Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 325 Gods and Humans

Chapter 325 Gods and Humans

In the end, "Justice" just muttered in his heart, and said very politely: "Thank you for telling me this, Mr. Devil. And thank you for helping me answer my questions, Mr. World!"

"The Fool" tapped the table gently, attracting several other people who were either thinking or confused. After everyone looked at the head of the table, he spoke gently:
"God's love for the world is not free. This is the original intention of missionary work."

Esther's lips moved again, but she just sighed silently without making a sound. Compared with the others who gradually showed shocked expressions, the "world" at the end of the table lowered their heads, as if they had no idea about this topic. No reaction.

"The Fool" did not explain much, and no one dared to ask about this topic again. About half of the people at the table had superficial beliefs. If this topic continues, it will inevitably analyze gods from a more abstract perspective. This is the same as blasphemy. no difference.

The silence lasted for a moment, and "Justice" smiled with some difficulty: "This is the only thing I have encountered recently."

This topic was finally over, the others breathed a sigh of relief, and the depressing atmosphere in the room eased slightly.

But after "Magician" and "Moon" said there was no new news, "The Hanged Man" looked at "The World" and asked:
"Can you share that mural with everyone?"

"The World" was silent for several seconds, and then replied indifferently: "I have no objection."

So after "The Fool" nodded slightly, "The Hanged Man" shared a mural:
The overall background of the picture is dark, which is consistent with the story it "narrates". There are vague figures in the background, and the main subject is a long table. The figures lying on it are carrying the brightest and softest colors in the entire picture, full of brilliance. of cross.

What blocks that brilliance are three shadowy people - a handsome and energetic young man with blond hair wearing a pure white robe, with an appearance as bright as the sun; a middle-aged man wearing black armor who is majestic and majestic; An old man wearing a hood, with only his mouth, wrinkles and white beard exposed.

Yet what they are doing makes it difficult to associate them with any decent characters.

These three people were eating the figures on the long table. The severed arm that was torn off was put into the mouth by the middle-aged man. The old man with a white beard held up his head and sucked the brains. The handsome young man gnawed the freshly dug out and seemed to be beating. heart.

A huge wound opened in the abdomen of the person carrying the light and shadow of the cross, and inside sat a baby covered in pitch black, chewing his intestines, soaked in blood.

The more ingenious design of this mural is that the four people slightly raised their heads at the same time, as if they were watching anyone who "sees" them, staring at the bystanders outside the mural, which makes people feel fiercely. chill.

The second she looked at this mural, Esther's vision suddenly blurred.

She rubbed her eyes hard twice and found that tears were constantly escaping from the corners of her eyes, but they were not real. It was impossible for her to cry...

The gray mist that shrouded Esther's face, blurring her appearance, rolled slightly, swallowing up the shimmering tears.

Esther then realized that maybe it wasn't because of her.

Except for the "Fool" who was paying attention to observe the situation, the other members were still immersed in the impact of the content of the mural and did not notice the abnormality of the "lover".


Of course, the gray fog would not block Klein's sight. He could see Esther's reaction clearly.

The brief silence when "The World" answered earlier was that Klein was hesitating. He was not sure whether he should let Esther know about this matter, and he was also worried about whether this matter would have any negative impact and cause her or Zoya to behave abnormally. .

But this place is above the gray fog after all. Compared with the fact that Esther may come into contact with this truth from other places someday in the future, perhaps this is the right time for her to learn from a protected channel. This matter, here, "The Fool" can protect it openly and deal with any changes in Zoya or Esther's loss of control.

And now it was a Tarot meeting. Klein knew that with Esther's temperament, she would never have an outburst in such a serious meeting. Such an environment could also force her to calm down quickly.

Of course, the shelter that "The Fool" can provide is the key to Klein agreeing to "The Hanged Man" release the mural. Perhaps this can also dispel Esther's idea of ​​tracking down the name "Daribog".

But when the tears seeped out of her false spirit body, shattered into faint points of light, and were absorbed by the gray mist, Klein still felt a trace of guilt.

He couldn't confirm who the tears came from, Esther or Zoya. He just felt sorry for such a miserable truth.

Klein also realized so clearly that there were things that the true God was powerless to do.

Just like the ancient creator who was eaten, now even that history has been covered up and kept silent.

The "lover's" mood quickly stabilized, and she just gently rubbed the center of her brows. The moment she realized she was crying, her tears stopped.

Others did not notice her gaffe, and the content of the mural was a huge shock to everyone, including those who did not believe in the Seven Righteous Gods.

This is a secret belonging to the dark side of history. The impression it can bring is strong enough to remain in their memory and serve as a warning.

Alas, I hope this matter will not frighten them too much...

Klein moved his gaze, and The Fool looked around at his attendees.


The "Hermit" frowned, and the surprise in her heart made her unable to resist the urge to speak: "Kings of Angels?"

