the Crown Prince. The princess is sick, so I will be here for the female guests."

She is now considered the most powerful person in the East Palace besides Nanny Su. Even Mrs. Yipin Gaoming will smile and talk when she sees her. Anyway, she does not dare to offend easily.Seeing her handling the affairs of the East Palace in an orderly manner, Feng Yanling felt that she was the fastest growing among them.

This time last year, she was still a struggling concubine who was criticized by others. Now, even the head wife of the Song family is here, and when she sees her, she has to call her Miss Mo affectionately.

The banquet bell asked softly: "Is the princess okay?"

Mo Yunyan shook her head, "She has always been in low spirits. She couldn't eat anything this morning. I had no choice but to have someone make some sugar water for her to drink. It can at least replenish her energy."

Feast Bell nodded, "That's good."

She said: "Is she asleep now?"

Mo Yunyan: "I didn't sleep. I was just waiting for you to come. She told me early that if you come, she will ask you to see her."

The banquet bell could not hide the sadness, "Actually, she is also suffering."

The husband is dead and the father is dead.

My husband may not be that good, but he is a relative I have grown up with since childhood.Her father was cruel to others, but he was conscientious towards her.

It is not easy to think that her husband and father died on the same day, leaving her to deal with it alone.

She said to Mrs. Li, "Aunt, the Crown Princess has called me."

Mrs. Li: "She is good to you. Hey, go and comfort her."

Feast Bell nodded, "I'll be right back."

Then he asked: "Where is the fifth sister?"

Mrs. Li: "The wife of the Wu family asked her to talk. Your second sister-in-law is also surrounded by the Han family."

Feng Ling is no longer a little girl who just came to Kyoto and knows nothing. She knows that the two families want to find out something from them.But the second sister-in-law and the fifth sister are tight-lipped. How can they find out? If they can't find out, they may be dissatisfied again.

Feast Bell sighed: "Then I'll leave first."

Once she saw the Crown Princess, she had no intention of thinking about anything else.She walked over and sat next to her and shed tears.

The Crown Princess smiled weakly, "Did I scare you? Why do you still cry so easily?"

Feng Ling wiped her tears and said, "It's been so long since I last saw you. Why have you lost so much weight? And...your hair is also a lot whiter."

The princess really turned gray overnight.

She doesn't know.The people who took care of her didn't dare to tell her, and her mother and brother couldn't bear to tell her, so no one spoke.However, Yan Ling was still a straight-tempered person and spoke out.She was stunned and said, "Really? Bring a mirror over and let me see. How much gray are your hair?"

The banquet bell went over and brought the mirror over, and slowly approached the princess.The princess noticed that her hands were shaking, and she couldn't help but laugh.

She stretched out her hand, slowly covered the hand of the feast bell, and held it firmly, "Don't be afraid, I've seen everything. It's just white hair, nothing special."

Feast Bell cried and nodded.

The princess then looked at herself in the mirror.

Then froze.

After a while, he said, "I've become so white. I look a lot older."

Feast Bell: "It will get better, just take care of it. I read in the medical book that it is due to excessive grief. When you take good care of yourself in the future, the new hair will still be healthy."

The princess smiled, "No, I like gray hair like this."

She murmured: "At least it seems that I still have a conscience. If it doesn't fail in any way, and it just hurts me, what kind of punishment is that?"

"In this life, the most useless thing is that he died and I was sad all my life. What's the use of being sad? It's useless. It's good for me to be like this, at least I have some punishment."

She felt better.

The banquet bell burst into tears and turned away with the bronze mirror in hand, not letting her look at it.The princess suddenly asked: "Did your husband grow old in those few years?"

The feast bell shook its head.

Crown Princess: "This is a blessing, but even when the Crown Prince was old, he never had a gray hair. This has always been the case with his family."

She touched her head and said, "There are very few people in my family with gray hair. It was me who started it."

While chatting like this, Feng Yanling was even more sad when she heard it. She said: "Now everything is in the past. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. It can be considered a good ending."

