Sunday, December 26.

Hugh Dilcha opened the reply letter sent back by Audrey Hall, and felt sorry for the fact that Roselle’s notes were bitten by her golden retriever Susie. The commission of “Hamel” It didn't go as smoothly as Xio expected.

Fors Wall was lazily leaning against the desk and looking at the rain outside the window in a daze. The draft paper in front of her was blank. She would rather watch the speed of the water drops racing each other, and did not pick up the pen to write so many words. line characters.

Hearing the sound of someone walking in, Fors subconsciously stuffed the unlit cigarette back into the cigarette case, and then she noticed the embarrassment on her friend and roommate's face, and immediately said Ask, "What trouble are you having?"

"I just received a commission recently, and the other party asked me to collect the notes of Emperor Roselle. I originally wanted to ask Miss Audrey if her collection was still there, but she said that Susie had bitten them all."

Forsi was extremely surprised in her heart. Of course, she immediately thought of the Tarot Society. Mister Fool has been searching for those "Rosell Diaries". Could it be that the person who entrusted Hugh is also a member of the Tarot Society?
If the other party is not a member of the Tarot Society, is he trying to test Xio, or even me?It seems that there have been people looking for "The Fool" believers all this time, so it could be that someone is following us! ?

Forsi's thoughts turned sharply, and she asked hesitantly: "However, for the commission you mentioned, is the other party's bid high? Do you have any requirements for the notes?"

"She didn't say how many sheets she wanted, but the price was twelve gold pounds."

"Huh? A lady?"

Xio noticed the person she had accidentally exposed, scratched her straw-like messy yellow hair vigorously, and had no choice but to admit: "Yes, she is also a Beyonder, and her sequence should be much higher than us."

Fors quickly went through the members of the Tarot Society in her mind, not sure whether it was "justice" or "lover".But Miss "Justice" doesn't seem to be short of money. Her social circle should be in the aristocratic class, so she wouldn't sneakily buy Russell's diary from a bounty hunter, so it's more likely that she is Miss "Lover"...

"I asked a friend to collect two before, and I will send them to her today."

Fors didn't tell Xio about collecting Roselle's diary, she kept it from her secretly, and it was even more impossible to hand over the Roselle diary she had in hand at this time, so she just comforted Xio a few words. The client was very curious.

"However, you should also be careful when trading. Since the other party has a higher sequence than ours, maybe they will take things and not give money."

"I know, although she doesn't feel like a bad person to me, she must be careful." Xio replied, she put away Audrey's reply, and packed her things again, this time she was really going out Leaving the house where the two lived.

Fors took out the cigarette again, lit it and took a puff of enjoyment.

Would it be unsafe for Hugh to go alone? Do you want me to go see it too?If you see the other party, it is likely that you will be able to directly confirm whether he is a member of the Tarot Club. The image of Ms. "Lover" is much clearer than that of other people, and she can be recognized immediately. There is a big difference between her and Ms. "Justice".

Even if the other party is not a member of the Tarot Society, I don't seem to have lost anything, but wasted a lot of time...

Too lazy to go, it would only be more embarrassing if I made a mistake.

Forsi frowned, took another puff of the cigarette, continued to stare at the blank draft paper, and thought aimlessly whether to join in the fun at night.

No, I really don’t know what to write in the serialized story of this issue, or I will delay it for another week and wait until the New Year is over?Yes, just take a vacation for yourself.Everyone has a New Year holiday, of course I can enjoy it too, it's okay.

Forsi thought about it, stretched herself, left the desk and returned to the sofa.


Esther wore a cloak and came to the East End. As soon as the harmonica of "Hamel" sounded at the corner of the street, the attracted children quickly passed messages to each other and came soon.

A skylark flew down from the top of the building and landed on Esther's head curiously, not afraid of her at all, and even chirped twice from time to time to the sound of the music.

However, this skylark was quickly chased away by the dissatisfied Xiaoqi. It seemed very reluctant when it flew away, but faced with Xiaoqi's sharp beak, claws and a larger body, the little skylark did not The courage to stand against it.

After chasing Skylark away, Xiao Qi flew back to the roof next to him, looking at the "followers" who were gathering below.

After the sound of the harmonica stopped, these street children had gathered in this alley quietly and obediently. The boy nicknamed "Rabbit" pushed through the crowd in front of him. The front bangs are scattered in front of her eyes.

After Esther distributed the bread as usual, the children talked about what they had seen and heard during this time, which was already a process they were familiar with.

Esther listened silently, basically not leaving the news on the corners of the newspaper, but the activities of the Aurora Society seemed to be becoming more and more frequent, and several children said that they encountered someone secretly preaching in residential areas.

Maybe it's because the new year is approaching, but nothing particularly novel happens. People are busy with their lives, hoping for a new improvement in the new year.

After saying goodbye with the other two brisk nursery rhymes, the children dispersed sensiblely, leaving only the rabbit standing aside.

