Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 509 The Long Road

Backlund, West End.

This is another day when clouds cover the sky. Although this city has long been used to it, the haze of war has shrouded many people's minds, making the atmosphere in the air heavier, and the clouds far away in the sky have become tangible. , weighing heavily on the heads of pedestrians holding newspapers.

Although the air in the West District is relatively better than the smog-heavy factory district in the East, when Klein opened the hotel window and looked out at the streets that were far less lively than before, he still felt like there was a lump in his heart. Stone, for a long time, couldn't get even the slightest breath of relief.

At least he has been like this since he left the gray mist.

The answer he received from "Him" only caused more questions to grow in Klein's heart. Although he had not wavered, now he was a little more confused about his future path in pursuit of promotion.

The end of the three paths and the title of "Lord of the Spirit World" kept lingering in his mind, like a ghost that never died.

"got windy……"

Klein sighed heavily, and as if aware of his low mood, Norns took it out of the "winner" marionette's pocket, flapped his wings and flew towards Klein's shoulder.

When Klein opened the palm of his left hand, Norns placed it in his palm very thoughtfully and tilted his head to look at his owner.

But Klein's eyes and emotions felt strange to Norns. The "spiritual creature" that had been imitating an animal felt uneasy due to instinct. It chirped in a low voice, its melodious voice full of doubts.

Klein couldn't understand what Norns said, but he could understand what it meant - how strange. He had never subconsciously ignored this before, only thinking that Nornes was very humane, but he had never understood it. I have doubted this.

Is it blind because of trust?

Klein smiled, but his eyes were still cold. He gently stroked the skylark's feather cluster with his right hand, and then handed it to the window.

He was sure that he saw an unprecedented emotion in Norns's eyes, a kind of panic that he suspected that he would be abandoned.

"Unfortunately, what you are afraid of is true." Klein said calmly.

Norns let out a very sharp cry, but soon he lowered his voice aggrievedly and kept pressing his beak into Klein's palm. Such sad pleas made Klein's newly hardened heart begin to soften again. He decided to push himself again:

"I know you are no ordinary bird, and I assume, like the rest of the points of light that remain on her body, that you are her...or His eyes, right?"

The skylark's screams stopped, and its black eyes stared at Klein sadly for a moment, then turned to look out the window, facing the gloomy sky outside.

Norns can feel a vague call, and the desire to return to the origin has never been cut off, and today, that feeling is becoming particularly clear.

Klein did not urge Skylark. In fact, he was far less determined than he seemed on the surface. The tug of war in Klein's heart was shaken by Norns' previous plea. Of course he was reluctant to let go, but he knew that Norns would continue to If you keep it by your side, it will inevitably become another hidden danger.

This skylark has never been a simple pet, and it is not under his control. It has its own ideas.

Knowns turned his head again and stared at Klein.

"It's time for you to go," he said, his voice so low it was almost inaudible.

When the skylark spread its wings and flew towards the sky outside the window, Klein only felt a light touch on his hand.

He did not raise his head to look at the pair of wings, but stared at his hands. His heart sank, as if a piece of lead had fallen into his stomach, dragging him into the mire.

The cold wind poured into the warm hotel room from the window, but it was difficult for Klein to feel a more specific temperature. There was only a chill that gave him goosebumps.

Now that you have made up your mind, don’t regret it anymore. Klein closed his eyes slightly and then exhaled heavily.

The open window was closed again, and the bird's shadow, which had shrunk as it rose, completely disappeared under the shadow of the hazy sky.


On the outskirts of Backlund, a small church stood quietly in a rarely visited valley.

Esther pushed the church door open a crack and quietly got half of her body out.

But when she looked up, she saw a group of black birds parked outside, occupying all the tree canopies, bushes and anywhere on the ground. There were also some variegated animals crowded among them, such as squirrels that were supposed to be preparing to hibernate. Or wild foxes - the only thing they have in common is that they all have a strange, solid-colored eye ring around their right eye.

Esther silently watched the spectacle of birds and beasts gathering quietly outside the church. She was silent for a few seconds, looking back at the "army" who looked at her neatly, and then slowly stuffed her body back into the crack of the church door.

This battle was a bit too big for her to withstand, and there probably weren't any animals left nearby that she could parasitize. Since they were so unscrupulous, it must have been because they had already cleaned up the nearby environment.

Then let these avatars have a meeting slowly. Anyway, things like referendums or parliaments will definitely waste a lot of time...

Amon and the others are not short of time, but Esther doesn't want to stay here anymore. She wants to stay away from "Adam". If she doesn't seize this time to leave, she might be left in this church.

She didn't want to participate in "Adam's" promotion plan, more because she didn't want to be caught between Halls and Halls. What's more, she still needed to keep the secret. If she stayed here all the time, Esther didn't even know what to do. Face "Adam".

