Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 133 Plans and Changes

Chapter 133 Plans and Changes

Esther was sitting on a public carriage, passing through the East District and slowly heading towards the pier area. She was not in a hurry, but after finding a slightly bustling street, she jumped out of the carriage and went into a cafe, and bought a copy as usual. The newspaper, flipping through it casually.

This time, she planned to go to the window to ask about the prices of ferry tickets in various places, and compare them horizontally. Although she would definitely get ridiculed if she only asked whether to buy or not, Esther would not take it to heart.

It was getting late, and the atmosphere of the New Year's holiday made Esther feel a little lazy, so she didn't have much motivation to play and make money.She had considered changing to another musical instrument, but because the harmonica was easy to carry and it would take a lot of time to learn a new musical instrument, Esther gave up her plan to expand her business.

But when I go to other places, maybe I can learn something else, and the accordion feels good...

Ordering a hot cocoa and toasted muffins, Esther whiled away the lunch hour, checking the papers for news of possible war-related claims.Disi Bay is not considered a dangerous border crossing. As a winter resort, she even saw two related travel advertisements, strongly recommending several local hotels.

The Fenepot Kingdom is also very peaceful. At least there seems to be no signs of war in the past few years. Loen's strong national power is on the table after all.In order to develop themselves, most countries choose superficial peace and put their disputes on the sea or the colonial areas of the southern continent, far away from their own land.

Esther is not well versed in politics, but at least she can understand the general situation. If there is no huge change in this situation, no one will break it in a short time.

"Happy birthday. This is good, but where is it better to go..."

Esther was thinking about this question, and she was full of expectations for the trip to leave Backlund. Of course, she was even more looking forward to spending the New Year with Klein.She planned to find a cheap grocery store this afternoon, buy some red paper and a quill, and write the word "Fu" by herself to see the effect.

But if you really can't do it, you should honestly make two safety knots, she is pretty good at that.

Thinking of this, Esther couldn't help but put on a smile again, she glanced out the window, just in time to see the black crow on the lamp post, with black eyes meeting hers through the glass window.

Xiaoqi stared sideways at Esther, as if she was no different from other corvids that observe human behavior, except that there is always a humanized banter in her eyes.

Should I buy a bigger backpack then?So that Xiaoqi can be directly stuffed in, and it is always conspicuous to hide it under the cloak.During the New Year's Eve, he can get acquainted with Klein, and finally he can confess some of his secrets to his fellow villagers.

I don't know if Klein will be taken aback, it's something to look forward to.

Esther's smile deepened, and she cut another pancake and put it in her mouth.

If it weren't for causing other people's strange behavior, she might hum leisurely. The gloomy sky didn't affect Esther's good mood of looking forward to the future at all.

She was still thinking about whether to wait for the New Year to bring some potatoes and go to Klein's house to make dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes as a substitute for taro stuffing.

The process will definitely be very interesting. As for whether it tastes good or not, it's not that important.


Esther's "spiritual intuition" was suddenly touched, and she looked up at the sky.

In the distance, a few crimson fireballs were rapidly enlarging. Although the impact was not here according to the visual distance, they would still hit the vicinity of Backlund.

Meteorite?Is this reasonable?
Esther's eyes gradually widened, and she subconsciously ran two steps in the direction of the falling meteorite. After realizing that the falling point was quite far away, she immediately stopped such silly actions, but the restlessness in her heart almost reached to the extreme.

Xiaoqi flew down from the top of the house and landed on Esther's shoulder: "It's not right, we'd better leave the East District as soon as possible."

Esther quickened her pace. Instead of wasting time looking for a stagecoach or renting a carriage, she trotted towards the steam subway station three streets away. The chill didn't dissipate with the meteorite out of sight.

Being on the ground didn't give Esther any sense of security, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated due to nervousness and running.

Little Seven is very trouble-free. Its claws are firmly on Esther's shoulders, and it even lowers its body to reduce air resistance and prevent itself from falling: "Do you really have to stay in Backlund?"

"I know, I know that feeling of danger is getting more and more obvious, but I have a new year's appointment with someone!"

Esther cursed a few words in her heart unwillingly, no matter who made troubles at the juncture of the New Year, she cursed them!

If it wasn't for Esther's running all the time, Xiao Qi would not have whispered in her ear: "I really don't understand what you are still obsessed with at this time."

"I also hate this kind of unexpected situation! It can't make people feel at ease to celebrate the New Year—"

Esther's forward steps suddenly stopped, her body leaned forward suddenly, and the inertia shook the little seven on her shoulders. The crow flapped its wings and flew up, but finally it didn't fall directly to the ground.

"What's wrong!?"

Xiao Qi looked around the street vigilantly, but apart from two homeless men hiding in a box to avoid the wind, and a few ordinary passers-by in a hurry, there was nothing abnormal.

