Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 410 Dream: New members and naming


The man touched the bandage on his body and sighed heavily.

He hasn't had such a peaceful life for a long time. He doesn't know what kind of town "Chaoyang City" is. He hasn't had the chance to leave here yet.

Out of precaution, Osykus specifically stated that these injured outsiders would not be able to obtain permission to enter the city for the time being.

The man could understand these actions. He would also isolate such a group of strangers, not to mention that there were two slaves with pointed ears, which were too distinctive elven characteristics. If someone with evil intentions sneaked into the city, Here, that would be very dangerous.

But he also heard from a few young people who were changing bandages or delivering meals. They were all talkative and had a light in their eyes. Men could see their expectations for life from that.

It is said that "Chaoyang City" is a city founded by humans and exists because of the glory of the Lord.

Every time he hears this, the man feels anxious while longing. He doesn't understand why these people seem so happy when talking about their "lord". Isn't that Lord just like the Elf King, who makes people fearful? And in awe?

While fleeing outside, they heard some rumors about "terrible shadows", "the sun god who burns everything" and "the evil warriors he drives".

In the past few days, in the stone house, just the sound of footsteps approaching outside the door would wake the man up from his nightmare. He would subconsciously search for weapons around him - but there was nothing.

There was no threat inside or outside the house. The drowsiness caused by sleep made his arms weak, and the warm leather blanket pressed against his body carried a smell that could not be washed away.

It's completely different from the fishy smell of the sea. It's hard for men to say which one they like more.

If I had to say, he preferred the food or medicinal soup brought by the young people, as if he could absorb some of the hopeful energy by talking to them.

However, these young people do not understand Elvish. The man can only understand part of the language they speak, but this does not prevent him from listening to others. The man has memorized some simple words, thanks to the memory of the Elf blood. of reinforcement.

As a slave, you can only eat one meal a day in the elves. If you offend your master, you may not even get this meal. The temper of the elves has never been very good.

If they were just humans, their situation would not be so bad, but because they carry some elven blood, they have become the lowest level of "dirt".

However, here, meals are delivered twice a day, in the morning and just after nightfall.

Distributing large amounts of food to the wounded, or "foreign prisoners", is a very luxurious thing in a man's mind. Unless the humans here have a stable source of food, he can easily make such an association.

Today, the young man named "Abram" came to deliver soup and morning meal. He seemed to often run errands for others. In the young man's own words, he "walked fast."

The man once watched Abram pull a crack in the wall and decided not to delve into what path this "fast walker" took.

There seemed to be many extraordinary people here. The man recalled the people he met on the first day. They had more or less strange temperaments.

The most normal one is the handsome young man who can release light in his hands. However, since he cleaned his wounds and left that day, the man has never seen him again.

Abram brought the medicine soup and food and placed them on the low table beside the bed: "How are you feeling today?"

There was a strange pause in his words, but the man decided not to correct this. He was already grateful that Abram was willing to patiently communicate with him in Elvish: "Thank you, it feels good."

Abram took off the bandages on the man's body. He looked at the shocking wounds and sighed silently in his heart.When he was wandering with his father and mother, he saw many slaves similar to men, living at the bottom of the race.

But this was the first time that Abram could lend a helping hand to them, and he knew in his heart that only "Rising Sun City" had the power to do this.

"If it hurts, tell me." Abram said, briefly observing the condition of the wound, and then threw all the bandages into the barrel in the corner of the room.

The man shook his head, looked at the scabbed scar without saying a word, raised his arm and waved it twice in the air.

He could feel the power returning to his body.The life of recuperation also made him a little boring, so the man asked: "I want to go outside to exercise, is that okay?"

Abram repeated the man's words twice and barely understood part of the meaning: "Are you going out?"

The man nodded, but he felt that Abram had misunderstood something.

The young man frowned in disapproval, brewed the medicine soup and gestured: "There is still a lot of medicine, but I haven't taken it yet."

The man nodded again and slowed down his speech: "Just at the door, take a walk."

Abram agreed several times, at least he seemed to understand: "I'll go and ask."

This is the most skillful Elvish language he uses when communicating with men.

The man watched Abram open a door directly on the wall and step out like that. Even though he was used to this scene, he was still surprised when he saw it again.

