Of course the princess knew that the emperor was an accomplice.

But can they kill the emperor?
cannot.If the emperor moves, the country will be in danger.They don't have this strength either.Mr. Bu Yuchuan didn't dare to move, and neither did she.And she also had something to say. She asked the prince: "Just because there is a bigger villain standing in front of him, don't the other murderers count as murderers?"

"You want to kill His Majesty, how do you do it? Do you have soldiers? Do you have the power? Can you guarantee that you will succeed? Shouke, once you do it, there is really no room for maneuver. You have thought about all this clearly. ?"

The prince stopped talking.The princess didn't want to talk any more.She felt that she couldn't talk to the prince.

She only told the prince: "My father is the real murderer, Your Majesty is the accomplice, and Song Weinan is adding fuel to the flames."

"Today, only Song Weinan, who contributed to the flames, has died. My father and His Majesty are two people. Nothing can happen to either of them until Ah Li grows up, otherwise the country will be in danger. As for my father..."

"I just want him to plead guilty and surrender, so as not to implicate his family."

She has selfish motives.But that was all she could do.No matter how selfless a person is, he still cannot be absolutely impartial in the face of his loved ones and his own interests.She knew that she had favored her family, and that she was no longer completely fair.

She said, "When I go to hell, I can confess my sins to Taifu and Lan Shi."

She looked at the prince, "But please don't meet my father again."

The prince pretended not to hear.The princess had no choice but to have the prince stunned and locked up in the room.

The prince was so angry!He felt soft all over his body, "Ying Niang, what are you doing? You are harming me and the government of the country."

The Crown Princess said: "I don't know what you and father want to do, but I also know roughly what you will do, so I have to make this move."

She felt relieved after locking him up, but the next day she was told that the prince had left the palace.

The Crown Princess was shocked and was about to chase after her personally when she was summoned by the Emperor.

The emperor did not see her in the main hall this time, but in the small garden.When she passed by, the emperor was drinking tea.There was no one around, except for a personal eunuch.

The princess felt bad at that time.She walked over with a white face, "Your Majesty...did you let the birthday guest go?"

The emperor nodded, feeling somewhat relaxed, "Yes. I was the one who let this silly boy go. He thought he was smart and virtuous, so your people would give him the antidote. Ying Niang, before you Didn’t you tell me to give Shouke a chance? Then let’s make a bet on what he will do today.”

Crown Princess: "...today? Today is...the day Zhaozhao leaves?"

The emperor nodded.

"Yes, it was the day that little girl left. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her yet. Does she look like her mother?"

The Crown Princess shook her head, "It doesn't look like it. It doesn't look like the Tutor either. I don't know who it looks like."

The emperor laughed and said, "Her temperament is just like her mother. She doesn't care about anything and just wants to pursue freedom and medicine."

Crown Princess: "This is also the first time I have seen a girl like her. Mrs. Tangxi who wants to teach her is also a very beautiful woman."

Emperor: "That's true. I liked Tangxi very much back then. Her surname was rare, she was beautiful, and her temperament was unique. I thought at that time that this must be my favorite girl in my life. "

"But she didn't want to stay in the palace. I didn't force her. Even if she finally gave birth to a daughter with Boying, I wasn't angry. I know that a woman like her will not stay for any man."

"Boying and her are not on the same path. So... the prince really doesn't understand me. I'm not the kind of person who would kill his own ministers just for the sake of love."

He shook his head when he said this: "Mother Ying, after much thought, if your father wants to inspire the prince to rebel, I'm afraid it's just because of his power and lust."

The Crown Princess was silent, "Why does Your Majesty think that your father will instigate the Crown Prince to rebel?"

The emperor stood up, drank the tea in his hand, played with the cup, and said: "I always felt that your father was not a villain even if he planned to kill Boying. But now it seems that I want to take back my own That’s what I said.”

"His appetite is so big that he actually wants to take my position." The Crown Princess thought for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Why would Your Majesty know that?"

Then he paused, raised his head and asked, "Are there any of His Majesty's confidants beside my father?"

The emperor smiled and said nothing.But the princess understood what he meant.

That's what there is.

She understood a little bit: "I see. It turns out that Your Majesty is unwilling to kill my father because Your Majesty let people go by my father's side. You know every move of my father, and if my father has second thoughts, you also know it."

The emperor nodded.

Who would have thought that the Crown Princess suddenly asked: "Did Your Majesty know from the beginning what the father did for the Grand Tutor?"

The emperor shook his head.

"I really don't know about this matter. The people I put in front of him are in charge of big things. He uses other people for planning."

"Your father is cautious by nature and is very careful in doing things. People around him have gone away one after another. The one I left behind also worked hard to gain his trust, but there are some things that he will not let him get his hands on. .”

He didn't feel angry at all when he talked about this matter, but he was very appreciative: "It's time to cut it off. He wants to kill me, and I can understand it."

"Mother Ying, I called you here because I want to save your life. As for the rest of your mother's family... I have no children."

The Crown Princess knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Your Majesty, they are innocent. They made all the mistakes. It was my father's fault. He got carried away and wanted to rebel. Your Majesty..."

The emperor waved his hand, "There are many people who want to rebel. King Jin thought, and the vassal kings in those places also thought that even the refugee leaders and mountain bandits all wanted to rebel. I will never do it because they want to rebel. Just kill them, and I will chop off their heads only after they rebel."

He felt that he had always been liberal.He said to the Crown Princess: "So, I want you to take a gamble and see if this thing can be done in the end."

The princess's expression was pale: "How to judge?"

The emperor sat down and sighed: "It depends on what your father and the prince will do in the end, especially what the prince will do."

But his expression and body were very relaxed.

The princess suddenly understood why the emperor was sitting here so relaxedly.

He didn't want to see what the prince did or what his father did.Instead, he felt relaxed from the moment the prince and his father decided to rebel.

Because, he can finally kill the prince.

It was the prince and his father who were at fault, they betrayed him first, so he could finally make a decision.

Therefore, he said that he would decide what to do after they rebelled, but when the prince left the palace to stop Zhao Zhao from leaving, he couldn't wait to call her here.

Let her witness the prince's despicable deeds and her father's ugliness, and then he can take action.

The princess' heart trembled. At this moment, she felt that the emperor in front of her was so strange.

What is the difference between him and the prince, and his father?

She doesn't understand.


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