When Esther and Klein used their new names to connect, the guards next to them looked very strange, wondering why the lady said "waiting for a friend" before, but shook hands as if they were meeting for the first time.

But when Klein turned his eyes to the bulletin board to take a closer look, the guard quickly saw the business opportunity:

"Hey, does this gentleman seem to have a place to go? Just ask me, as a former sailor in the Royal Navy, I have been dealing with the sea for 15 years! If the war in East Balam didn't destroy my health, I can still Another ten years!"

When Klein was chatting with the guards to get information, Esther had been listening in, but she didn't interrupt much until Klein turned to Esther and asked her:

"Are you going back to Backlund?"

Esther shook her head again and again: "I won't go back, the smog is too serious, have you considered the destination of going to sea?"

"Well, I'll go to Rorsted Islands."

Klein pointed to a certain itinerary on the panel. It was a ship called "White Agate", and it would leave for Rorsted Islands tomorrow.

The guard got even more excited:

"Sir, your vision is really good! As a steam ship, the White Agate still retains its sails, and its maximum speed can reach [-] knots. The captain is very experienced. He used to be the bosun of the William V of the Royal Navy!"

But in the Wang family, no, in the Royal Navy, no matter how outstanding an ordinary person is, he can only be a bosun, unless he tries to please the officer by any means!It was because of this that Ireland was forced to leave the navy and joined the White Agate as his own captain along the way. "

"I strongly recommend that you choose the first-class cabin," the guard said with a somewhat ambiguous smile. "In addition to the spacious master bedroom, there are also rooms equipped with three to four servants. There are professional waiters who have received etiquette courses. The chef is outstanding and can be appointed, and the service is very thoughtful..."

He nodded at Esther with a smile, implying that obviously, making Esther a little hot on the face, she must have looked too excited when talking about the special food of Bancy Island earlier.

"You know very well..." Esther scanned the price of 35 pounds for the first-class cabin on the "White Agate".

"Irland used to be my boss. He would often buy me a drink and ask me to help him sell the first-class cabin, but you can rest assured that everything I say is true!"

Esther and Klein were silent for two seconds at the same time.

After all, first class is really expensive!

Klein asked again: "Sir, what advice do you have for a sea adventurer?"


The guard's voice subconsciously became louder, causing the people who lined up to buy tickets to turn their heads and look here.

Klein's spiritual intuition was slightly touched, and he looked back at one of them. It was a male in his thirties with a rough face.However, when Esther stood beside Klein, even though he still maintained a stern attitude, many people subconsciously thought that he was bragging to his girlfriend, and turned their eyes away.

"Is such a thing as a sea adventurer strange?" Esther couldn't help asking.

Now all the people who heard this turned their heads away, and many people who had been to sea would smile heartily, thinking that she was a silly girl who had read too many dramas or novels.

The guard thought the same way, shaking his head while laughing:

"So I said, the real sea is quite different from the tales of innocent girls, ma'am. The real sea adventurer is just another name for outlaw, villain, and treachery, and of course I'm not talking about you, sir.

There are three pieces of advice I can give you: first, don’t provoke pirates, second, don’t provoke pirates, and third, don’t provoke pirates! "

Esther looked at the expressionless Klein curiously: "Are there a lot of pirates on the route to Rorsted Islands?"

"It's not just the Rorsted Islands! Unlike our sailors who have a fixed route, those pirates don't need a fixed route, and they will appear even in dangerous seas. They are those guys who are always fighting the sea, they don't care about their own Life doesn't care about your life, you can do anything by burning, killing and looting!"

"So that's the case, thank you for your advice."

The guard suddenly took two steps closer to Klein, and said to him in a low voice: "Look at the lady with you, maybe my warning is a bit unnecessary. But you still have to be careful of those girls on the island, their enthusiasm is fake , I just hope that I can get along with the rich and have a good life."

Klein felt amused in his heart, and his face was expressionless: "Thank you, I see."

Then he looked at Esther: "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"Hmm..." Esther hesitated for a few seconds, not aware of any bad premonition, and simply nodded, "Okay! I'll go. Shall we go buy tickets now?"

Klein followed the character design of "Gehrman Sparrow" and led her to the line with the fewest people first, without asking any more questions.

The guard quickly shouted after the two of them: "The legends about the treasures in the sea are basically false! Don't believe them! They are all deadly traps!"

Esther also waved at the guard: "Thank you for your advice, sir!"

Then she turned around again and asked Klein in a low voice, "So my identity card is also with you?"

"Yes, the divination results are suitable for carrying, on me."

"Grateful heart! Sure enough, divination is convenient. Should I just learn how to divination from you? This skill is really practical."

Klein's unwavering, sharp gaze passed over the gold-rimmed glasses and landed on Esther: "I haven't pursued the big trouble you caused in the Eastern District."

Esther froze: "Ahaha, then I, let's find a place to talk slowly at noon, it's complicated..."


Klein and Esther bought two second-class tickets for the White Agate. Esther felt distressed because her wallet had shrunk a lot, but the next second, she excitedly introduced the Pritz Harbor to Klein. Specialty Peppermint Cream.

