Lord of the Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 113 The Meaning of Light

Chapter 113 The Meaning of Light

Galwin's strategy is not unsuccessful. Whether it is intentional or not, he has indeed grasped Esther's biggest weakness and firmly controlled her emotions in the palm of his hand.

But Galwin didn't intend to really bear Esther's anger head-on. The anger that almost turned into substance in her eyes even made him feel uncomfortable, as if just her strong hatred would convey invisible power.

When Esther's figure sprang up from the spot, and the short sword drew out a stream of light, a golden light flashed through Calvin's thin-pupiled right eye, and a few dark golden scales even appeared around his eye socket.

The suspicion in Xiaoqi's heart was confirmed. Galvin was indeed forcibly promoted. His state is not very stable, far less relaxed than it appears on the surface!
Of course, what Galwin activated wasn't a substantive skill. Facing an emotionally high enemy, he certainly had an easier way to deal with it.

"Psychiatrist," "Frenzy"!
Esther couldn't even rush to Galwin, and knelt down a few steps away from him. The dagger that exuded some warmth came out of her hand and slid down on the ground for a short distance of two meters. The distance, was directly stepped on by Galwin's feet.

Esther felt her blood vessels screaming collectively. It was hard to believe that her heart hadn't jumped out of her chest. The blood rushing too fast made her limbs stiff, which was why she had difficulty maintaining her balance.Her brain was also aching due to excessive congestion, as if a herd of beasts were galloping wildly in her head, trampling on her nerves, causing her vision to be covered with a faint blood color.

Her gray eyes seemed soaked with ink, rich shadows boiling from the depths.

Esther seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. She opened her mouth with difficulty, but because of the nervous tension caused by her anger, she couldn't absorb the oxygen in the air smoothly. Her lungs became more and more stuffy, but her heart was speeding up with all her strength. Pumping blood made her dizziness and headaches worsen rapidly.

She covered her heart and tried to mobilize her limbs, trying to get up again.

Galwin held the dagger in his hand, but kept a cautious distance, not approaching Esther.

Points of light began to float above Esther's head, and the galaxy flying like fireflies was not so conspicuous during the day, but the faint power revealed above was enough to make anyone with spiritual intuition feel threatened.

Galvin was not afraid, and even showed a frivolous smile, playing with the dagger in his hand, as if he didn't care about the abnormality at all, but his golden vertical pupils were chasing those rays of light, revealing obsession.

"It's really beautiful. Even if the sun obscures the brilliance, it's still so amazing... As soon as I saw them, I remembered, little sheep, so you are the wolf in sheep's clothing?"

Of course, Galvin wasn't simply admiring such a "beautiful scene", he was also secretly delaying time.He needs to stabilize his state before he can launch a strong mental attack again. Otherwise, even if Esther completely collapses after exerting his extraordinary ability again, he will enter an irreversible loss of control. That is not the situation that Galwin wants to see.

Esther had no way to reply, she had barely recovered some breathing instinct just now, she was shaking her body, getting up from the ground again, but her legs and hands were still trembling.Her internal organs twisted together uncomfortably. Although the pain caused was not as intense as in the brain, it seemed that she would be vomited out at any time due to a physiological reaction.

More and more light spots flew out around her disorderly, emitting buzzing sounds, like the heavy guards surrounding the king.

To them, guarding this body comes from the most basic instinct.

Esther raised her left hand tremblingly, but instead of pointing at Galwin who was two meters away, she aimed at herself.

The five fingers spread out, and then clenched tightly.

She stole her thoughts and took a step forward in a daze.

At this moment, Esther's consciousness fell into a blank.

Instead, there is another one that has been hidden for a long time.

Whether it's Galvin on the opposite side or Xiaoqi the crow flying in the sky, they all feel an indescribable sense of dislocation at the same time.

Xiao Qi vigilantly landed on the roof next to it, and didn't even dare to fly down at all. It felt that it was a little out of control, and the gentle and bright light seemed to be full of attraction.But Xiaoqi also understands that once it gets close, it will inevitably be swallowed up, and will be completely annihilated in the cycle of twisted fate.

The darkness in Esther's eyes was broken by the light, and her eyes were also golden, but compared to Galvin's golden vertical pupils, the light in her eyes was softer and lighter, mixed with mercury-like waves.

The half-mask she had been wearing on her face melted directly on her skin, and was pulled under the unbearable force, directly melting into her cheeks.

Under Esther's eyes, a weird symbol emerged from the pupil:
The bottom end is a semi-circle nested layer by layer, and the center of the symbol is supported on the cornerstone. A circle with four-pointed protrusions is suspended above it, making it have a little bit of the characteristics of a four-pointed star, and the twist spreads out. The lines of the circle surround the round star in the middle, and the bottom is the light that is constantly spreading outward.

