Recently, the news that the young master of the Luo family enshrined a golden tortoise from the Junshan Mountain and thus made a fortune in gambling has spread like wildfire.

Yueyang County, and even the entire Yuezhou Prefecture, set off a wave of buying Junshan golden tortoises.

But the gadget itself is rare and precious, and it is also a unique specialty on Junshan Island and other places, and it has been speculated at sky-high prices by gamblers from all over the Yuezhou Prefecture.

The two yamen servants who came to the base of the city wall to make a list kept gossiping about it:

"I thought Master Yue's posting of this list today would cause an uproar, but unexpectedly, he was cut off by the young master of the Luo family! Do you think this is an example of 'no official can beat the Luo family'?... "

"Fuck you!" Another yamen servant smiled and thumped his companion's chest: "Mr. Luo's story is a bit mysterious, so it's spread so widely; but the magistrate's matter concerns all the people." Where's the grain sack!—”

The yamen servant at the beginning curled his lips: "Why don't you take a gamble? Which one is more popular?"

"Who has this spare time, let's hurry up and work steadily! Otherwise, let's see if Mr. Yue can fuck you and me..."

"Hehe, how can he have such ability!..."

After the two guards left, the people who set up stalls nearby gathered around one after another, squinting at the writing on the city wall.

However, there are too many words, and there are many illiterate people who cannot fully understand them. An oil seller, A Weng, couldn't bear it anymore. He patted the tall young man wearing a bamboo hat and a coarse linen suit beside him, looking up. With an unclear face, he asked, "Young man, what is written on it?!—"

The man's voice sounded very young, and he could hear some satisfaction in the voice: "Old man, this is a "Notice"..."

"What is "Notice"?" The old oil seller looked confused.

A well-informed and well-traveled vendor stood up and showed his presence: "This big guy doesn't know it! The imperial court uses this form to write memorials now! Sometimes some important events need to be announced to the world, so they use What is it called... Uh, "Announcement"!
For matters that are known in a small area like this, you have to use the "Notice"..."

"Oh... I remembered, some time ago, I am amnesty to the world, isn't it just the "Announcement"..."

"That's right! You are really old-hearted, and you understand quickly!..."

The old oil seller continued: "But...what exactly is written in this "Notice"..."

"Uh..." The peddler, who was not very literate, was dumbfounded.

"Let me read it to everyone!—" In the end, the young man in the bamboo hat who asked the oil seller volunteered to read the densely packed notice:

Yueyang County is located in the north of Hunan, with Dongting in the west and the Yangtze River in the north. It is a county with a large output of "Huguang is ripe and the world is full", with abundant products, too numerous to enumerate...

But in recent years, the weather has been good, but the grain harvests are often in short supply. Even the rations of Huguang soldiers have to be borrowed from neighboring counties, and no one from the gentry family has come forward;

Today, the magistrate of Ben County suddenly received an imperial edict, and Wala is about to move in the northern border again, and needs to prepare for the war to hoard food and grass in time.

Moreover, setting up soldiers to defend the people and paying taxes to raise soldiers are the same in ancient and modern times.You borrowed the power of soldiers to protect the territory, An Neng could bear to sit and watch him suffer from hunger and hunger, but he didn't have any compassion?
I heard that a small county on the border was anxious and generous, and they paid all the money and food, and even donated the surplus rice and grain to support the front line. They only kept a small amount of rations and pledged to live and die with the front line soldiers; this is still the case in small counties, but my big county in Yueyang It is really ashamed of me to steal rations from Menglin County!
Although borrowing rice and grain can solve the urgent need for food for the army, it does not mean that everyone can not pay the arrears of grain and rice. Do we have to wait for the yamen servants to come to the door to demand collection, and you will be named as a stubborn tax resister?At that time, not only will Yueyang County lose its face, but you will also bear a bad reputation.

Whether you choose to be infamous or not, please think carefully.

This official has been in office for more than a month, and I know that the loss of grain and rice collected by this county is one bucket per stone, and such loss is not unusual; but today, the Shangzhai is kind-hearted and ordered me not to exploit the people, so the county magistrate is very lenient deal with:
When the people of this county pay this year's grain and rice, they only receive five liters of lost rice per bucket, and only five liters of lost rice per stone;This move is only to collect enough food supply, maintenance and consumption costs, and the magistrate county is not affected at all.

Everyone should be considerate of Benzhi County's desire to "reduce consumption" for the people, and pay all the new and old grain and rice that should be paid. In this way, not only the soldiers in the military camp can enjoy the joy of eating, but the Zhixian County is also very grateful for the gift of the gentry and the people.

But if you are still unreasonable, unable to distinguish right from wrong, and still resist the payment of money and food, the county magistrate will continue to collect according to the loss of a bucket. Only severe punishment and severe laws can deal with you and other stubborn gentry people.

Everyone, don't think that you are here against the official, but you are actually against the "imperial law"!

Juren, tribute students, supervisors, and students are all looked up to by the people, but they take the lead in defaulting on money and grain, resisting payment and refusing to donate, and they will be punished more severely than ordinary people; The county magistrate hereby promises to you all such powerful local sticks and chieftain servants: they will be treated equally and will not be tolerated!

If the rice and grain are not paid on time, the official gentry will submit a petition to participate in the impeachment, and the juren and the students will be asked to learn the Tao and be deprived of their fame; the treacherous sticks and beetle workers will be imprisoned according to the law, and the stubborn ones will be killed immediately!And the grain and rice that should be paid under his name, even if the family is ruined and died, they must be recovered in full, so don't regret it later!
This official is dull, and occupies a high position in the county magistrate. He has the responsibility to change customs and educate people's hearts.

Paying taxes and food is what the branch office should do. The county does not intend to demand too much from the people.Could it be that you are all hard-hearted, unwilling to listen to the good advice of the magistrate?
You gentry and common people, please try to think carefully in the middle of the night or at dawn, you will be able to understand the love and protection of the people in this county, and live up to the high expectations of the county. The county is grateful and looking forward to it...

Han Yin under the bamboo hat finished reading at the beginning, and his heart sank a little. Yue Qi still has some skills, knowing how to talk about things in the northern border,
In fact, there is nothing wrong with him saying that. After all, there is no major conflict in the northern border, but small conflicts continue, and bloody incidents often occur.It's not an exaggeration for him to say that...

Moreover, he showed great righteousness to the people who were unwilling to pay money and food, and put the gentry and officials who were really bad things in the face...

This chapter borrows a lot of material: Story: The local tyrants and evil gentry colluded with the government to fight against the payment of money and food, Lanzhi County cracked down on the powerful and severely punished the evil officials-Today's headlines (
It is also the source of inspiration for the "Chaoyang" mentioned in the previous chapters.

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