He was very silent today, he didn't say anything to Esther, he just folded his hands nervously around his chest, rolled two stones on his toes awkwardly, and stood closest to her.

Seeing that everyone was gone and the boy was still leaning against the wall without moving, Esther had no choice but to call out to him: "Rabbit, are you in trouble?"

The rabbit raised its head, opened and closed its lips, but did not make a sound.

"If it's difficult, you don't need to tell me, you should put your own safety first." Esther nodded his forehead, "I should go, see you next time?"

"Wait, Hamel! I have something very important to tell you!"

Before Esther's figure disappeared around the corner, Rabbit mustered up the courage to rush up, and dragged her back to the depths of the alley by her cloak.

"What do you want to say?" Esther smiled, and the rabbit's determination was within her expectations.

Rabbit gripped Esther's cloak tightly, allowing the hood to slide off her head, revealing her hair and face covered by a silver mask.

"I, I went to see Penny, Hamel." Rabbit seemed to realize that he was too hard, and quickly let go, "She is doing well now! She has food, a place to sleep, and she can even go to church. The priest studying the scriptures...she can already write a lot of words!"

Esther still maintained that gentle smile, unchanged.

She seemed to know what the rabbit wanted to say.

"I told her a lot of things, she said they saw the 'Dark Lord', the church helped the girls who had families back home, and many more... Then I told her, maybe the 'Sunshine Thief' 'It's you, Hamel!"

Rabbit took out a thinly folded newspaper from his bosom. It was a torn corner of a certain report, and it contained the wonderful descriptions of the victims on the "Grassy Female Thief" and "The Black Emperor".

When the rabbit said these words, he looked carefully at the expression of "Hamel", but couldn't see anything.

"She probably doesn't remember me."

"...Why, did she have her memory erased? Did she teach those people to do it!?" Rabbit cried sadly, "It's not fair!"

"No, rabbit, it's not them, it's me." Esther said softly, piercing the truth that the boy refused to face.

"But, but you have no reason to do this at all! How could you do such a thing?"

Esther pressed the rabbit's shoulders, squatted down so that she could look at the boy at the same level: "Even if I don't want to, she will forget me, including you, and you."

Rabbit's eyes widened in horror.

Esther withdrew her right hand that was on his shoulder, squeezed it one by one, and said what the boy wanted to ask: "'Why did you let us forget you'? This is not something I can decide, this is how the world is It's inexplicable, you have seen so much injustice in the East End."

Only then did the rabbit realize that his thoughts had been stolen, and he backed away in fear: "You, why are you..."

Esther stood up straight again: "You are a very shrewd child, you should have noticed my specialness long ago, didn't you? Those gangsters didn't trouble me or you, just because they would forget."

Rabbit didn't speak, he was shaking at this unreasonable development. The abilities displayed by "Hamel" obviously do not belong to the category of ordinary human beings, including the magical power of attracting them during her playing. The leader once warned him not to get too close to "Hamel", and the rabbit would never let go on heart.

He knew it all along, he just didn't want to think about it.

Esther raised a finger and aimed at her temple: "One day, you will forget me too."

It is a pity that this information line is no longer available.Esther swallowed a bit of bitterness, turned around and walked towards the alley.

The piece of paper that had been torn from a corner fell to the floor.

The rabbit caught up again, and he grabbed Esther's wrist violently:

"I don't want to forget you! If Penny had a choice, she wouldn't want to forget you either! She's always wanted you to teach her to play the harmonica!"

Esther's eyes suddenly turned red.

Isn't she used to this kind of thing?This has long been a "parting" that she has taken for granted. Except for fellow villagers who also do not belong to this world, no one can remember the existence of "Esther".

"Hamel! You can't just leave and leave everyone alone! I know, you may not belong here, you may not belong to the East District, it seems like you are in two worlds with us, but you can't just disappear like this..."

Esther wanted to laugh because of this childish and willful words, but wanted to cry because of the lame excuse of the rabbit. She calmed down and said, "I was just a passerby. I have been using you, rabbit, you should face up to this a little."

"I know! We all fucking know! So what!?"

The rabbit roared angrily and hit the ground, almost smashing all of Esther's disguise, revealing her weak heart.

Esther turned her head, and the complicated look in her eyes prevented the rabbit from asking "Hamel" more questions, nor begging her to stay.

The boy let go of Esther's wrist and took two steps back, but "Hamel" walked towards him and picked up the shredded newspaper near the boy's shoe.

Esther pulled out a few hairs, quickly braided them into a ball with light fingers, tied them in a knot, and then folded and wrapped them with the old newspaper.

She grabbed the rabbit's hand and put the paper bag in the boy's palm:
"If you have a very, very strong desire, pray to it, anything. Maybe it will bring you luck."


"Don't call me 'Hamel', my real name is 'Esther'."

The rabbit clenched the paper bag tightly and nodded vigorously.

Esther patted the child on the head for the last time, knowing that she would never come back: "Goodbye."

May fate bless you.

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Thank you Si Xianche for the monthly ticket!

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