"Didn't you hear? There was a voice."

Esther's body trembled, the sound was familiar to her, and it also made her feel panicked, she tried to cover her ears to make the sound amplified and clearer, but soon, she realized that it was useless, and moved her palm to her forehead .

That voice does not come from hearing, but from the depths of the mind.

Someone is praying.

The immature voice of a child who has not yet reached the voice change period, it is a boy in his teens, who is calling with a different tone from the past, one after another, not as jumpy and energetic as usual, and he is not rushing to "Hamel" Irritability when angry.

The voice was full of despair. He was crying, begging for help from the "harmonica elf" in his mind, and seeking help from the "glossy female thief" in the news.

Esther didn't expect that the rabbit's request for help would come so quickly, and it wasn't even something that could be solved at will by consuming the light spots contained in those few hairs. She didn't understand what kind of crisis the rabbit had encountered, but she could still sense the general situation of the other party. Location.

Because of this prayer from the heart, an invisible connection attracted Esther's perception and guided her to the direction of the victims.

It was the place she wanted to stay away from all the way.

"Xiao Qi, let's go."

Esther threw down these words, ignored Xiao Qi's reaction, and rushed towards the street she had just walked at a faster speed, which was in the direction of the center of the East District.

The eyes of the crow are dim and uncertain. It hovers and flies up to the sky, taking in the discoloration of the smog in the distance. The deep yellow is like quicksand, which is constantly devouring the breath of all living beings. The mixed darkness is like a poisonous knife, cutting off the The lingering vitality.

"Such a large-scale plague... is it a witch?"

Xiaoqi squinted her eyes and landed on the fence outside a window, watching Esther's back.She resolutely ran towards the direction where the dense fog spread, not knowing what kind of muddy water she was about to step into.



A few minutes ago, deep in the Eastern District.

"Hey, rabbit, look over there." Another young boy with messy black hair nudged his companion.

Rabbit raised his head, looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a gray-haired man holding a paper bag, hurrying to the next street corner.

"Old Kohler? That paper bag seems to be from a butcher shop. He's had a good life recently." The rabbit sat on a pile of broken wooden boards with his arms folded, playing with a few wires in his hands, twisting them into the shape of branches .

"Would you like to go..." The black-haired boy raised two fingers and gestured for a "clamping" movement, "He already has money to buy meat, so you don't mind sharing some with us?"

"I'm not interested in going by yourself." The rabbit said listlessly.

The black-haired boy punched the rabbit annoyedly: "What's wrong with you in the past two days? You've been stinking all the time, as if someone messed with you."

"I'm in a bad mood, do you want to take care of me?"

"But we have to eat! The harmonica elf won't come every day, you should do some business with me, otherwise you won't even be able to eat during the New Year!"

The rabbit returned a punch to the black-haired boy's head and yelled angrily, "She won't come!"

The black-haired boy rubbed the back of his head vigorously: "Hey! You beat me too hard!?"

The rabbit lowered its head and repeated in a low voice: "She won't come."

The black-haired boy gradually let go of his hand: "That's why you are so... Bah, she won't come if she doesn't come. Didn't we live like this before we didn't meet her! There is no difference!"

Although he said so, the expression of the black-haired boy was much more gloomy. After yelling a few words, he coughed softly, and his throat seemed to be itchy due to dryness.

The rabbit kicked the empty wine bottle next to it: "'Hamel' has many secrets, I know she won't stay for long, but I didn't expect her to leave so soon..."

The black-haired boy shook his head vigorously, cleared his throat again, and said when he felt better, "We've told you several times, but you didn't listen and kept pestering her."

"She is really kind, and I really like the tune she plays, which is like magic and can comfort people." Rabbit made a gesture of playing the harmonica with his hands.

The black-haired boy laughed dismissively: "Hahaha...cough cough, do you still want her to take you away? This is really not like you."

Rabbit raised his leg and kicked the black-haired boy lightly: "I'm not that stupid!"

But what the rabbit didn't expect was that the black-haired boy fell directly under this kick. The rabbit was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the broken wooden board in panic, rushed to the black-haired boy and helped him up.

"Wait! What's wrong with you!? Jayne! Don't scare me!"

The black-haired boy was coughing violently, his face flushed rapidly, and the instinct of panting seemed to make him feel more painful. He couldn't say a word at all, but pushed the rabbit's arm feebly, coughing more and more violently.

Rabbit became even more anxious. He tried to lift the black-haired boy up from the ground, but his friend let out a retching sound, and the spittle was stained with blood.

The rabbit finally heard the weak words that came out from the mouth of the friend while he was constantly coughing:

"Run...cough cough cough! Run quickly..."

Rabbit looked up in horror.

Above their heads, the gloomy sky was infested with yellow and black, like a spreading spider web, wantonly hunting the lives of the residents here.

(End of this chapter)

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