The princess did not speak.

After a while, he said: "Yan Ling, there is one thing I don't want to understand."

"I will ask you about this matter, and His Majesty will also ask your third brother. You have to think about how to say it."

Feast Bell nodded.

The princess asked: "Shou Ke...your third brother, what did you say to him that made him suddenly change his mind and send Zhao Zhao away, and he had another intention of dying."

Feng Yanling and Ning Shuo had already agreed on this matter, so there was absolutely no chance of anything going wrong.

She said: "We wanted to send Zhao Zhao away, but Duke Zhen Guo blocked all the roads. At that time, we had no choice but to go back. But if we go back, when will we escape? Things will change later, and we dare not When I go back, I think of taking risks."

"We wonder if His Royal Highness will change his mind."

She said seriously: "After all, there are killers everywhere else. If there is a fight, Zhao Zhao will inevitably be injured. It is better to go to the prince's side. The prince... no matter what, he will not hurt her life."

The Crown Princess understood what she meant and nodded, indicating for her to continue.

Feast Bell: "At that time, we were thinking about how to convince the prince. Later, the third brother said that he had contacted the prince several times. Once, the prince even gave him a horse named Chunying. At that time, Chunying He carried him to the foot of a big tree and dug the soil with his hooves. He then tried to dig and dug out a jar of wine. When the prince came over, his eyes were very gentle. He said that it was buried by Lan Shi. of wine.”

"Zhaozhao is Sui Lanshi's younger sister. Wouldn't it be better if she said it as Sui Lanshi?"

The Crown Princess suddenly realized: "So that's what it is. So, is your third brother pretending to be Lan Shi?"

Feast Bell nodded, "Yes."

The Crown Princess's eyes heated up as she thought of the Prince's foolish words after he came back, "Then did he believe it?"


"Then does he believe it?"

The emperor lowered his eyes, lay on the couch, and asked, "You lied to him like this, and he believed it?"

On the other side, Ning Shuo was also called in front of the emperor.

He had just arrived at the palace, and before he went to the East Palace, he was picked up by the eunuch beside the emperor.

Goodbye the emperor, he is also much older.The emperor asked him what he had said to the prince. After hearing what he said, he asked the question he expected.

"Did he believe it?"

Ning Shuo shook his head, "I didn't believe it first and thought I was lying to him. I thought I had failed. Who knew, when I was about to say that I was indeed lying to him, he didn't allow me to say it."

He said: "I don't understand now. His Highness clearly didn't believe it at the time, but when I wanted to confess and beg him, he believed it. He said..."

Emperor: "What did he say?"

Ning Shuo said slowly: "He said, Lan Shi, you are Lan Shi, you are back, you are not dead, right?"

The emperor was stunned, "Shou Ke... this is hoping that you are Lan Shi. He has been hoping that Lan Shi will come back."

He shed a tear, "He figured it out on his own. Maybe he had figured it out a long time ago, but he didn't have the courage to do it. Now, by saying that you are Lan Shi, you have fulfilled his last wish."

Ning Shuo knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Your Majesty, I am guilty. I just wanted to ask him to be soft-hearted——"

The emperor did not blame him, he said: "This is not your fault."


In the East Palace, Feng Yanling was very uneasy, and she was still very frightened, "Will Your Majesty blame the third brother?"

The princess shook her head.

"will not."

"If King Jin or King Shun deceives the prince, he will be very angry. But if the minister deceives the prince, he will not be angry."

Feast Bell didn’t understand, “Why?”

The Crown Princess looked out the window and said in a daze: "Our Majesty, for some reason, is very lenient to everyone in the world, but he is particularly harsh on his own children. I don't understand it either."

"Perhaps, it is because he feels that being kind to his ministers will gain a good reputation, and he will be recorded in the history books by historians, leaving his name through the ages, and becoming a sage monarch. But being kind to his son... is of no use. Whether you are gentle to your children or not, he is their father, and your children must be filial to him and respect him."

