Chapter 300
The black puppy jumped out from the gap in the spirit world, showing aggrieved emotions, and circled Esther twice.

Esther leaned over and rubbed its head: "Sorry, I have been in a very far away place before. Today is also for Klein, um, Gehrman, you know whose it is, right?"

The puppy raised its head and waggled its tail happily. After receiving Esther's letter, it crawled back into the crack in the spirit world and carried out the mission it had received.

Esther removed the seals arranged with light spots in the room, packed up the pen and paper for writing, looked at the red cloak hanging by the door, and considered buying another bag to put it in.

If she wanted to go back to Loen, it would be very strange to walk on the streets wrapped in such a red cloak. If someone discovered that there was something special about this cloak, Esther felt that she would most likely face the church's joint pursuit.

After all, Hells is still the "Evil God"... Esther sighed heavily, sat back on the chair, and took out the Holy Emblem of the Night from her bag.

Let’s not contact him for the time being. The goddess of the night also has many things to hide. His kindness... is it real?Just by chance?Or is it a deeper use?

Although Esther knew that there were many ambiguities in Amon's words, and even if the information he revealed was true and he had never lied in front of Esther, she was subconsciously wary.

The real thing is not necessarily the whole picture. Esther, who is also a "thief", has some idea of ​​this.

Looking back now, the goodwill of all parties seems to be superficial. While Esther felt powerless about the situation, she also examined Zoya's past actions for the first time.

Including lending her power to Esther, Zoya was always protecting me. Even leading me to the God-Forsaken Land was just to let me meet Ouroleus and Hells. He was also warning me about that. A town, a wrong "anchor"...

Can I find a way to help the spirit in that city that has been trapped for thousands of years?

While Esther was deep in thought, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Banabei's voice came in: "Shall we go to a restaurant nearby to eat? I asked the front desk and there is a restaurant nearby that has delicious Teyatiwa."

It is a famous local dish in the Rhoad Islands. It is made by hollowing out the flesh of Tyana fruit, adding mashed lamb and fish to the shell, and grilling it with seasonings.

Of course Esther didn't have any objections. She immediately stood up from the chair and put her satchel on her shoulder. Only then did she realize what Barnabas was thinking - "Find someone to pay for it."

He is such a shameless bastard who can take advantage...

The corner of Esther's mouth twitched twice. After she calmed down, she opened the door: "Okay, call Mateo and go have a dinner. You didn't deliberately choose a luxury restaurant, right?"

Banabesan smiled and shook his head: "No! It's just an ordinary restaurant. I'll treat you. Anyway, I secretly kept two of the gold pounds I won on the boat just now."

"I see, so the money you gave me was only part of what I spent."

"Don't mind it so much! Think about it, I can actually not pay you back at all..."

Esther ignored him and knocked hard on Barnabas' door: "Let's go, have dinner! I want to make this bastard bankrupt!"

But in the end, Esther just said this and didn't actually put it into practice.

The three of them finally asked for a more private private room and ordered a table of dishes, including ham salad, pumpkin soup as an appetizer, and teatiwa as a dinner.At Esther's request, only her food was replaced with Tyana juice, and the other two drank fruity gin.

"You really don't understand the art of life. When you enjoy a dish with a heavier meat flavor, of course you have to pair it with a heavier wine flavor, so that the two can better complement each other." Banabei commented rudely.

Esther smelled the mixed juice, took a sip, and saw that it was mixed with apple juice and melon juice: "But I like sweet drinks, and wine is always a bit spicy."

Mateo didn't have any objections. After learning that it was Barnabas who was treating the guests, he had been enjoying the meal in silence and did not participate much in the conversation between Esther and Esther.But judging by the look on his face when he was eating, Mateo was happy to let Barnabe take care of the expense.

Barnabas shook his head in disapproval: "Wine can be said to be the companion of inspiration and the solace of the spirit. If you can't understand the beauty of wine, then you have said goodbye to the art of life."

"Just because I don't like drinking that much doesn't mean I can't drink. I've also tried Nipos." Esther retorted.

Barnabei is still persisting in promoting his "art of living", showing his disdain for Fusac's national drink:
"In addition to being cheap and strong, Nipos only tastes spicy, which is quite disrespectful to the complicated process of making wine! Real wine should match the mood of the drinker, and the best destination for Nipos is the base of cocktails. When there is no suitable combination, drinking it directly is no different from wearing a bow tie naked!”

Esther held the spoon and was stunned for two seconds, holding back a smile and said: "Your attitude when talking about wine is really... enthusiastic. Are all Intis people like this?"

