Esther didn't know how long it took her to regain her composure. She leaned against the fence and sat on the deck, letting the cold sea breeze blow on her back.

When she had the strength to look up again, the crimson moon was already hanging above her head.But through the green light curtain propped up by the "Clover", everything Esther sees is green.

Tomorrow night is the full moon, and the raving will be even more serious by then...

Esther raised her palm covered with joints, and took off the asymmetric gemstone necklace around her neck.She could feel the phantom cracks on the outside of her skin closing, and the interlocking rings emerging and fading, and occasionally there was a little gleam from under her clothes.

The green light curtain around her collapsed and disappeared.

An unfastened iron box was kicked to the side of Esther, knocking lightly on the fence.

Alexander was sitting on another box, as if using the weighted box as a bench, which was much more stable than a chair. His gaze fell on Esther through thick lenses, as if he was still in some kind of meditative state.

"Thank you, you don't have to wait for me." Esther lifted the box, placed the necklace flat on the black satin inside, covered it with two layers of glass shells, and then fastened the outermost box build.

"We can't use it anymore for a week."

The repeated cries for help faintly came from Esther's ear, which made her sigh: "I know, I'm suffering from that negative effect right now."

In fact, this was the first time she felt such a strong influence from a Extraordinary item. Although it wasn't raving, listening to a voice repeatedly pleading and shouting was enough to make Esther feel worried.

If you wait until the full moon falls tomorrow night, you don't know if the voice will change. Maybe the raving will suddenly be amplified, causing the person who uses it to face the threat of death.

Esther glanced out of the boat, only to see the endless sea: "Where are we now?"

"Luck is not good, but it is not bad. We have returned to the stormy sea area between the northern continent and the southern continent, but we are in a safe channel. If all goes well, it will only take three days to get to Port Behrens in the east half the voyage."

Esther couldn't help smiling, the bones on her body gradually melted into her skin, she rubbed her exposed arm: "It's pretty close to the target, it seems my luck is not too bad, we came back .”

"Seeing that you and Aaron always act on your instincts, I almost believe that there will always be such 'good luck' favoring you." Alexander's voice was a little hoarse.

Esther realized that he might have been sitting on the deck since the evening until now, waiting for her to recover...including monitoring her for any changes, so that she could take countermeasures immediately.

After all, there was another box sitting under Alexander.

Although the buzzing and concurrent headache subsided, Esther was still a little dizzy, and she didn't rush to get up: "Yeah, it's a very lucky way after all."

"It's different," Alexander raised his head, although he showed a friendly smile, his eyes were calm and indifferent, "You did steal Mary's idea, and the pollution on that key, you don't have the corresponding Items are contaminated, so that should also belong to your own ability."

Esther was silent for a few seconds, and rubbed her hair twice: "If you are really curious, yes, the aperture on the island before is also the ability of the 'fate' pathway, and it belongs to the high sequence. But I don't know why I can It uses the power of two extraordinary pathways, so sometimes it will be difficult to control it."

Alexander nodded: "I know what you mean, but I don't want to know the inside story of this matter."

Esther froze for a moment: "Is that so? I thought you were worried about my influence on Aaron."

"I'm a person who doesn't like to believe in luck. Although I won't be as straightforward as Thomas, but for me 'luck' is quite illusory." Alexander took off his glasses, revealing a pair of dark gray Eyes, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and gently wiped the lens, "Now that I think about it, I feel the same way about you."

"Are you feeling too sensible?"

Alexander paused when he wiped the lens: "Perhaps this is the reason, so I will habitually deconstruct everything around me, and establish the whole through one-sided construction."

Esther looked at the dark sea outside the fence: "You think I am an unstable factor, and it is difficult to form a stable whole."

"You're right. That's why I proposed to Aaron that, when writing to his teachers, consider a plan to include you as a member of the organization."

Esther opened her eyes blankly: "You mean..."

Alexander put on the thick glasses with the bottom of a bottle again: "Are you interested in joining the organization behind us? After experiencing this incident, I think I can give you more trust. Mainly if you are here,' Clover The Grass' means of escape seem to be able to be made more stable. As you can see, our fleet is not large."

Esther opened her mouth, but said nothing. After a moment of silence, she shook her head silently.

Alexander showed a relieved smile: "I didn't expect that it was Thomas who guessed right this time."

"You don't seem too surprised."

"If you agree to it, I will find an excuse to delay this matter. This is our plan."

Esther also smiled back: "No, you were sincere when you said that, I can feel it in this respect. But you can't promise me, if I really answer directly, it will prove that I am more serious Suspicious, maybe it is directed at your fleet."

"Mary is a good girl, but it's a pity she isn't as bright as you."

