Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 144 Friend or Enemy

Chapter 144 Friend or Enemy
"Esther, is Xiao Wu still on you?"

asked the crow.

Esther thought it was thinking about Xiao Wu's situation, and hinted that she would try to undo Xiao Wu's seal now, and immediately nodded vigorously, then fumbled for the interlayer of the satchel, and took out the Insect of Time curled up into a ball.

Her perception has no problem making out the general outlines of objects, but when it comes to fine details, she's still no better than normal low vision.

At this time, Esther could see that the circles of silk threads around Xiao Wu bound it like a cocoon, and the outside was full of intertwined ring symbols.

But in the next second, the light cocoon in Esther's hand disappeared in a flash. She raised her head blankly and looked at the crow opposite.

"Xiao Qi" was holding the seal that wrapped the time worm in his mouth, and then he swallowed it with his head raised.

It's not Xiaoqi...it's definitely not Xiaoqi!

Xiao Wu's existence disappeared directly from Esther's perception, and merged into the worm-like shadow.

In Esther's "line of sight", the shadow began to distort, and it eventually regrouped into a human form. The young man sat leisurely on the top of the opposite bush with his legs crossed. Gravity was nothing but a steal for it. At the right eye of the young man, there is a circle of completely black shadows, blocking the blurred outline of his face like a black hole.

Of course Esther knew what it was, it was a monocle.

Amon beckoned, and a crow transformed from unknown origin flew down, lightly landed on his arm, and tilted his head innocently to look at Esther.

He pointed to the crow, and also smiled at Esther:
"Why, do you want to take your friend back?"

What about Xiaoqi?What happened to Xiao Qi?
Esther was a little unbelievable for a while, so that she showed all her bewilderment and doubts on her face. She remembered the first night at the beach, the warm white-eyed crow clinging to her side, and told her that those two sentences should be just Chinese that the other party knows.

Amon smiled even more happily: "The Yinyue you described is quite beautiful, but also very strange, including those two sentences of your hometown dialect. Where did that language... come from?"

His words clearly passed into Esther's mind, she wanted to speak, but her mouth was still tightly closed.

So, before setting foot on this island, that crow had taken back Xiao Qi's Worm of Time?
The culprit who really got himself to this island.

"It's normal for you to be so resistant to playing the 'thief'." Amon smiled and rubbed the crow's neck, and the crow gently scratched his fingers. "After all, the instinct of the 'fate' path is from the heart, and the Fraud' is the exact opposite."

The white-eyed crow flapped its wings and flew towards Esther, but before it landed, Esther raised her wooden gun and pointed it at it, so it flew back to the branch of the tree resentfully, blending into those who were watching among the same kind.

"Look, our game is not over yet, don't you plan to stand here until dawn?"

As Amon said, he raised his head and pushed the monocle on his right eye.

In Esther's perception, shadow-like ripples appeared in the place where the dark hole appeared, distorting the outline of Amon's figure, which made her subconsciously take half a step back.

"If you can really win, it's not impossible to add 'little seven' to the bet." Amon suggested.


Esther shook her head, raised her hand and scratched the word on the ground with a wooden gun.

Amon laughed loudly until Esther turned and left, walking slowly to the other side of the forest. His laughter still did not stop, but echoed behind her.

A crow poked its head out of the grass at Esther's feet and said to her happily:

"Happy New Years, Esther, it's a pity you're missing your appointment!"

Esther paused, but ignored the crow.

It is not Xiaoqi, nor is it the bug of time who accompanied her through the memory of the loneliest few nights at the beginning of the alien world, nor the crow that would only fly to her shoulder to chat or discuss.

Xiao Qi just disappeared...

For some reason, Esther remembered a few words she had read somewhere:

"Other friends have long been separated,
In the morning it will leave me too, as my hope has vanished.

Then the crow said - 'never again'. "*
Never again.

These words that suddenly popped up from the bottom of my heart cut a hole deeply.

Only Esther knew that the scene in her perception became more and more chaotic due to emotional fluctuations, like a brushed sand painting.

The midnight of December 31 has passed, and the early morning of January [-] came to this small island with a completely meaningless date. It was in the corner of the vast sea, not even in the course of any ship.


The sky gradually revealed light.

On the edge of the beach, Amon's avatar of Sequence [-] was sitting on a stone. In front of him was a fire that had already cooled down, and there were a few Teyana fruit shells scattered beside it.

This is where Esther stayed when she first came to the island.

He was playing with an emerald green snake carcass not much bigger than an earthworm, tossing and unknotting it over and over again, looking rather boring.

He deliberately stole this thing from its original hiding place. There will only be one winner in this game, and it will not be determined by good luck.

When Esther was naively looking for the "last thing" on the island, He decisively chose to take the snake into his hands, and let her hold on to the last bit of hope to do futile work.

Anyway, all we have to do is continue to procrastinate until——

Footsteps sounded from the woods behind Amon, and she stepped firmly in this direction. Esther, with her eyes closed, walked steadily around the stumbling weeds.

The wooden spear in her hand was gone. Under the pranks of several other Amon clones, Esther could not hold back her anger. The thrown wooden gun nailed one of them, but was stolen by the other clones. .

In her perception, they wantonly laughed at her useless work, "kindly" persuaded her to give up, and even suggested that she let "Zoya" negotiate as soon as possible, and told Esther bluntly that that was their goal.

Esther just found it funny that they didn't even pretend to be.

There were a lot of blood on her hands and body, which seemed to be left when she hurried around the island.

The beach was covered with sunshine, and the shadows of the long night were photographed, and everything became brighter and brighter.

Esther couldn't see this, and still couldn't hear the waves.

Ordinary sounds that do not contain "information" cannot be received by her.

All her attention was on the shadow of the young man's appearance, a snake full of light was being held in the palm of his left hand.

Amon straightened his monocle with his right hand, and smiled again: "Is this also your good luck that led you here?"

Esther walked to him resolutely, and then spread her palms to him, the meaning was very obvious.

"You think I'll give this to you?"

Esther nodded.

Amon stopped looking at her, threw the snake into her arms, and stood up with a smile:

"I'm really curious, is your luck useful or useless?"

He dropped this sentence, and his figure twisted and changed.

The black crow flew into the air, got under the robe of another black-haired youth, blended into it and disappeared.

The young man in the air was also wearing a black classical robe and a pointed hat, no different from the "Amon" who talked to Esther last second.

Esther raised her head, and in her perception, the figure in the air was even darker, all the silver threads and rivers were skillfully avoided, unable to touch herself, or only vaguely connected to her body. In terms of fate, it can be broken at any time.

The most difficult thing to outline clearly is the black hole-like monocle on his right eye. In Esther's perception, a thin chain is connected to the side of the monocle, extending to the earring on his right ear.

But in the next instant, the shining earrings disappeared.

The thin chain next to the monocle is simply pinned behind the ear.

He just floated above condescendingly, allowing Esther to look up at herself.

"Your ex-partner seems to know I'm coming, so it caused me a little trouble."

Amon squeezed his right eye socket, and a stream of light flashed across the monocle. After confirming the memory of the clone, his smile became brighter.

"Long time no see, Zoya. But you've seen me a lot, haven't you?"

 *Excerpt from "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, translated by Cao Minglun.

  Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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