Chapter 256 Lost

Much to Esther's relief, the dream ended before Anderson could speak again, and she flew up from the arm of the easy chair and landed on the empty ground, looking around gloomily.

Then she found her target, Esther flew to the front of the mural of Ouroreus, looking up at the angel and skylark in the painting.

"It's a strange feeling like looking at yourself." Esther murmured softly.

The skylark's eyes in the painting have been closed, and it has returned to a lifeless expression. Esther is not sure whether this represents the reality of "Zoya", or that he is not paying attention to the situation here?

Suddenly, a layer of ripples appeared on the mural, and Esther suddenly flew backwards for a distance, but did not see anything emerging from it.

But the mural has changed a bit. The "Angel of Destiny" who had closed his eyes tightly opened his eyes at this moment. There is no emotion in his peaceful eyes, but he looks straight from the mural, staring at the skylark.


Esther flew back a certain distance vigilantly, round after round of round wheels spread out from her feathers, and surrounded her, beware of any changes in the mural, "Tail Swallower" suddenly shot .

But Esther's prediction didn't come true, and the portrait of Ouroreus just showed a faint smile that was almost hard to see, and then closed his eyes again.

Ripples return to calm.

Skylark fell back to the ground in a daze, and Esther didn't feel any malice. To be honest, Ouroreus' attitude was as if he came here to say hello, and he didn't do anything.

Esther flicked her wings, if Ouroreus left bad luck on her, she couldn't have been unaware.

"It's even more strange." Skylark muttered dissatisfiedly, and squatted in the corner of the hall, waiting helplessly for the next opportunity for everyone in the "Future" to enter the dreamland.

After a while, Esther suddenly remembered that she had overlooked a very important thing.

By the way, time!
Esther has been in this endless dream for so long that she no longer knows what day the outside world is, let alone what day it is.

There were too many things that happened when I met Klein before, and Esther didn't ask at all, so I couldn't help feeling anxious at this time.

It's over, what will Tarot do?Wouldn't I have been absent and didn't ask for leave? Would Mister Fool be angry?
I don’t know if it will be useful to pray to Mister Fool in my dream. After all, this place is quite special, so I’ll try it first.

Esther calmed down and silently recited the three-stage name of "The Fool":
"O fools who do not belong to this age;

"You are the mysterious ruler above the gray mist;

"You are the yellow and black king of good fortune;

"Your believers pray to you, ask you to listen,

"I am currently in a situation of isolation from the outside world, and will not be able to participate in the next Tarot Club..."

After typing the leave note to "The Fool", Esther still felt very uneasy, because she was not sure whether this prayer could be conveyed to the outside world.

But a few minutes later, a light fell in front of Esther who was waiting patiently, surrounded by buzzing sounds, and the phantom sitting at the bronze table also became blurred.

"The Fool" folded his hands in front of him, and nodded leisurely:

"I see."

"If you are in danger, you can chant my name."

Pray it will still be delivered!

"The Fool" was even willing to help. Esther did not expect such an unexpected gain.

This made her feel happy, Esther did not suppress her joyful emotions, the skylark soared into the sky, and excitedly circled between the two rows of stone pillars supporting the hall.


As soon as Klein woke up from the dream, he quickly got up and walked to the table.

He observed carefully, the skylark in the cage was still sleeping peacefully, its breathing fluctuated smoothly, and there was nothing unusual on the surface.

Klein opened the cage door first, and gently touched Skylark's head. The soft feathers were pressed under his fingers, but Skylark didn't respond to his touch.

Klein withdrew his hand, stared at Lark for a few seconds and then locked the cage door. He turned around and grabbed Esther's satchel, and quickly took out the box with the blood-stained circle on its surface.

Open the lid, the inside is empty.

"It's more suitable for me to fill light spots than ordinary creatures", "Create a certain kind of clone", the words Esther once said came to Klein's mind, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and took half a step back.

Even though he sat on the chair, Klein's center of gravity kept sinking.


Esther didn't know anything about it in her dream, and she still thought she was just asleep, and she couldn't wake up from a deep sleep in a dream.

Because it was Esther who entered the dream world, "Zoya" who stayed in the real world gained control of her body.Then the encounter between me and Esther in the dream was also the control adopted by "Zoya" to deceive me?Or pure accident?

But for "Zoya", as long as I don't find it immediately, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the trace of Skylark.

Klein smiled wryly from the bottom of his heart. It could not be ruled out that "luck" was an overly metaphysical factor. Esther hoped to find him, so she accidentally ran to him while traveling through the dream world.

Will Auceptin, as the "Mercury Snake", once showed the ability to control dreams, so by analogy, Ulorius, the king of angels, may also have related powers.

