Notes of Lanxi Crossing

Chapter 120 Coincidence

Chapter 120 Coincidence
Liu Zhanyu is currently working in the governor's department. Although he is not on duty today, he naturally takes care of people like the old and the young.

"Xiaobao and I came out secretly. We have to go back after a while. It's okay." The old man said nonchalantly. If the rest of the family knew that he secretly brought Xiaobao out to watch the lantern festival, they should not follow him. Skywarp.

Seeing this, Lan Xi deeply felt the anger of the old man's family.

This is obviously an old naughty boy who gets older and younger!

"This is not possible. Safety is the top priority when you go out to look at the lights. It must be inconvenient for you, an old man, to bring a child. How about I assign a guard to you?"

Liu Zhanyu really couldn't just watch the old and the young squeeze through the crowd like this, but he couldn't directly add this unknown person to the team, so he could only assign a guard to them.

Song Lanzhang and the others have no objection to this, everyone has a heart to respect the old and love the young, and besides, they brought a lot of guards, even if they take a few, it is more than enough to protect them.

The old man was a little moved when he heard the words. He wasn't worried that these children who seemed to be from us were harboring evil intentions. Besides, he really needed someone to help him take care of Xiaobao.

"In this case, the old man would like to thank the little friends for their kindness!"

The old man was pleased with the helpfulness of these young people, and he did not forget to ask his grandson to thank his elder brothers and sisters as well.

Lan Xi and the others accepted the milky baby's milky thank you, and then parted ways with the grandpa and grandson who had just met by accident.

"The old man said just now that there are more beautiful lanterns that haven't been hung yet?" In Lan Xi's opinion, the lanterns hanging outside are already exquisitely crafted and beautiful, and she couldn't imagine any more exquisite lanterns.

"The Lantern Festival is a rare event, and businessmen naturally want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune."

Song Lanzhang nodded. He was much older than his siblings, and he was a man who was not too restrained. He had seen several lantern festivals with his friends in previous years.

"At this time of year, they let skilled craftsmen make ingenious and unique lanterns of various colors, some of which attract tourists to stop and watch to attract popularity, and some of them are used to empty the pockets of dignitaries."

"I know! It must be guessing lantern riddles, right!" Lan Xi rushed to answer.

Song Lanzhang smiled and nodded: "This is just one of them. Businessmen have done a lot of research on how to make people willingly untie their purses. Everyone, you should be careful today!"

Liu Shuhuan bulged his eyes and subconsciously pressed his purse, as if he had seen him unknowingly distributing all the money to the smiling merchants.

"No, no, Lan Xi, you must watch me closely later, don't let me throw money casually." Liu Shuhuan said to Lan Xi worriedly, wishing he could leave his purse in Lan Xi's hands.

Lan Xi ignored her.

It's not that this girl doesn't have money, she's usually extravagant and has no concept of money at all, don't look at her being stingy now, maybe she will turn into a money-scattering boy later, who can control her.

Liu Shuhuan also knew her stink problem, since Lan Xi refused to accept it, she could only silently lament in her heart that she was about to lose money.

Several people were talking, and the sky gradually darkened. At this time, the streets were really decorated and bustling.

"It's hung up! Is it that kind? It's really more beautiful!" Lan Xi has always been sharp-eyed, and immediately noticed that a few guys not far away set up a tall wooden platform and put several extraordinarily delicate lanterns on the table. Hang them up one by one.

"There are also over there!" Liu Shuhuan shook Lanxi's hand, pointing to the other side of the shop helpers strung up long ropes on both sides of the street.

"They hung all the lanterns on the ropes, are they going to hang the whole street?" Liu Shu happily asked.

"It's really bright!" Jiang Yan was silent all the way, and couldn't help but say something at this time, "It turns out that the night can be so bright. It really is the day and the night. The ancients did not deceive me."

Song Lanshu was lazily crossing her chest and looked at the cheerful little ones who couldn't help themselves, but her face was full of smiles that couldn't be concealed.

Song Lanshu also looked at the lively scene around her with a smile in her eyes, her bright little face was particularly moving under the shade of the lights.

Song Lanzhang and Liu Zhanyu stood quietly in front of their younger brothers and sisters, as long as they had fun, they would feel happy.

Lan Xi couldn't hold back, and went to observe under the helpers who tied the ropes on both sides of the street, both happy and worried, for fear that one of them would not stand firm and fall.

But obviously, her worries are unnecessary. These guys perform such a show every year, and they have already mastered their climbing skills.

I saw that the guys were as agile as monkeys, they climbed up the fence of the commercial building with a push, quickly tied the rope in their hands, and swung to the opposite side by this rope.

"Okay!" Song Lanjiu praised, "I didn't expect this little guy from Shanglou to have martial arts!"

"You mean, have they practiced martial arts or..." Lan Xi asked.

She originally thought that these little guys were simply good at skills, but like those modern acrobats, they were all specially trained, but from what the third brother meant, it seemed that it was not just that.

Liu Shuhuan felt that something was wrong just now, but she felt strange that she couldn't tell where it was, and it was only when Song Lanjiu said this that she suddenly realized.

That's right, even she couldn't be so light as a swallow, tossing and jumping between buildings, these little guys looked so calm, it was impossible for them to be just ordinary people.

It was Liu Zhanyu who solved the confusion for them: "They should be the buddies of the world's number one Shang Yue Chengjun. They say they are buddies, but they are not necessarily. They are more like his subordinates, similar to our guards."

I see, Lan Xi nodded.

"Then can our guards jump up and down on the roof like them?" Liu Shuhuan asked again.

As long as it is about martial arts, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, Liu Shuhuan will inevitably show some vigor.

As soon as these words came out, the guards were a little embarrassed, they all rubbed their noses and looked at each other, no one dared to answer these words.

Liu Shuhuan glanced at it, and immediately got the answer from the sight of all the guards, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Her father is a military commander, and the martial arts of the guards in the mansion are not as good as those of a merchant. This is too embarrassing!

Liu Shuhuan was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Song Lanshu's surprised voice.

"Brother, look, those people in front are the prince and the fourth princess?"

Everyone followed Song Lanshu's gaze and looked back, only to see a carriage parked not far behind them, but it was surrounded by water, making it difficult for the carriage to move.

(End of this chapter)

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