Deliberate and affectionate

Chapter 272 Rolling Down the Cliff

Chapter 272 Rolling Down the Cliff
When they were about to walk to the door of the car, their hearts became excited. They had already seen the money on the car, and they were going to get rich now.

They became excited visibly, and looking at the money on the car, they had the urge to hold it in their hands.

When Lin Xi started to walk just now, he kept looking at the person in front of him, and behind that person, Gu Ning happened to be standing.

Because he was worried about Lin Xi's safety, Li Ming arranged Gu Ning next to Lin Xi, leaving him the most powerful person, but he went to the most dangerous place. Lin Xi felt that Li Ming was the one who was not afraid of danger.

Gu Ning stood in front, ready to go, staring at the kidnappers motionlessly like a cheetah, looking for the most suitable opportunity.

Lin Xi didn't have much contact with Gu Ning, or this was the first time they met, but Lin Xi felt that Gu Ning was a person with a strong adaptability, so he should be able to know what she wanted to do.

"Quick, get in the car!"

The person in front jumped onto the driver's seat first, because the car was tilted and the door was not directly facing them, so he needed to take two steps forward.

When Lin Xi was walking forward, he saw a slope next to it, which should be a cliff left when the building was built here.

Lin Xi looked at this familiar cliff and felt that the opportunity had come.

Checking the height with his eyes, he saw that the ground was full of grass. When they opened the door, Lin Xi took advantage of the opportunity that they were distracted by the money, jumped to the side, and rolled down the cliff.

The kidnappers were taken aback, and were raising their guns to shoot at Lin Xi, when Gu Ning rushed over and snatched the gun away, breaking his hand directly.

Lin Xi felt that rolling down was just a few scratches at most, it was not a big problem, it was much better than being taken away by them and dumped without knowing where.

They don't dare to hurt people now, but after they get the money and are about to escape, they can do anything.

Lin Xi spotted this cliff and dared to jump directly because he had jumped like this before. He dared to jump down when he was a child, let alone now.

When Lin Xi rolled down the cliff, he covered his head tightly with both hands. When he stopped, his body was covered with scratches, and he didn't know where he hit, and he felt pain all over his body.

Lin Xi didn't faint directly, but struggled to stand up.

After Gu Ning captured her, he immediately slid down the cliff. He was in charge of protecting Lin Xi, but now that something happened to her, it was due to her negligence at work. What kind of punishment she should receive later is a matter for later, now The key is to find people back.

At the bottom of the cliff, Gu Ning was relieved to see that Lin Xi was still able to stand up, at least he was still alive.

Knowing that Lin Xi must have a lot of injuries, Gu Ning came to Lin Xi's side, "Miss, you should have a lot of hidden injuries, you should wait here for the doctor."

Lin Xi asked him to support her, "No, take me up."

The matter has not been resolved yet, she is not able to rest yet, and he has not seen Li Ming come back safely.

Gu Ning had no choice but to take Lin Xi up, because he couldn't persuade him at all. If he didn't help, Lin Xi would climb up by himself.

Soon, Lin Xi was brought up. Gu Ning actually didn't quite understand why Lin Xi insisted on coming up because these kidnappers had been brought under control and Li's father and mother had been rescued.

She can wait for the doctor's rescue at the bottom, she may aggravate the hidden injuries of her body, she should understand this.

When Li's mother saw Lin Xi rolling off the cliff just now, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She hurried to the edge of the cliff and leaned over to look down.

Father Li held her back to prevent her from falling, and if she went straight down without any preparation, Lin Xi might be injured again due to the impact.

Li's mother looked down very anxiously: "Oh, what should I do? This, this, this, this is so high, why did she just jump down? Are you stupid? What should I do?"

The father can only comfort her: "Don't worry, she has a measure."

Li's father and Li's mother have been waiting on the edge of the cliff. After seeing Gu Ning bring people up, Li's mother immediately ran towards them.

Mother Li was limping because of a leg injury, but it didn't affect her speed at all.

She came to Lin Xi, pulled Lin Xi to look left and right, while touching her carefully, afraid of touching her wound, she asked worriedly: "How is it? Is there something wrong? Is the injury serious? Does it hurt?" Doesn't it hurt?"

Mother Li looked at the scratches on Lin Xi's body that were scratched by stones or branches, and her heart ached. She wanted to see but was afraid of hurting Lin Xi, so her hands trembled.

Seeing Li's mother anxious, Lin Xi comforted her: "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry. Am I fine?"

Li's mother looked at the wound on her body, and she didn't seem to be okay at all, "Where's the doctor? Is the doctor here? Let the doctor take a look!"

As he spoke, he dragged Lin Xi out, this injury cannot be delayed.

While pulling Lin Xi, Li's mother said: "You really dare to jump down at such a high height. You don't know how to cherish yourself. If you don't think about yourself, you should think about it for Li Ming. If you Something happened, what can Li Ming do?"

As she spoke, Li's mother's tears fell. She was really scared, but she kept holding back, because once they showed fear, they would become even more arrogant. How could she embarrass the Li family? Woolen cloth?
She is not afraid of death, she is just worried that she will never see her children again, she just feels that she can no longer be with Li father, and her heart is full of regrets.

She was really scared just now, afraid that Lin Xi would be taken away by them and killed by them just like that.

Seeing Lin Xi rolling down the cliff, her heart was in her throat, she was worried that she would just go down like that, and she would never get up again.

Li's mother cried and said: "Are you stupid? Why do you let yourself take risks for us? We are not your biological parents, why are you working so hard? Are you dying? I am so bad to you , why are you saving us? This, this, look at the wound on your body, you..."

Seeing Li's mother crying more and more sadly, Lin Xi looked at Li's father at a loss, she didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Although it sounded like an accusation, Lin Xi didn't find what Li's mother said was unpleasant this time. She really cared about herself.

Mother Li's first question just now asked if she was okay and if it hurts. Lin Xi was already very satisfied that she didn't accuse her of doing something wrong in the first place.

This is the first time that after a fall, parents and elders asked her with concern if it hurts, instead of blaming her for falling again.

Seeing Li's mother talking endlessly, Li's father hurried over and stopped Li's mother, "It's alright, alright, don't talk anymore, Lin Xi is still injured, let her check it out first."

(End of this chapter)

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