The man was accustomed to drinking the medicinal soup on the tray before meals to prevent it from cooling too long and becoming more bitter. The warm medicinal soup still smelled of burnt wood residue. The man resisted the urge to vomit and drank it. Drink it all.

At first he was unwilling to drink this mud-like soup, but the girl who came to deliver the medicine for the first time took a few sips in front of him, drank it, and expressed with her actions that "there is no poison in it." This made the man reluctantly relax.But when he took the first sip, he spit it all out.

However, in the past few days, his body quickly regained its vitality, allowing the man to directly overcome his physical resistance and actively cooperate with taking the medicine twice in the morning and evening.

Drinking the medicine first will also ensure that he will not vomit out the contents of his stomach.

What was on the other plate was breakfast, two fried eggs, a piece of chewy bread with a shiny layer of oil on it, a few green crisp fruits, and a spoonful of unknown jam.

The man quickly swept away the food and moved his arms. The injuries on his shoulders and the scratches on his flanks were basically no longer painful, except for the occasional itching.

He hasn't gotten permission to go out yet, so now he's just moving around in the house, leaning against the window and looking out at the smooth gravel path.

Outside his window, he could see lush plants and green everywhere, which the man was not used to.But after a few peaceful days, he seemed to be falling in love with this scenery again. Everything was so peaceful, like a carefully decorated dream.

So good that it didn't feel real to him.

The palace of the elves is underwater. Even though some elves live in the forest and have customs that are completely different from life under the sea, they also have some common characteristics - such as belief in the elf king and queen, closeness to nature, and admiration for the strong. , likes to use the blood of prey to make food.

And that’s inseparable from the “hunting” part.

The objects being hunted may be any living creature that can move. The elves will even deliberately train their children to teach hunting skills using less threatening prey, including slaves of other races.

This is also the easiest opportunity for them to escape. It is natural that immature hunters are more likely to let their prey escape.

Men always wonder if they will be expelled from here, and then what?And then would he have to live that life again?

He took two steps back from the window and sat back on the edge of the bed.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and he hesitated for two seconds before answering: "Come in!"

The man who walked in the door was wearing a black robe, with a shadow that seemed to be alive floating between his brows, and a bird squatting on his shoulder.

The man had seen the other party, and he was saved by the other party. The young man named Abram was following this man and walked into the house with a very respectful expression.

"Hello, it seems that I haven't formally introduced myself since our first meeting."

This powerful man is very proficient in Elvish. This is the man's first impression: "Hello."

"I am Sasliel. As the half-body of the Lord, I am here to carry out and convey the Lord's wishes...that is, to do something for him." Sasliel said this, but his tone did not ease the atmosphere of the conversation. , but made the man's eyes even more nervous.

Being accustomed to the clear hierarchy of superiority and inferiority, it was hard for him to imagine that a noble being with that kind of unfathomable power would communicate with a slave in such an amiable tone.

Sasril couldn't help but laugh. He could easily see through what the man was thinking: "Don't worry so much. The life here is very different from that of the elves. The review of you has basically ended. From today on, you can Let’s go and walk around in the nearby city.”

Censorship?There is no censorship in a man's memory. If he puts aside those weird nightmares, he doesn't remember... right, those nightmares?

The man hesitated for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help but drift to the door: "Can I, we, all stay? Stay here? What do we need to do?"

"What you need to do will be done after a period of time. But in the life of Chaoyang City, you can also find some things that you can do in exchange for rewards. You can share this news with others later, and you can escape with it. A few other guests.”

Saslier nodded at Abram: "Abram, then I have to trouble you to take them with you and briefly introduce our city."

"No problem! I can do it!" Abram's poor Elvish language made Sasril sigh inwardly.

Sasril lifted Zoya on his shoulder into his palm: "Can you help me be a translator?"


Seeing the boy carefully holding the skylark, Saslier remembered another thing.

He turned to the man who was staring at Zoya doubtfully: "Abram told me that you have no names."

The man nodded silently, his shame beginning to gnaw at his self-esteem again.

"The Lord will respond to anyone who asks for salvation. From today on, your name will be 'Leodro'. Are you willing?"

The man looked at Sasril blankly. In the Elvish language, this word means "heart of the brave beast".

"it is good."

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