The moment that symbol appeared, all the light spots began to vibrate violently, and the tiny cracks in the spiritual world were torn apart as they circled around, making the surrounding scenery distorted and chaotic. It was the color of the spiritual world gradually changing. seep into reality.

Galwin couldn't move anymore, his body seemed to be fixed in this momentary state, even if he wanted to use "Frenzy" or "Shock" again, there was absolutely no way.

Once he has the idea of ​​action, a small Mobius ring will automatically appear on the glass bead in his right eye, echoing the subject's will.

What he used to track Esther is now his own threat.


The glass bead finally couldn't withstand the impact and repetition of the cyclic force. The moment it shattered into pieces, the light spot trapped on the hair rushed back to Esther's side, dragging a bright tail line into the light group among.

"Esther" closed her mouth tightly, but along with the illusory buzzing sound, a more crisp and tender voice was directly transmitted into Galwin's mind:

"Go tell Hals behind you, I will not help Hals, nor will I help Amon, my goal is to witness the birth of new mysteries."

Just these few words caused the golden scales on Galwin's face to spread rapidly, almost occupying his entire face.The dagger fell to the ground again, Galwin clutched his hair tightly, blood dripped down the corners of his eyes and nose at the same time, he was screaming in pain, the voice sounded full of indescribable majesty, like an ancient beast.

"Esther" turned her hands at the same time, and a silver liquid phantom flashed past her palm, like silk slipping away or quicksand falling.

But she frowned slightly, staring at her hands in puzzlement, this time speaking to herself: "The projection of 'wrong' uniqueness? What a bad trick."

In the end, "Esther" just beckoned to drive the light spots around him, making them gather on Galwin, forming a huge Mobius ring around him.

As the state quickly reversed and recovered, the scales on Galwin's face quickly faded, and even his left eye, which was still intact, was out of the sharp pupil state, but what was restored was mainly his spiritual body and astral body, and his body was still intact. Filled with a strong sense of weakness, there were throbbing pains in his head one after another, as if something had stung a wound inside.


Galwin thought painfully and amusedly, he was let off by "Luna" again, and was rescued by her from the edge of losing control.It's just that this time he understands why the other party wants to suppress his loss of control. A crazy monster or a dead person can't send a message.

All the spots of light flew away from Galwin and poured back onto "Esther"'s hair. She gently closed her eyes until those windless and automatic hairs fell down smoothly, returning to the light cinnamon yellow that was even more lustrous than before. She opened her eyes again.

Her eyes had returned to normal, and the very light gray color was full of daze and confusion.

Esther's consciousness was still blank at the moment when her own consciousness was stolen, and she was completely unclear about what happened during this period, but she vaguely heard the "bad trick" said in that sentence.

That's not what she said, but the "Zoya" hidden in her body. He seems to know why there are some weird things about him.

Xiaoqi on the roof didn't come down immediately, watching every change below nervously.The cracks in the spiritual world around Esther lost the coercion of the center of the storm, quickly closed and isolated, and were not further torn apart. It is obvious that "Esther" just now deliberately restrained the leakage of power.

Is he afraid of completely communicating with the spiritual world?Obviously, with the power of destiny that he has shown, the spirit world is his home field. Entering the spirit world will only make him stronger. Why is he afraid?

Esther's chest was heaving violently, and her body felt an extremely empty hunger. This could only be because "Zoya" had taken control of her body at that moment.Although the negative feelings brought by the previous anger were completely dispelled by the consciousness of "Zoya", the hunger still made Esther dizzy.

She grabbed the bag of peanuts from her bosom, and without caring about peeling the shells, she crushed them in the palm of her hand, stuffed the shells and nuts into her mouth, chewed them randomly, and then swallowed them.

The feeling that her throat was scratched was uncomfortable, but after food entered the digestive system, her weakness was temporarily relieved.

I have to leave here. If I don't leave, the official Extraordinary will arrive soon. Even if the power at that moment is suppressed by "Zoya", there will be aftermath, and it will soon attract attention.

Esther glanced at Galwin who was struggling to get up from the ground for the last time. With a thought in her mind, the mask that covered half of her face "grows" directly from under the skin, and clings to her cheeks, but it is light and breathable. As if it didn't exist.

It was as if the mask had become a part of her body.

Esther didn't look at the man who stumbled and leaned on the wall and wanted to leave the scene. Galwin took out something from his arms and whispered an ancient Hermetic word "mind", and his sense of existence quickly decreased. It quickly disappeared from Esther's perception, as if she was invisible.

Esther picked up the dagger that belonged to her, and turned around to another path leading to the steam subway station.A faint circular halo emerged and disappeared on her forehead, cutting off the traces left here for her.

A black crow descended from the sky and landed quietly on her shoulder.

No one spoke.

 *Hels: the old winter god of the sun

  Hals: The Newborn Winter Sun God
(End of this chapter)

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