Early the next morning, Li Changhui received a message from Xie's servant, and immediately went to the vegetable market after finishing his work.

At home, except for leeks, shallots, and cabbage, all other vegetables are not edible.

Waiting at home, taking advantage of the cool morning, Lin He, who was washing the grill, saw Li Changhui bringing back things in big and small bags, and knew that Xie Jiang would come over in the afternoon.

"I just remembered that there is no charcoal at home. I didn't expect you to buy it. Where did you buy it?"

In hot weather, charcoal is naturally unusable, and naturally no one sells it. It is really inconvenient to buy.

"When I went to cut bamboo yesterday, I asked Chang Qiang to ask the people who worked in the field, whoever had it would bring it here today. When I came back just now, Chang Qiang just came back with a bag of charcoal, so I brought it back with me. .”

The back door was the closest to the kitchen, so every time they bought something, they usually came through the back door, so Lin He naturally didn't notice the things ahead.

"Well, how much is this bag?"

The charcoal is not heavy. Lin He took it, opened it and looked at it, it was quite good, the size was moderate, and it was very suitable for barbecue.

"It's cheap, more than ten yuan, and charcoal fire in winter is more expensive."

Lin He helped put the charcoal in the corner, anyway, it will be used at night.

"I forgot to cook before. Let's burn charcoal by myself in the future. In the afternoon, let Chang Qiang bring a clay pot to Qingsong Qingyu, so that they can also burn some while cooking."

Burning charcoal is actually very simple. Every time you cook, put the unburned firewood into a jar, cover it and keep it stuffy. When there is no air in it, the firewood will be extinguished soon.

When the firewood is extinguished, as long as the jar is not opened, it will not re-ignite. After a while, it will be boring and carbonized. It is the charcoal that is often used to add to the hand warmer in winter.

Of course, charcoal is also divided into grades. This is only the most common charcoal, which is also used by ordinary people, and the price is also cheap.

It is said that there are better charcoals of various grades. The most expensive one is one tael of silver per catty. It is said that it burns without smoke and has a fragrance. Lin He has never used it and does not pursue it.

The charcoal was put away, and there were still a lot of ingredients. Li Changhui didn't have time to clean up, so he moved all the things into the kitchen, and sent Li An, who had already packed, to the academy.

Wait a few more years, Li An will go to school at the same time as his brothers, so he doesn't need to send him off, and then he can go to college with his brothers.

Lin He was slowly sorting out these things at home. He bought a lot of pork, pork ribs, which are most suitable for barbecue, and there is also a piece of pork suet.

There seems to be no oil in the kitchen. This is for that side. Fortunately, I went early, otherwise I would have to buy fatty meat.

However, what surprised Lin He was that there were still beans. It seemed that the vegetables had been grown well, and now there were beans to eat.

In addition, there are lettuce, very tender peppers, tender pumpkin, etc., small taro, lotus root, fresh mushrooms, and some dry goods.

Bamboo shoots, black fungus, bean skin, dried tribute vegetables, bracken, etc., and two white fungus.

This is a good relationship. Eating barbecue is easy to get angry. In the afternoon, cook some white fungus soup and chill it. Drinking it will make you feel angry and dry.

In addition to these, there are also a lot of dried seafood. If you don’t look at it, you don’t know it. When you see it, you are shocked. There are sea fish, shrimp and squid. They are all dry goods. I have never seen it in Yonghe Town before.

Moreover, she also stayed in the county for two months, and usually walked around and shopped a lot, but she still hadn't seen them. These things were obviously not common.

Could it be that the entrusted person brought the bullshit from Guanzhou Prefecture?
After all, Guanzhou Prefecture is almost equivalent to a provincial capital city, and there must be many good things that the towns below do not have.

Thinking about it this way, Lin He put the things away one by one, first took a white fungus to soak in it, thought for a while, and went to the field with a sickle and a vegetable basket.

There are only leeks in their field now, but the leeks are also delicious when roasted, so get more and come back and skewer slowly.

By the way, there are also baked eggs, which are also delicious, so don't forget them then.

There are not many dishes, but there are not many, but if a store is opened, more dishes will definitely be collected.

I cut two large handfuls of leeks, and looked at the chives covered by the wooden barrel. It has been a while, and they have grown a lot taller. They are indeed yellow, and they look very tender. I can cut a crop in a few days. Eat and read.

Then I went to the chicken coop to get some eggs back, but I ate up all the food at home, so I made a detour to the paddy field, checked carefully, and found two or three dead fish.

Either it was because of the sun all afternoon yesterday, or it was the injury caused by fishing bites.

I went to the chicken coop and filled half a basket of eggs. When I left, someone caught a young rooster, a small pheasant, and a rabbit.

It was a bit troublesome to take it back, but fortunately Li Changqiang saw it and came to help.

"Sister-in-law, didn't Brother Changhui buy so much meat? Why do you want to kill chickens and rabbits? Even if Boss Xie wants to come over, he still can't eat so much meat, right?"

Li Changqiang, who has worked in Yonghe Town for several years, naturally knows what barbecue is. After all, Li Changhui does not only cook barbecue every time he goes to Crescent Lake.

Occasionally, when the interest comes, I will make it at home, and then I will share it with my two cousins, or let them take it home to try.

"Xie Jiang came here today not only to eat barbecue, but also to discuss business with him. This barbecue can't be too shabby. We can cook everything that can be grilled at home. By the way, I will go catch some fish later. .”

Grilled crucian carp is one of Lin He's favorite ways to eat it, but small fish are not good, it is better to use crucian carp that is bigger than a palm, marinated in advance to remove the fishy smell, and brushed with various seasonings when grilling, it is especially delicious.

"Is it Boss Xie from the grocery store in the town?"

Li Changqiang has not been here for a short time. He knows Boss Xie, but he is not sure who it is. He just heard them talk about it.

"It's him. Their family's grocery stores are spread all over the towns of Guanzhou Prefecture. In the future, they will have to cooperate with him when they sell the crops in the field."

In this regard, the Xie and Li families hit it off immediately, and they also intended to befriend each other, which was a tacit understanding.

"So it is."

Li Changqiang helped bring back the pheasant and rabbit. After asking, he was sure that he didn't need his help to kill them, so he went back to the field.

Lin He asked him to take the few catties of suet by the way. They explained yesterday that Aunt Liu would come over to cook the suet early today.

Li Changqiang has a lot of things to do recently, besides looking around, he will not be idle when he has nothing to do, and he has to arrange those people to do those jobs every morning.

In his heart, he also has a priority for the things in the field. He arranges everything well.

In addition, because the recruitment notice was posted, there are many people coming these days. Li Changqiang has to pay more attention to these people, keep those who really work, and send away those who come here to earn money in advance.

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