Chapter 220
Lin Jing was very angry when she heard what they said, they actually wanted her to do this?They actually want to play their own minds?How dare they, do they deserve it?
Lin Jing threw the pillow over angrily, pointed at them and said, "Get out, get out. Get out of here! I don't want to see you, get out of here, hear me?"

The person on the other side said: "It's not up to you."

Then he was about to step forward and forcefully take Lin Jing away.

Lin Jing was very panicked. While struggling, she shouted, "What are you trying to do? Let me go! Help, help!"

Lin Jing's voice was very loud, and people outside all looked inside, wanting to see what happened.

Lin Jing's doctor even came to the door to stop them, how could they take the patients away casually, and they were not allowed to make a scene in the hospital.

"This is a hospital, not a place for you to mess around!"

The doctor knew why Lin Jing was hospitalized, and they didn't look like good people in their eyes. They just wanted to do that kind of thing again. Lin Jing's body hadn't recovered yet. She felt sorry for Lin Jing's experience. .

Those young men were not afraid of her at all, they just surrounded her, "Beauty, don't think you are a doctor and we won't touch you, if you stop us, we will remember you, you Are you going to and from get off work?"

The doctor was a little hesitant. She commuted to and from get off work by herself every day. If they wanted to squat themselves, there was no way for them to escape.

"That's right, doctors are kind-hearted. Thank you for your help. Goodbye."

Lin Jing thought that the doctor came and she was saved, and the hope was just ignited before it was completely shattered.

Lin Jing yelled for help in horror, she didn't want to go with them, she didn't want to go to that kind of place!She never wanted this to happen to her again.

Lin Jing looked at the people around her and fell into despair. Whoever comes to save me, no matter who it is, please, please come and save me. As long as I don't get taken away by them, I can do anything.

Lin Jing was covered with her mouth, unable to utter a sound, she could only sob and cry.

She didn't want to be tortured by them, even if such a thing happened, she didn't want to be touched by them, it was the greatest insult to her.

The self who used to stand tall in front of them is now so embarrassed, Lin Jing can't accept this gap.

Lin Jing saw the window sill next to the corridor, and she planned to jump off when she got close. Even if she died, she wouldn't let them touch it, they didn't deserve it!
When Lin Jing was desperate, Lin Xi appeared in front of her, and Lin Xi stood in front, blocking their way.

Lin Xi didn't say anything to them. This kind of people is just bad in their bones, so there is nothing to say.

When other people have accidents, they swarm to them like flies, as if they are willing to torture them to death. Seeing Lin Jing's eyes, Lin Xi knew that she wanted to jump down, because she was quite familiar with this kind of eyes.

Although he didn't like her very much, Lin Jing wasn't that bad. To be honest, she didn't do any actual harm to her. Lin Xi wasn't cruel enough to watch her die.

Lin Xi felt that a person's life was very precious. At the beginning, she worked so hard just to live. How could she give up her life so easily.

Seeing Lin Xi standing in the middle of the road, they were immediately dissatisfied: "Hey, are you going or not? Don't get in the way."

Lin Xi said: "You can leave if you want to, but leave the person behind."

That group of people was very rude: "Who are you, you, you can stay if you say so."

Someone looked Lin Xi up and down, whistled, and suddenly his tone became ambiguous: "You look very good, why don't you come with us, we can find you a good place."

Lin Xi didn't intend to say anything more to them, so he stepped back and let the bodyguards go up to deal with them.

They are just some punks who have been wandering outside all year round, and this time they got together, they are just full of lust. They feel that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in touch with such a rich lady.

In normal times, these young ladies would never be able to meet, let alone now they have the opportunity to 'play' together.

Besides, when Lin Jing's parents went in, no one cared about her at all. What else did they have to worry about? Of course they came with the first few people.

Even if someone will ask them to settle accounts afterwards, there are so many people sharing the burden, even if they want to arrest them, they can't be arrested, so they are not worried at all.

When they looked at Lin Xi, they all felt that Lin Xi looked more fun than Lin Jing, but they didn't know Lin Xi's identity, so they had some scruples and were afraid of offending some important person.

The bodyguards are responsible for Lin Xi's safety at all times, so of course they are not allowed to get close to Lin Xi. Moreover, the eyes of these guys are so dirty, it is simply disgusting.

The bodyguards stood in front of Lin Xi, blocking their disgusting sight, and then walked towards them aggressively.

These guys were no match for the bodyguards at all, they were so weak that they weren't strong enough for the bodyguards to punch, so they were quickly beaten to the point of wailing.

After being beaten and scared, they clamored to call the police, "How dare you beat me, I want to call the police!"

"You are breaking the law!"

The bodyguards looked at them aggressively, and said mockingly: "Report, do you want to try? See what you want to do, will the police arrest you?"

A bodyguard took out his mobile phone and made a gesture to call the police: "It is true that we should call the police, take the girl away by force, and force the girl to do that kind of thing, this is not a light punishment."

The bodyguards were not afraid at all. When they attacked, they always chose dark places. They couldn't detect any injuries at all, but they were very painful, so even if the police came, they would not be able to betray them.

On the contrary, these disgusting guys are going to kidnap a girl in broad daylight, so they should be arrested and locked up.

They suddenly became a little scared. They dared to come because no one was in charge of Lin Jing, and no one would hold them accountable.

They know what they're doing, plus what they've done before, and they don't want to deal with the police.

If the police station came and took them back to investigate, would the previous incidents be investigated?
Several people looked at each other, as if communicating something through their eyes, and then ran away without a trace in a very tacit understanding.

The bodyguards looked at their actions with a sneer, and they were very disdainful, knowing that these cowards would not dare.

The bodyguards didn't stop them, even if they sent them to the police station, but because of this matter, if they denied it, it would be difficult to convict them directly. At most, it would be a verbal education. How troublesome is this?
It's better to find an opportunity to send people in directly in the future, and shut them down properly.

(End of this chapter)

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