Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 518 Little Trick

From arbitrators, judges to legal mages, there is a subtle prerequisite for them to use their abilities, and they must confirm the "position" of the other party.

However, what makes Prince Grove always have doubts is that even if he can sense the other party's location, it is very blurry, like a layer of vague mist, making it difficult to steadily capture the intruder's face. figure.

Therefore, when Prince Grove launched his attack, he chose a large-scale "whipping" instead of the more precise "execution" or "death".

The invisible whipping caused by the extraordinary ability, with the sound of firecrackers, all the woods were entangled.

Prince Grove stared in the direction behind the tree trunk, clenched his fist and swung it again, and before the dust settled, he launched another "whipping".

"It is forbidden to destroy the environment here!"

Amidst the loud noise of the falling trees, a gentle and calm female voice sounded from behind the flying dust, stipulating new regulations in ancient Hermetic language.

The moment he heard the order, Prince Grove reacted quickly and held his left hand in the direction of the sound. However, his "imprisonment" failed again.

"And it took you a long time to come up with such a sentence?" A hoarse neutral voice said loudly, but this time the voice came from a different direction.

It was obvious that the person speaking this time was not the female extraordinary person from before.

Hearing the voice from another location, Prince Grove made his fist again in that direction without looking back. He did catch something, but it was just a struggling ant kicking his feet.

The female voice responded, slightly sharp because of her anger: "Shut up! Or don't stand on me, you will expose me!"

The conversation between the two also made Prince Grove feel confused.

It seemed that the other party was not alone from the beginning, but in his perception, the spiritual creatures that were hidden just now were not included, and there was only one intruder nearby.

Wait, now he can identify... multiple enemies?

Prince Grove opened his hands, pushed outwards around himself, and once again uttered an ancient Hermetic language: "Exile!"

The invisible majestic force rose up, and the burst of air blew up the cloak he was wearing. This scene looked a bit funny, because where Prince Grove was looking at, at first glance, there was only air and nothing. Approach his figure.

However, when the power of "Exile" is released, even the spirit body will be blown away by it. Tiny light spots roll up from the air, are blown away, and then quietly disintegrate several meters away. outside.

He deliberately did not destroy the surrounding vegetation, so as not to be harmed by the other party's previous orders. Once he violated the order within the effective range, he would be punished according to the degree of his actions, which could easily make himself more disadvantaged.

Prince Grove has had contact with various forces, but even in his hundreds of years of experience, he has never seen those strange light spots, at least they are not the path abilities he is familiar with, or the mythical creature forms he knows.

Is this the spirit of the other party's contract? Or is it the effect of some other extraordinary item?

"It's a pity." The slightly hoarse voice commented.

"I don't expect this method to work, but he doesn't look that strong..."

Prince Grove gave up his confinement this time, but sensed the opponent's position more carefully, and then used a wide range of abilities again to formulate a broad rule: "Sneak attackers shall be punished!"

However, the feeling of emptiness caused by the withdrawal of extraordinary abilities reappeared. This time, Prince Grove was a little surprised. The ability he lost was "death"!

The hoarse voice sounded again: "I don't mind if you react too radically. This gentleman's identity is very important, and you should be able to tell from his clothes." The female extraordinary sighed, and then disappeared. The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

On the other side, Esther, who was using "deception" to hide her presence and form, hiding behind the trees on the other side, had to admit that the Amon clone on her shoulder made sense.

These words were not meant for Esther, but for the gentleman dressed as a "flower cock" opposite. When Esther mastered the method of causing harm, the vigilance in the other party's heart naturally increased, and thus With the possibility of "communication".

Crow gave a little bit of dispensable cooperation, but through just a few words, it affected Prince Grove's judgment of the current situation.

Esther lacked strong and fast attack methods, which was the main reason why she turned to intercepting the opponent's ability after her attempt to "parasitize" was blocked. Her "Pale Bone Nail" was given to Klein, and "Logan's "The claw" and the satchel "disappeared" together, and she didn't even have a gun on her body...

Esther picked up a broken branch from her feet and had a vague idea in her mind.

After Prince Grove heard the previous words, he calmed down in his heart. Regardless of whether the other party recognized his "true identity", since he did not say it out loud and did not launch an attack immediately afterwards, he wanted to give this conversation a Leave room.

Just hearing that voice, which seemed to be dismissive of him, made Prince Grove subconsciously feel bad, so this time, he took the initiative to say:

"This is not the place you should come."

Esther complained to the crow in a low voice: "Does he think we did it on purpose? If he hadn't jumped out suddenly, we would have entered the spirit world long ago, and we are all on the road now..."

"You can try to kill him, but if your determination is not enough and 'death' is not powerful enough, you can try to steal 'execution' again." Crow encouraged.

"I have never been exposed to that kind of ability, and the possibility of failure is very high," Esther frowned. "The most important thing is, will killing him attract others? There was already a lot of noise before."

Crow grabbed the clothes on her shoulders tightly and laughed nonchalantly: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Find a way to make him break the commandments, and then deceive the 'commandments' he set," Esther glanced at the scattered branches on the ground and weighed her plan in her mind, "Escape while he is unlucky?"

"Imagination is wonderful." Seeing that Esther refused to reveal the idea she was thinking about, Crow scratched her shoulder twice in dissatisfaction.

"No matter, let's try first and then talk."

Esther picked up a branch with a sharp cut from the ground, and soft light spots once again spread out from her body, melted into the air, and drifted towards the "arbitrator" path.

The moment Prince Grove noticed the strange movement, he couldn't help but feel a trace of contempt in his heart. Would the same method work again?

Then he noticed something was wrong again. His mentality was too frivolous. The other party actually had the ability to influence his mind?

But Prince Grove's reaction was not slow, and he responded in the same way, "exile"!

At the moment when the turbulent air flow pushed away the surrounding body, there was another sound breaking through the air approaching, hitting Prince Grove's foothold.

This is the "lash" he released earlier! (End of chapter)

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