His little apprentice has a soft and charming waist

Chapter 304 The Ningguo Duke’s decision

Chapter 304 The Ningguo Duke’s decision

The whole family sat in Ning Guogong's study.Ning Guogong sat at the top with a solemn expression. He took the original drawing paper out of the small box and gave it to the banquet bell. He solemnly warned: "Look again, look carefully. It is a matter of great importance. It cannot be played with, cannot make mistakes, and absolutely cannot There was a mistake.”

Feast Bell took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay."

She looked and looked again, regardless of the presence of everyone, and walked to the case table and used pen, ink, paper and inkstone to carefully draw a face again. It was clear that it was the person Sun Liangzhi had accused.Comparing his eyes with those of the masked man, they are indeed [-]% similar.

She was too familiar with these facial features and said, "I don't say it must be, but there is a [-]% chance that it is."

But the [-]% chance would not allow Ning Shuo to stand in the open and question whether Lord Zhen Guo was the murderer.

Ning Guogong sat back again with a solemn expression, "Then this matter cannot be mentioned again. Not only can it not be mentioned again, but it cannot be told. Otherwise, our two families will be at odds after all, and maybe even the Eastern Palace will hate us."

But in his heart, he gradually believed that His Majesty, even if he sacrificed Bu Yuchuan, he wanted to protect not the King of Jin, but the Duke of Zhenguo.

There was no other reason, just because he watched how Bu Yuchuan and Ning Shuo solved the case step by step.

It can be said that the feast bell has played a large role in this case from the beginning.

Without her wonderful writing, it would have been impossible for this matter to progress so quickly.

Therefore, he had no doubts about her ability and reasoning.She said [-]%, which she estimated to be already.

Duke Zhen Guo was the murderer, which shocked Duke Ning but was not surprising.When we are walking together in the court, who still doesn't know whose background?The Duke of Zhen seems to be inconspicuous, but his tricks have kept him from losing money for so many years.

What's more, Ning Guogong also watched him and Sui Boying walking together.In the beginning, Duke Zhen Guo was His Majesty's companion, and he was the person His Majesty trusted the most. But later, with Sui Boying, Duke Zhen Guo gradually became less prominent. If you think about it carefully, from that time on, he Only then can one “not show off the mountains and show off the water”.

Ning Guogong still remembers that when he was young, Zhen Guogong was also frivolous.

Moreover, he is also from Muzhou and has many fields in Jiangnan.

If he really killed Sui Boying, then he had a motive.

Ning Guogong's face was heavy and he kept thinking about it.

——If the murderer is really him, why did Your Majesty protect him?Is it for the prince?Ning Guogong did not dare to nod his head.

He is also Jane in the heart of the emperor. Others may not be able to see clearly, but he can see it clearly. In recent days, His Majesty has become more and more dissatisfied with the prince, but his face has begun to soften - he was scolding him a few days ago.People who didn't know better thought that this was because His Majesty finally gave up on the King of Jin and began to use the prince more seriously. He was the only one who saw it with trepidation.

Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not that you want to reuse the prince, but that you have other thoughts.Therefore, Ning Guogong lived in seclusion during these days, neither trying to please the prince nor alienating the King of Jin.He has been thinking: Is it possible for King Shun to ascend to power?

But after this idea came to mind for a moment, I didn't dare to think about it anymore, and I also felt that there was little hope.After all, Shun Wang's talents are not conspicuous, and he himself is not interested in power.

This is not an act, King Shun is probably... he really has no interest in power and position, he just likes his bit of wood.

If studying carpentry can lead to becoming an emperor, then Prince Shun would really do his part.

Thinking of this, Ning Guogong sighed, feeling that with this King Shun, there was no chance at all.

Because the reason why Your Majesty hates the prince is that the prince is timid and lacks talents, making him unfit to be the heir apparent.In this way, he would not let King Shun become the crown prince.This is His Majesty's most direct idea.

Your Majesty may have made mistakes or failed in his military strategy, but no one can erase His Majesty's achievements and talents.

So King Shun could only chop wood in his life.

Who else is there?

Ning Guogong let himself follow His Majesty's habits, and suddenly thought of the emperor's grandson.If the prince is deposed, what about the emperor's grandson?
The emperor's grandson has always been a favorite of your majesty.

Moreover, he also has a very important place that can make His Majesty happy for another ten years.The emperor's grandson was only four or five years old.He is young and ignorant, and it is the time for good education.He was raised until he was fifteen or sixteen years old, so His Majesty is not too old.

Ning Guogong's back gradually started to sweat. Although he had all kinds of speculations, he still didn't dare to make up his mind about what to do next.

He wasn't sure what His Majesty meant, or even what he wanted to do at this time.

He and Duke Zhen were colleagues and grew up together. They were both sons of aristocratic families, both Dukes of the State, and both belonged to a large family in the south of the Yangtze River. Although the two of them were not enemies, their relationship was not very good and they were just acquaintances.

If the Duke of Zheng passes away...

It's good for him anyway.

What Ning Guogong is thinking now is whether to add fuel to the fire.

But he didn't dare.At such a critical moment, it would be the worst for him to take action.It is easy to arouse His Majesty's resentment, and then the gain outweighs the loss, and even the loss of the wife will cause embarrassment.

But such a good opportunity is ahead of me, and if I don't do anything, I feel ashamed of the opportunity God has given me.He had no choice but to look at his second son. Ning Chao shook his head vaguely. He then looked at his third son, and Ning Shuo said something.

He said: "Let Yan Ling tell the Crown Princess about this."

Ning Guogong sat up in shock, "Absolutely not! No matter who the Crown Princess is on the surface or who she is secretly, she cannot control the blood relatives involved."

"She will definitely favor the Zhenguo Palace, and then we will end up in a bad position."

Ning Shuo said, "Father, don't panic, and think about it carefully. The Duke of Zhenguo is her blood relative. What about the emperor's grandson?"

"The Duke of Zhenguo is her father, but the Emperor's grandson is also her son."

"What do you think...how should she choose?"

Ning Guogong was stunned for a moment, then slowly came to his senses, thinking that this was also a way.

He thought about it over and over, but still couldn't make a decision.Ning Shuo asked: "Father, do you think His Majesty knows the truth about this matter or does he not?"

Ning Guogong thought seriously and said, "Of course I know."

Ning Shuo: "Then leave it to the Crown Princess and Your Majesty."

He said: "The truth is not only the truth, but also a choice. We can only do this, and leave the rest to fate."

After hearing this, Feng Yanling glanced at him, her heart heavy.

She still remembers that in the beginning, her husband was moving forward for the truth and innocence.

But now, more and more people are involved, and the truth is indeed more than just the truth.

She sighed, "Then let me persuade the Crown Princess."

 Asking for leave on 9.11. Updated on 9.12.


  Carvin on 9.12, more updates on 9.13

(End of this chapter)

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