Esther's smile was a bit forced: "Maybe it's because I once paid the price for my insensitivity. I almost lost the people around me, and I did lose something later."

"After all, it's all part of growing up, and the sea is equally cruel." Alexander stood up from the box, and stretched out his hand to Esther, "You don't want to blow the cold wind here all night, do you? We still have classes tomorrow."

Esther held the palm of the old gentleman's hand: "Thank you, I promise I won't sleep in class."

Esther didn't sleep all night.

When the eyes are closed, the voice that keeps calling for help will gradually become clearer, but there is always an inaudible barrier.

When a person is endlessly calling for help in the ear, it is really difficult to sleep peacefully with Esther's personality. She knows that she can forcefully enter the "sleep" state, just like a machine that is turned off for a short time, but always Hearing that voice, it was difficult for Esther to calm down.

So she just sat up, and with the crimson moonlight coming in through the window, she read the Intis novel that Alexander lent her, "Taco the Fatalist and His Master"*.

"...When we lose our friends, we obey nature, and when nature moves us, we also obey. We accept without complaint what fate has for them, and we will never resist what fate has for us issued decision."

These are the words the host uses to comfort Taco.

The narrative tone of this novel is very interesting. The author talks to the readers very frankly, and does not let the perspective just immerse himself in the story.The whole story unfolds in the chat between Taco and his master and other people. The words and sentences are quite colloquial, which is very suitable for Esther to practice the corresponding sense of language in the reading room.

"Master: He said that both gods and demons work miracles.

Taco: How do you distinguish the miracles of the gods from the miracles of the devil?

Master: Reasonable and divided.If the truth is good, it is the miracle of the gods, and if the truth is bad, it is the miracle of the devil.

Taco (whistles, then continues): I am such an ignorant poor thing, who will tell me whether the miracle worker's truth is good or bad? ..."

Esther put down the book and blinked her eyes that didn't feel tired. She leaned on the back of the chair and looked out the window. It was time to go to the restaurant for dinner.

The sun is rising high, it is a new day, and in a dozen hours it will become a new night, and the sea will usher in a crimson full moon.


"You got up so early," Mary murmured greeting.

Esther grabbed a dinner plate and sat next to Mary in the corner. Mary yawned loudly and half-lyed on the table with almost no image.As the only two students in Alexandria's "language cram school", Esther and Mary's relationship has become more and more familiar after these few days of class together.

Esther sandwiched the sausage slices in slightly burnt bread slices. The food at sea was almost the same every day. She didn’t have any complaints in this regard. It would be nice to have something to eat: “Don’t you also get up early? ?”

Mary rubbed her eyes, and began to peel the last dry orange in her hand: "I don't want to, but I encountered so many things yesterday, I was a little nervous, and I couldn't sleep well."

"On the bright side, it's enough that the 'Clover' is safe and sound."

"Hey, I like your optimistic thoughts." Mary laughed dryly, and threw the sour orange into her mouth.

Esther took a sip of water, and there was an indescribable astringency in it. She simply squeezed the shriveled orange into juice and added it to the water: "You mean to say that I'm kind of stupid, right?"

"If you're stupid, there probably aren't many smart people on board." Mary rolled her eyes at the lady beside her, "Yesterday's situation was so difficult, I really thought we had to face the 'Death' directly, but luckily we didn't. But then the crack in the spirit world was opened again, and you—”

Mary stopped talking suddenly, and Esther swallowed the bread in her mouth in doubt: "What's wrong with me?"

"No, nothing." Mary shook her head vigorously, then glanced left and right, and lowered the voice of the conversation, "It's just that I heard the argument between Aaron and Thomas at the door of the captain's cabin last night. You're annoyed at using the magic item twice in a row, and Thomas is berating him for his attitude, thinking he should be happy that a boatload of people narrowly escaped death."

"I'm not going to die." Esther continued to nibble on her own slice of bread, and quickly finished her breakfast.

"Why are you so sure? Thomas is the complete opposite of you. He has been scolding Aaron about 'that damn good luck'. I don't quite understand the content behind it."

Mary paused, and continued: "He...he said that you would never make it through tonight."

Esther knew that the "spiritual intuition" in her mind would not hurt her. Since it didn't respond to that voice, it meant that she wouldn't experience anything too scary tonight.

So Esther winked at Mary: "Luck or miracle, which one do you choose?"

"That's lucky, miracles are too slim."

Esther spread her hands: "I'm more greedy, I'll take both."

She has experienced both, and she is not yet in a situation where she needs to pray to both. Tonight is the moment to listen carefully to the truth of the cry for help.

"Jacques the Fatalist and His Master" - Denis Diderot, translator: Luo Peng.Here is a spoof of the name of Taco Taco, the homonym of the burrito.

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