Mateo's facial features were obviously distorted: "No, I don't think so."

Barnabas continued to express his inner dissatisfaction with his unique yin and yang spirit: "So you are the type of person who has no interest in life at first glance, and both of you are. Life is about finding everything you can enjoy. This is not the same as Does it matter where you are from?" Mateo said with a serious face: "Confidence follows virtue, virtue follows knowledge, knowledge needs to be coupled with temperance, temperance needs to be coupled with patience..."

Banabei raised a finger and shook it left and right, interrupting him: "Don't recite the 'Sun' teachings to me. I have physical discomfort with fanatic believers."

Esther didn't want to get involved in the tit-for-tat conversation between the two people. Suddenly, her perception was faintly touched.

Esther looked down at her feet, and saw a black puppy with a mouth that was almost split on the back of her head, standing next to her legs.

Seeing Esther lowering her head, the puppy swung its tail happily twice, then quickly suppressed its excitement and raised its neck proudly, with the fire burning in its eyes particularly lush.

Banabei seemed to have noticed something. He held the goblet in his hand and tapped the glass three times quickly with his index finger.

"Oh, thank you."

Esther leaned over to take the letter and touched the puppy's head. The puppy snorted a stream of red air from its nostrils with disdain, but its tail started to wag happily again.

Banabei suddenly lowered his body, lying under the table, and saw the source of his fear.

Even though his stature shrank and the pressure brought by the high-ranking person in the same path was restrained, Banabei recognized the spiritual creature under the table.

The puppy felt Banabei's gaze, turned its head in dissatisfaction, and bared its teeth fiercely at Banabei, who was shivering all over. Then its figure turned into an illusion and disappeared into the air.

Only then did Banabei seem to suddenly react. He instinctively kicked the table hard, and his whole body flew out like a spring, directly sticking to the wall.The fingers he pinched trembled slightly, but he could snap his fingers at any time and activate his extraordinary abilities.

The table suffered a sudden kick and shook violently. Esther stabilized her glass of juice in time, but Mateo was not so lucky. The gin in his glass spilled everywhere. .

The two people's annoyed gazes were directed at Barnabas at the same time.

Banabei subconsciously raised his hands: "It's not me! No, I'm talking about what happened just now and why did that kind of creature appear here!?"

With one grab, Esther stole the gin that was almost flowing down the table, making the table instantly cleaner.

She first looked at Mateo: "Do you want more? If you want it, I will return it to your cup."

Mateo looked at her with shocked and angry eyes: "Of course not!"

Then Esther pointed to the seat where Barnabas had fallen down: "Stop grabbing the wall there. Your expression looks like someone is going to murder you. Calm down."

Banabei didn't move: "That kind of creature shouldn't appear here!"

Esther found it very interesting. She thought that no matter what appeared, Banabei could always remain so calm.

But seeing that Barnabas was about to run away with a "flame jump", Esther had to explain to him: "That puppy is just a messenger, a very dedicated child."

"Puppy? Messenger! Child!?" Banabei shouted louder than the other, "Then whose messenger is it? Don't tell me that it is the messenger of your contract!"

"It's me, what's wrong?" Esther leisurely scooped up a spoonful of fish meat and put it in her mouth. As she chewed it, there was still a bit of the aroma of Tyana pulp.

Barnabas held up the chair, placing more of his weight on it to support himself and stand firm:
"It is an extremely dangerous and wonderful spiritual creature. They live in the gaps of history. Basically no one can see their true face. Even if they appear, they are often only illusory projections. But you have to sign a contract with it. Contract, then it must actually appear in front of you, which is a very, very incredible thing.

"I know the characteristics of its appearance, not to mention that it is a high-level extraordinary creature of the 'divineer' path. There is no way I can admit it!"

Esther's expression gradually became serious. She put away the letter from Klein in her hand and did not rush to open it: "Do you know what this creature is called?"

"Fulgrim's Dog." Barnabas' mood finally returned to normal. He sat back on his chair. His whole body changed from extremely nervous to relaxed, so soft that he was almost beaten to the bone. "It scared me to death, even though I know you It's a demigod, but I can't figure it out..."

Mateo next to him gave Esther a questioning look, and Esther just shook her head at him: "Don't worry, there are rules between the messenger and the contractor not to hurt both parties wantonly."

Perhaps it was the look between the two that reminded him. Banabei closed his eyes, remembering the few conversations he had overheard before, and looked at Esther in confusion: "The 'honorable name' that Matteo mentioned before. , what is it again?”

(End of this chapter)

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