"Zoya", who is also a "fate" path but whose sequence is unknown, and Will is very afraid of, can she also...

Klein's expression froze suddenly. Although he knew that this move was rude, he still quickly checked the contents of Esther's satchel.

Sure enough, the holy emblem of the night was also gone.

Klein didn't know how to look at this matter for a moment.

"Zoya" is so bold that he used the holy emblem containing the power of "sleep" to suppress Esther's consciousness. Doesn't he care if the goddess notices it and casts her gaze?

Esther was locked behind the Chanis Gate during Tingen's time, but the Nighthawks only accepted her and did not forcefully control her activities. She could enter and exit.

Is that possible? The goddess has cast her gaze since then...

Klein felt chills in his heart. If this line of thinking continues to expand, it is likely to be disrespectful to the Evernight Goddess.

However, "Zoya" has always involved the existence of angels and even true gods. It's hard to say that Klein was surprised, but he was worried about Esther's situation.

No advantage at all, with Esther's promotion, "Zoya" has strengthened her control over her, but it is impossible for Esther to give up the promotion, and she has to face more and more threats .

Klein let out a long sigh, thinking about how to tell Esther about this, hoping that the next chance to fall asleep would come sooner.

At this moment, a harmonious prayer suddenly sounded in his ears, the voice was so vague and weak that he couldn't recognize it.

Klein immediately went to the bathroom, made preparations, walked four steps backwards, and boarded the gray mist to check.

To his surprise, this vague prayer came from the sphere of light.

The prayers of the usual villagers are clearly very clear, even if you don't climb the gray fog, you can still hear her voice clearly.

Klein was puzzled, and knocked on the shell of the light ball in his hand. Although the prayer sounded louder, it was still mixed with humming harmony.

Klein guessed that it was because Esther was still in the dream, and her prayers could only be transmitted through the barrier between the dream world and reality, so it would be affected, but at least Esther's connection with the gray mist was not completely broken...

After listening to Esther's request for leave for the next Tarot meeting, Klein immediately responded and added a special sentence:
"If you are in danger, you can chant my name."

If "The Fool" can interfere with "Zoya"'s control of Esther, maybe he can help Esther.


The "Future" passed through the sea area scattered with ruins, ushering in another night.

After Anderson Hood opened his eyes, he was still in the hall with the dome full of murals.

Anderson noticed the skylark that landed in front of him, but the bird's eyes were full of disgust, completely open.

"Hey, you're still there," Anderson greeted, "You won't be here waiting for me all the time, are you? So considerate?"

"Hey, I'm not waiting for you! I'm waiting for you to enter the dreamland so that I can find Gehrman! He is my friend." Skylark jumped on the ground twice angrily.

Anderson once again imagined the easy chair, sat down on it, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair: "Then you might as well wait here, maybe he will walk in at any time, he is always dreaming walking around."

Skylark rolled his eyes at Anderson and spread his wings: "Don't worry, I'm leaving now."

"So decisive? If you leave now, maybe you won't be able to meet them." Anderson said casually, admiring the murals on the dome.

Skylark just flew up and down, kicking Anderson's right arm off the handrail, forcing him to make room for himself.

Anderson touched his arm blankly. He actually felt the pain in the dream just now: "Hey, didn't you say you were leaving!"

"If you didn't say what you just said, I would definitely leave."

Esther was also very helpless about the current situation. She didn't want to stay here because she didn't want to listen to Anderson's crow's mouth, but he just said something that worried Esther.

But Anderson wasn't afraid of the skylark like he was afraid of Gehrman. Instead, because of Esther's response to him, he was full of curiosity and eager to chat, trying to figure out the situation of this "extraordinary creature".

Anderson laughed "hehe" twice: "Anyway, there is nothing to do in this dreamland. Exploring the depths of this monastery is too dangerous, and I don't recommend you to go in."

"what is inside?"

Anderson shook his head: "I don't know either. Gehrman has opened the door from the depths of the hall before, but his position is not fixed every time he enters the dream."

Skylark looked into the depths distressedly: "It would be great if Gehrman could really come out directly."

"Don't have too much hope. I saw the door open automatically before, but no one came out. Maybe the next one to come out will be—"

Esther interrupted Anderson loudly: "I beg you to stop talking!"


Suddenly there was a door opening sound from deep in the hall.

 Thank you for your votes, subscriptions and comments!

  Thank you Ming Yanxi for the reward!

  Thanks to De_Hilbert, polite people, Mojiang Qiushui Changgexing, Yuyuyu, SNX, indahwater, and the monthly pass to the forest that once had you!
(End of this chapter)

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