"Although the taste is a bit harsh, the sweetness is just right, and it goes well with bread or something! You can also drink it with water, just like making mint tea."

Then she directly stuffed the unopened box of peppermint ointment into Klein's hand. Did Klein hesitate for a moment, and didn't refuse the fellow's kindness: "Well, thank you."

The two found a three-story restaurant that provided small private rooms. After the waiter brought up the fried fish, seafood soup, and white bread, Klein locked the door behind him, took out props from the box skillfully, and arranged spiritual things around the room. wall.

"Should I be so careful?"

"Caution is necessary. The Extraordinary World has too many ways to track others. I don't think you would want to be caught again."

Esther paused for the hand that was cutting the fish steak: "That world—Mr. 'Black Emperor' told you?"

"Yeah, including the matter that you summoned the gods."

Klein kept a straight face. Even though Esther knew that he had entered the state of acting as a character, she still couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Esther laughed dryly, and said with a guilty conscience: "It's just because someone asked me for help, I can't help it, and I don't want to make a mess like that, but... in the end, thanks to Mr. 'Dark Emperor' for destroying the ceremony of the Aurora Society, otherwise Baker RAND could be headed for an even bigger catastrophe."

Klein drank the seafood soup slowly, letting the umami taste of the clams fill his tongue: "How did you do it?"

"I chanted the honorable name of 'Zoya', prayed directly to him and borrowed his power for a short time." Noticing that Klein's eyes were getting sharper, Esther quickly added, "But I've recovered! "

"In fact, what happened after I left Backlund was even worse..."

Esther briefly narrated her story of survival on the island, but after she was deprived of the "ability to speak" on the first day, Klein was taken aback.

Even if Klein wanted to play the cruel character again, he couldn't keep calm: "You survived like this for a few days without eating or drinking!?"

Esther chewed the crispy fried fish and swallowed what was in her mouth before continuing to talk about how she learned to devour fate to absorb energy, and the series of encounters in the next few days, which made Klein feel colder and colder the more he heard it. .

Seeing the worry in his eyes, Esther comforted her again: "Actually, it's just because I have 'Zoya' on my body, Amon dare not parasitize me, otherwise it won't be so troublesome. His so-called 'game' is just playing Just delaying time and waiting for the main body to land on the island."

Thank you, I was not comforted at all!Klein complained in his heart, and had a detailed understanding of Esther's disappearance during this period.

No wonder the results of Esther's divination on the gray mist were so critical, "Zoya" even gave a clear reply and was willing to help...

Klein looked at Esther: "How are you in your current state?"

Esther tore half of the white bread and soaked it in the seafood soup: "To be honest, I have never felt as chic as I am now in my life. Maybe it is because I have lost it that it is more precious? Everyone knows such a truth, but It’s best not to have such an experience.”

Klein nodded in agreement: "It's really too dangerous, so you want to give up on tracking down the Amon family?"

"That family is all his avatars, I mean 'all'," Esther said with a kind of gritted hatred, "can you imagine? He is completely one person playing All roles from master, wife to servant, even if you have a cat, it is probably parasitized by him!"

Klein sensed that Esther's mood was not right, so he didn't answer.

"On that island, almost all animals and insects were parasitized by him, and they stared at me from every corner... Fortunately, I realized this slowly, and I was already not normal at that time , but not directly fainted by fright.”

Her words were full of sarcasm at herself.

Klein put down the spoon in his hand, and no longer deliberately played the role of "Gehrman", but asked gently, "Esther, why do you hate yourself?"

Esther's hand trembled, almost throwing the spoon in the bowl.

"Sorry... I'm not emotionally stable." Esther rubbed her cheeks, trying to calm herself down.

She stared at the open clam in the bowl, as if she saw a broken Teyana shell on the ground: "Amon, He... Well, I don't want to hide this from you, He is looking for someone who has helped me many times God, it is very likely to threaten that benevolent 'fool'."

Klein knew that this wasn't a reason to really make Esther sad, and he didn't plan to show his cards right now: "You have to be careful of those 'evil gods' who might be disguising themselves."

"All the blessings prayed to the gods will one day require people to pay the price, won't they? As your former colleague, I still have this awareness."

Esther pointed to her forehead and smiled at Klein.

She is also avoiding the previous topic.

Klein was silent for a few seconds before asking, "So are you planning to go to sea too?"

"Actually, I had this plan in the first place. Backlund's winter is not very friendly. But I originally planned to go to South Well or Disey Bay in the west, and I also wanted to spend the New Year with you and make a good plan."

Esther smiled bitterly: "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to New Year's Eve with you."

"No, it's better if you can escape. I'm going to Rorsted Islands to find news about the mermaid, and continue to play along the way."

Esther raised the glass of ginger beer at Klein: "I hope the great adventurer doesn't mind taking an extra burden on this journey."

Klein also raised his glass, touched the wall of the glass lightly with Esther, and made a clear voice: "Of course it's not a burden. How can there be no musicians on a ship?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, sweeping away the melancholy just now.

Second watch, Dragon Boat Festival Ankang.

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