Feast Bell was surprised: "This idea... is really strange."

Crown Princess: "Yes, it's very strange. But people are full of strange things."


In the main hall, Ning Shuo was grateful to the emperor.The emperor had a good impression of him.

Ever since he was a young man, he has always had an appetite for the emperor.He said, "Your husband is Bu Yuchuan, who is my real right-hand man. You followed your husband through life and death for the affairs of the family. You did not dare to waste a moment, and you never made friends with the prince or the king of Jin. You have a pure mind and become more and more diligent in your work." Like your husband."

"I think you can be a minister of Hugu in the future."

Ning Shuo felt that these words were somewhat familiar.

He looked at the emperor, saw his kind face, and suddenly felt a little sarcastic.

The emperor told "him" this a long time ago.

Back then, he also had a loving look on his face, as if looking at his junior, and said: "Lan Shi, you can be my minister."

"From now on, when you are with Shou Ke, you must always look at him. If he does something wrong, you must speak up and don't let him mess around."

When His Majesty performs a show, he will still perform a full set. In front of the birthday guests, he will praise himself blindly, making the birthday guests feel uncomfortable.Fortunately, Shou Ke doesn't care about this anymore. No matter what His Majesty says, he won't be angry with him.

Your Majesty... he likes to put on a show when dealing with outsiders.It seems that this way he can show how kind he is to his ministers, and if he is harsher towards his son, he can make his ministers grateful.

Now, this method has been used by His Majesty on him again.

Who does he want to help this time?
The grandson of the emperor?
Sure enough.

The emperor asked him to get up and said: "I am old, and the old ministers around me are passing away one by one. Looking back, there are not many people left. I like your ability and moral character very much. Are you willing to serve me? ?”

Of course it will be effective.

Ning Shuo knelt on the ground and looked excited. The emperor was very satisfied.He likes young people very much.With just a few words of praise, they would have no hesitation in fighting for the future he had set for them.

Therefore, the emperor likes to talk to young people.

Especially smart young people.He knew that Ning Shuo understood what he meant.

But things will not be clear for a while. He waved his hand and said, "You go and worship the prince. He... even if it is fake, he should want to see you at this time."

Ning Shuo retreated.

The emperor looked at his back and said suddenly: "Don't tell me, he really looks like Lan Shi."

Hearing this, the old eunuch smiled in a low voice, "His Royal Highness has always felt guilty. When he pretended to be Lan, it actually relieved His Highness's heart."

He added: "Things in this world are so coincidental. Who would have known that Lan Shi's young disciple in Lingnan would come to Kyoto, become his cousin, and go investigate the case."

Emperor: "Tell me, when he first found out that there were omissions in Suijia's case, was it the little girl Lan Shi taught who reminded him?"

The old eunuch lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much. What does it matter?"

"Everything is just right, it's all a coincidence."

The emperor thought about the situation that was still under his control today, and nodded, "Yes."

Indeed it is.

He was busy with everything and no longer paid attention to such trivial matters.

Ning Shuo returned to the East Palace all the way, and there was a lot of crying inside.Everyone was crying, but few really cried.

Because he was called away by His Majesty, many people looked at him secretly when he came back.The well-informed ones looked at him with deep eyes.

He didn't look at anyone, walked to the coffin in silence, and slowly knelt down.

He burned the sacrificial paper with a gentle expression, as if he was reminiscing with an old friend.

He thought: Shou Ke, you must have good parents in your next life.

Father, I actually don’t blame you.I don’t blame you either.

If Zhao Zhao knew why you died, he shouldn't hate you anymore.

Everything is gone with the wind, everything is... over.

He raised his head, lit three incense sticks, bowed, placed the incense on the altar, and murmured: "From now on, it's up to me."

He will continue in the ways of his father.

He will continue the Master's teachings.

He also has his own way.

Everything is just beginning.

The Crown Princess, he, the Crown Prince.

They will all have new stories.

Goodbye, birthday guest.

4 and 5
Also at night.

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