Wei Shu

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
The three brothers died in exactly the same way as Zhang Da. They all cut off their heads. The only difference is that Zhang Da lost his head directly, while the heads of the three brothers were still stuck to his neck, but not much. , only one layer of skin.

When the body fell to the ground, a large amount of blood sprayed like a waterfall, scalding the surrounding air.

However, the heavy rain emptied the mountain and the howling wind howled, and within a few breaths, the rich blood energy was blown away by the rain and the wind, only five fresh corpses fell on both sides of the mountain bend.

Wei Shu stepped back and retreated, her legs suddenly softened, and she knelt down on the ground with one knee. She hurriedly pressed her long knife on the ground, and barely supported herself.

Killing the five tigers and repelling the powerful enemy, these few breaths of fierce fighting almost exhausted her internal energy. Now that the crisis was set, she did not dare to relax in the slightest. She loosened her hand holding the knife a few times. The feeling came to mind again.

Aqisi seems to be a master of martial arts, any kind of weapon is very handy, just like when he killed the five tigers just now, he used a set of sword techniques that have been lost for a long time in the world, its name is "Eight Desolation and Liuhe" , Heaven and Earth One Sword".

The name is majestic and domineering, and the saber technique is also extremely strong. In Aqisi's memory, if this saber technique is practiced to the ninth level, it will be no problem to cut mountains and cut rivers.

However, this set of saber techniques recorded in the villa is a fragmentary volume, only the general outline and the first two styles, so Akis only learned the superficial, but the knife that cut through the boulder still used the broken wind arrow technique Seventh Realm.

With the body as the string, the weapon as the arrow, and throwing the long knife in the hand vigorously with the method of throwing a spear, this is Wei Shu's original arrow method at a critical moment.

Thinking back now, the idea of ​​"I am the bow" seems to be connected with the meaning of the arrow in the seventh level, and it is clearly understood in the heart, with endless aftertaste.

It's a pity that this is definitely not a good time to learn martial arts, and the place is not right.

Wei Shu gasped for a while, then suddenly lowered her head, and opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Before that, a chill had always stagnated in her heart and lungs, causing her blood to surge, and her heart seemed to be blocked by a piece of solid ice.

Now, the black and red blood clot mixed with the bloody water on the ground with a cold air, and it was diluted by the heavy rain after a while.

Strange to say, when this mouthful of black blood spewed out, the colic in the pubic region stopped immediately, and the blood energy all over his body was burning like a furnace, forcing the coldness into a corner and surrounded it, and the cold poison also stinged down.

It's finally over.

Wei Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

She has experienced this feeling countless times, every round of cold poison attack starts with being in the ice cave, and ends with the cold poison shrinking back to her dantian.

And it wasn't until this moment that she realized that her breathing was rough like a bellows, and her arms were trembling constantly due to lack of strength. She wanted to raise her hand to wipe the blood stains on the corners of her lips, but she couldn't. Pressing his face to his shoulders, he stroked and pulled a few times indiscriminately.

Don't stay here for long.

Although her true energy was almost exhausted and her physical strength was also lost a lot, Wei Shu's thoughts became more and more clear.

Yu Wenhong had just fought a move with her, and the winner was not decided, but he fled away in a hurry for no reason, and he didn't know what was behind him; besides, Monk Tan might be coming back soon.

Wei Shu held the handle of the knife with both hands, and after struggling for a few breaths, Fang managed to stand up straight, suddenly there was a burst of gold stars in front of his eyes, and the sense of loss of strength became more and more serious.

There are countless dangers in my life, but this time is the most inexplicable.

The timing of the attack of the cold poison was extremely unlucky, just when she sensed the killing intent, or it could also be said that it was the killing intent that aroused the true energy to respond, which led to the cold poison in the dantian.

The real time Wei Shu was in a coma was not long, only half a moment.

However, after waking up, the meridians all over her body were stiff and cold, the blood was like frozen ice, and even her hair was covered with hoarfrost. With the blood-refining magical skill, most of the coldness was eliminated.

And in the process, she could clearly hear the shouting, crying, running, and the sound of swords piercing flesh outside the car, and the conversations between strong men were all in her ears.

They are looking for something.

This thing was the reason Jiang and his party were intercepted and killed.

Wei Shu shook her head to get rid of the slight dizziness, then stood still and breathed out for a few more breaths, suppressing the murderous intent aroused by the blood-refining magical skill, and when her strength recovered a little, she immediately picked up her breath and moved forward .

However, as soon as her figure moved, she froze again suddenly.

At this moment, a timid voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"Wei... you... are you leaving?"

The wind and rain were rushing, and the voice line became weaker and weaker, as if it would be broken by the strong wind at any time.

Wei Shu turned her head to look back, and saw Cheng Yuejiao with a pale complexion and tears in her eyes, sitting helplessly in front of half of the car, holding the unconscious Jiang Shi in her arms, her face full of pleading.

"I'll come back as soon as I go." Wei Shu said briefly, with a flick of her figure, she turned the corner.

The mountain road suddenly became empty and silent.

The strong wind carried the raindrops and slammed heavily on the rock walls and chaotic rocks, but there was no trace of smoke and dust. The air was cold and heavy, just like the clothes that were tightly stuck to the body at this moment, it was bone-chillingly cold.

Looking at the empty mountain bend in front of her, Cheng Yuejiao's mouth shrunk, and the tears that she had endured for a long time finally came out of her eyes.

She clenched her teeth desperately to prevent herself from crying loudly, she just hugged Jiang Shi in her arms a little tighter, and pressed her cheek lightly against Jiang Shi's cool forehead.

The howling of the mountain wind, like the howling of wild animals, made people shudder, and the little warmth in Cheng Yuejiao's body had already been snatched away by the cold autumn wind and rain.

She trembled and hugged Jiang Shi tightly in her arms, like hugging a piece of driftwood tightly in the icy sea water, trembling and sobbing, whispering in a voice that only she could hear:
"Mother... Jiaojiao is afraid... Jiaojiao is afraid..."

However, her mother did not respond.

Cheng Yuejiao looked down at Jiang Shi, and saw her mother's eyes were closed, her rain-drenched face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

She wiped her eyes vigorously with the back of her hand. The rain and tears made her eyes hurt, and the tears flowed more and more urgently. At this moment, the emotions stored in her heart surged, and she finally cried out with a "woo hoo" said.

She was really, really scared.

However, in this desolate mountain, the wind and rain all over the world, they just exist like that, huge, overwhelming, and endless.

Compared with it, her fear is not as good as a small grass, at least the grass still has roots in the soil, and her roots...

Cheng Yuejiao sobbed, and looked at Jiang shi with misty eyes, and the terrifying scene just now seemed to appear in front of her eyes again:
The wicked man suddenly opened the car door, and the bloody ugly face made her almost cry out. Her mother tried to stop her, but was pushed down by the wicked man, hitting the back of her head on the car board, and fainted immediately.

Fortunately, Wei'er...no, she...she shouldn't be called by that name...

Cheng Yuejiao thought vaguely and shook her head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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