As the person displaying this mural, "The Hanged Man" naturally gave the answer: "Yes, at least the three people around him are."

No one answered for several seconds. After the "lover" tried his best to calm down his emotions, he murmured in a low voice: "Huo... that baby is the true Creator, or as it is often mentioned, the Fallen Creator." Halls also witnessed Da. Death of Zhborg?Esther was in a daze.

Her voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the silence at the long table to hear clearly. Unlike the "lover"'s usual gentle but brisk voice, her words were trembling, and even a hint of sadness could be heard.

"Sun" subconsciously looked at the end of the table, no longer at the mural. He seemed to have found another person who had the same pain and despair as himself.

God died, was eaten, and will never come back... Who should we pray to for forgiveness and sunshine in this earth shrouded in darkness?
"Sun" didn't understand the reason, and he didn't have enough courage to ask "Lover" if she also knew the "Lord" that Silver City believed in.

In the end, he just lowered his head sadly, then raised his head in silence and glanced at the "Fool" at the head.

After all, "Justice" grew up in a traditional aristocratic family with close ties to the church. All this was so shocking to her that she had to seek other explanations to calm her inner turmoil:

"Is this a distortion of the legend that the three gods were born from the spirit of the Creator?"

This is a common statement in the Zhengshen Church, and it is the most widely circulated record of the birth of gods.

Esther didn't refute, but she knew that was not the case. Everything this mural showed...

She can even connect the three people in the picture with the corresponding angels: "Wind Angel", "Cherophila", and "Pure White Angel".

No more memories flooded into her mind. Esther's connection with Zoya had cracks now. She just had such a hazy impression. No matter how much information she had, she couldn't dig it out.

"The Hanged Man" responded to "Justice": "Maybe."

The "Fool" remained silent, and this weighty silence continued to ferment on the long bronze table.

"Devil" subconsciously put his hands in his arms again. He really wanted to have a cigarette to calm down his shock. Today's meeting was not very friendly to him - he originally thought that his spirit was already very strong, no matter what You can face everything calmly.

The "Devil" never expected that on the first day of participating in the meeting, he would encounter someone bringing such shocking secrets.

This is the value of the meeting before God... Barnabei's sitting posture has become much more serious than when he first participated in the meeting. He has completely let go of his cynicism.

In fact, the content depicted in the mural in front of him made him feel heavy.

In the end, it was "The Hanged Man" who took the initiative to disperse the murals and broke the silence in the hall. He asked "The Sun" about "investigating the former chief's mausoleum", but "The Sun" had been on patrol during this period, so he did not Sora went to investigate.

"The Hanged Man" sounded very puzzled: "Why don't you ask a friend with whom you have a certain relationship to help?"

He even thoughtfully explained how to entrust this matter to a friend, and put forward a very comprehensive inquiry plan for "The Sun".

After a few seconds, "The Sun" gave the answer: "I have no friends."

"The Hanged Man" took a breath and began to encourage "The Sun" again, even using "Silver City is at a dangerous crossroads". Such persuasive words made the already simple "Sun" even more hesitant and fell into Struggling to think.

Esther didn't listen too carefully to their conversation. She just stared blankly in the direction of the previous mural. Even if she felt pain, she wanted to take another look, trying to dig out more things from her consciousness.

"The World"'s hoarse voice sounded next to him: "Miss Justice, can you treat more serious mental illnesses now?"

Esther immediately came back to her senses and stared at "The World" with a frown.

“Justice” seems eager to try:

"Okay, no problem. Mr. World, do you have any friends who need treatment?"

"The World" slightly turned its head in the direction of Esther, but this was just a very inconspicuous little movement. It seemed like it just moved its neck under the hood for a moment, and then turned back to the direction of "Justice".

"The World" laughed low and hoarsely: "Maybe, of course, it's me who needs treatment."

After "Justice" was briefly stunned, he glanced in the direction of "Lover" seemingly inadvertently:
"I can't guarantee it, Mr. World, but according to my observation, you don't have obvious abnormalities, and you don't look like someone with a mental illness. If it is anxiety and stress, I will suggest appropriate relaxation and relief. Self-regulation can help you get through periodic lows, and there is no need to deliberately seek treatment.”

"The World" nodded slightly: "Thank you for your kindness. I would like to make an appointment first. If anything happens, I hope to get reliable treatment, and you are the 'psychiatrist' I am most familiar with."

When "Justice" heard this, he nodded vigorously: "I understand, I will assume your trust, Mr. World. But this must ensure that you are within the scope of my activities, otherwise it will be difficult for us to meet... …”

"The World" lowered its head to "The Fool": "Dear Mr. Fool, I wonder if it is possible above the gray fog?"

"The Fool" smiled and said, "I don't mind, it's fine, if any of you need it."

Esther looked at "The Fool", this seemed to be... some kind of hint?

(End of this chapter)

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