His little apprentice has a soft and charming waist

Chapter 276 The Emperor's Thoughts

Chapter 276 The Emperor's Thoughts (2)

The emperor's feelings towards Sui Boying were very complicated.They met when they were young and supported each other. There were many turbulences along the way, but they were able to support each other until they ascended to the position of the supreme emperor.

He also did not betray the promise between them. He had no reservations about Sui Boying. He would safely entrust the prince to his guidance and entrust him with important tasks. He never doubted his loyalty to him.

But when she was dissatisfied with him, she also thought about whether to let Sui Boying go back to Muzhou. From then on, they never saw each other again, and even came back in a dream at midnight and thought about killing him directly. .

Disobedient ministers, ministers who have doubts about the emperor's family, even if they are loyal to him, even if they are dedicated to the welfare of the people of the world, they are ultimately uncontrollable.

He is uncontrollable and more troublesome than a corrupt official. He will cause huge waves and naively think that the world will get better as long as he works hard.

But when he woke up in the morning, he would think that Sui Boying was also cute. It would be a pity to kill him, and it would be even more a pity to let him go. It would be better to assign him some work everywhere, such as disaster relief, he just It can be left to Sui Boying, but not to anyone else.He wouldn't trust it to anyone else.

Even if it is Bu Yuchuan, he is not at ease.Because Sui Boying is smoother and more sensible than Bu Yuchuan.

never mind.If he doesn't obey, then he won't obey, as long as he doesn't cause any big trouble.

But he wanted to make a big splash.

The emperor suddenly felt the desire to speak.He didn't care whether Ning Shuo could understand or not, and said as he walked: "I still remember that one year, he had a quarrel with that old fox Song Weinan."

Song Weinan is Song Ge Lao.The emperor actually liked Mr. Song Ge very much, even though this old man had always been against him.However, Song Weinan also gave him a lot of private treasury.

Half of Song Weinan's money went into his pocket.

Sui Boying had never known about this before, but when he saw clearly that the so-called Yuzhou Party was only a tool for the future of the Yuzhou gentry, rather than a clean stream for the welfare of the people of Yuzhou, he began to separate from Jiangnan. .

He's so stupid.

The emperor murmured: "Song Ge has always been the leading faction of the Jiangnan generation, and I have always wanted the Jiangnan faction to collapse."

But he wants to conquer them more and use them to do things for him.Although Mr. Song Ge is hateful, Mr. Song Ge's money is very useful.It is easier to use than directly levying taxes.

Taxation is the public treasury of the country, but Mr. Song's money goes into his private treasury.

The emperor is not a fool.Everyone knows this.But Mingjun also has things he wants and is greedy.

More than ten years ago, the emperor was unwilling to admit his greed and was still indulging in his greed.

At that time, he saw that Yuzhou Academy hid a huge property. They hid fertile fields and hid slaves. These hidden fields and slaves avoided taxes. Therefore, the imperial court and Jiangnan put all the pressure on the tax payers. common people.

The people in the south of the Yangtze River were wealthy, so they borne more taxes, and they also borne the taxes in the northwest.

There are many talented people in Jiangnan. After they rose from poverty, they began to advocate changes and reduce taxes in Jiangnan.Where will these tax reductions come from?
So the treasury began to be empty.

The emperor did not want to see such a thing happen in his dynasty.He wants change.

But the changes in Jiangnan will affect the whole body. If something goes wrong, the dynasty will be destroyed.The emperor thought carefully and decided to get the money from Jiangnan's private treasury first.

He thought that this matter needed to be changed slowly, instead of killing everyone directly.

One day, he will make Dai Viet clear.

The emperor was proud of what he did - even though he also took money from the south of the Yangtze River.But he also spent a lot of that money on the people.

Even if he is not a wise king through the ages, he is not a faint king either.

So after Sui Boying saw through the plight of Jiangnan, he always thought that Sui Boying would come to him.When the time comes, he will tell him his plan.

Together, their monarchs and ministers will be able to achieve great things in the future.

But Sui Boying didn't come.

He never came.He seemed to have seen his greed for stability and his peace after taking money from Song Ge Lao. Therefore, even if the two people chose the same path to deal with Jiangnan, they did not collude.

Sui Boying was too eager.

The emperor became dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction has persisted to this day.He didn't think Sui Boying died unjustly. He thought Sui Boying had brought it upon himself.Anyone who walks fast will fight you tooth and nail if you interfere with their interests.

He even used Sui Boying's death as an introduction.

As long as he wants to touch people in Jiangnan in the future, he can re-examine the old case.If Sui Boying is unjustly accused, then kill some people and bury him with him.

The emperor let out a long sigh of relief.

He is not wrong, he is the emperor, he wants to control the overall situation, instead of being reckless like Sui Boying.

He said, "But Sui Boying wants too much, too big. He doesn't listen to me and insists on walking forward -"

But the ministers don't allow it, and the emperor doesn't protect you. You walk so fast and in such a conspicuous place. If you want to use your own power to deal with the people of the world and change the world, aren't you looking for death?

The emperor never understood Sui Boying.I don’t understand it now.

He said regretfully: "So I'm actually kind to him. But he doesn't want it. I have no choice. I can only make him innocent in the world at the critical moment."

Therefore, when he had not decided to move Jiangnan before, he ignored Bu Yuchuan's review of the Suijia case. The reason why he agreed to Bu Yuchuan's investigation was simply that Jiangnan had become increasingly restless recently. Song Ge Lao had retired, and the official department Shangshu Wu Qingyuan unexpectedly became the chief minister of Jiangnan.

The emperor began to be dissatisfied when he saw the little tricks they did secretly.Therefore, he needs to use the case to alert them.

——If I want to kill you, I can do it openly and justly.

Suijiaan is like a slow knife, slowly cutting on their bodies.

But the emperor did not expect that neither Song Weinan nor Wu Qingyuan were afraid.They weren't even looking for him.

Who gave them the confidence?

The emperor had already intended to regulate Jiangnan this year, so he opened Enke again.Who would have known that Mr. Song Ge and others were secretly on the line with King Jin.

The emperor's eyes became darker and darker, so deep that Ning Shuo didn't dare to look or ask again.


After the emperor left, Ning Shuo remained silent.When Fuyukawa saw him, he asked, "How is it? Do you understand His Majesty's thoughts?"

Ning Shuo nodded slightly, and then asked: "Sir, students don't understand. We have been investigating the case for so long. Why don't Mr. Song Ge and the others come to see you?"

Bu Yuchuan laughed, "They are all old foxes. They only deal with His Majesty. As for us, the Suijia, even the King of Jin and the Prince, we are just one of them."

"We are controlled by His Majesty, we are just... pawns."

A trace of absurdity flashed in Ning Shuo's eyes, and then he sighed: "I am really a fool."

I didn’t understand it until now.

His father... also had a hard time hiding it from him.

 If I can still write, I will do it in the early morning. If I don’t, I won’t. Today, during the Hungry Ghost Festival, my family members all came back to worship their ancestors, so I was a bit busy.

(End of this chapter)

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