Scratching her head in distress, Esther weighed the wooden box containing the Extraordinary Characteristics in her hand. The box was very light, but it was hard to tell whether the thing inside was "friendship" or "hate".

When she saw the group of Amon clones outside, she felt that her plan to escape secretly needed to change.

"My escape route is really sealed..." Esther muttered, glanced at the cross at the front, sat on the bench in the last row, and traced her fingers on the lid of the box. Circle, I don’t know if I should do this.

Since reassembling some of "Zoya's" memories, Esther is not at ease about continuing to use the extraordinary characteristics from Amon. This is equivalent to deepening the invisible connection between the two, although for now, "The Stealer" "The uniqueness of

Esther rubbed her right eyebrow, turned her head and caught a glimpse of a spotted ladybug lying on the back of the bench.

But judging from the external situation, it seems that she doesn't have much choice.

Esther's tense mentality relaxed again, and she stretched out her hand to fiddle with the ladybug, causing it to spin and fall onto the soft cushion. Then she smiled and said:

"The weather is too cold now, and there aren't many bugs moving around. Besides, have you ever seen other bugs come in here before?"

The ladybug flapped its wings and waved its short tentacles dissatisfiedly at Esther amid the buzz, and the tentacle on the right side was obviously white: "Don't talk to me, I'm just here to perform my duties. "

"What other responsibilities do you have? You're just an unlucky guy responsible for monitoring me, right?"

"Hey, can't you give me a little respect?"

Esther poked the ladybug again: "Maybe not, fate generally doesn't respect the unluckiest guy, otherwise the person who comes here will be another clone."

Ladybug let out a frustrated sigh and let Esther turn over, lying lazily on the cushions of the bench and no longer moving: "You don't seem to want to wait for Adam to come back."

"Of course, if you weren't blocking the door, I would have walked far away by now."

"We can follow you out, wherever you want to go."

"I know what you are thinking," Esther stopped flipping the spotted ladybug that had given up its struggle. "You will definitely follow me and find someone I want to ask for help or communicate with, right?"

After a pause, she suppressed the smile on her face: "It's a pity that I won't go to the current candidate of Source Castle...your plan will come to nothing."

"Then where are you going? Feneport, Lunburg or Intis? Or are you planning to return to the sea? Fusac and Roen will soon be caught in more intense fighting, and small-scale incidents have occurred frequently in the border areas. contact, this is already the ‘trend of the times’.”

There was a clearly audible smile in Ladybug's voice when that word was mentioned.

Esther was silent for a long time, stared at the wooden box in her hand and said softly: "I don't know."

Go find other Tarot Club members? Esther didn't dare to bet on whether Amon would parasitize them, nor could she afford to bet on such a possibility. Moreover, in the final analysis, she and the others did not get to know each other that well. Once she left the Tarot Club, she was no longer suitable to follow them. They had contact.

There seemed to be no place to go.

Esther smiled self-deprecatingly and asked the clone next to her: "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"How about the Land Forsaken by God?"

This suggestion made Esther stunned for a moment, and then she tightened her palm on the wooden box: "That's fine, I should have solved the remaining problems over there a long time ago."

The ladybug's body turned around, and by the time it flapped its wings and flew up, it had transformed from a slight twist into a soft black-feathered crow.

A crow flew on the back of the bench, and a slightly hoarse laugh sounded.


Klein's spiritual intuition was suddenly triggered, and then there was a "click" knocking sound from the hotel window, which sounded like some kind of metal object hitting the window.

He did not stand up immediately, but slowly and methodically put away the "Death Knell" that had just been divined. After checking the magical items on his body, Klein was already preparing to leave the room and quickly head to a new temporary destination.

He did not let the marionette respond to the knocking sound. Instead, he walked to the window and was ready to change positions with the marionette at any time.

Klein has been reviewing this for a long time, and he now knows very well that his spiritual intuition may be disturbed when facing "Esther".

However, the skylark that knocked on the window and made a noise looked dirty, and he didn't know where it came from. Klein was very sure that neither Zoya nor Esther would mess with themselves like this. Embarrassed.

Skylark's eyes were full of pleading, and he tapped the glass with his sharp beak again and again.

Klein sighed heavily and reopened the window, allowing Norns to fly in.

With a "ding" sound, Skylark released his claws and let a round coin fall on the window frame.

It called quietly, weakly.

Klein picked up the five-pence copper coin, and the mixed feelings of dumbfounding and laughter emerged, making him stand for a long time by the cold wind blowing window.

"I actually don't need...I don't need how many benefits you can provide me."

Klein looked at the skylark and responded in the same low voice. (End of chapter)

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