When Lin He came back after sending Li An off, he saw a carriage parked at the back door, which was also open, and trotted a few steps.

"Brother Hui, are you back?"

Before the person arrives, the voice arrives first.

The carriage was just blocking the back door, and the entrance of the carriage could only be seen when we approached. The curtains of the carriage were drawn down, covering the inside tightly.

Lin He raised the car curtain, and it was full of bamboo baskets, with a lot of straw stuffed in the gaps. Inside the bamboo baskets was wine.

Such a cart can carry at least fifty or sixty jars of wine, and five or six carts can bring back all the wine left at home.

If it's not that you don't want people to know, you can just find a few carriages and take care of a few people, and you can get it done in one trip, but now, Li Changhui can only run one after another.

"I just got home too, did you send An'er to school?"

Li Changhui's voice came from behind.

Lin He turned around quickly, and Li Changhui was rolling up his sleeves, obviously continuing to move things.

Lin He stepped aside: "You drove all night again last night? Didn't I tell you, don't do this in the future, rest on the road, it doesn't matter if you are late."

The tiredness on Li Changhui's face was not obvious, but Lin He's eyes were sharp, and he could see the faint red blood at the corner of his eyes at a glance.

Calculating the time again, it was clear that he would hurry back, pack up his things, and drive back in the carriage.

Even the horses I rode when I went there and the carriages I rode when I came back were rented from the same carriage shop, just for the convenience of returning.

"It's okay, I took a rest on the road in the middle of the night, I'll move these to the house first."

This time, there are also ten altars of wine that will be given to the Liu family. This is the second time Li Changhui has gone back to transport wine after moving. The last time he went back, he was in such a hurry.

There were four jars of wine in a bamboo basket. Li Changhui picked up a bamboo basket and moved it to his home together with the bamboo baskets.

It was placed in the room at the oblique rear of the main house. Usually no one came to the backyard, and it was also very close to their room. If there was a little movement, they would wake up quickly.

Lin He tried, but couldn't move it, and Li Changhui told her not to move it, and go to other things.

I walked around the house, and there was nothing to do, so I went to the field to have a look.

The farm at this time has already changed a lot. The wasteland has not been completely reclaimed, but the corn and sorghum planted earlier have grown to the height of a palm.

The seedlings of sorghum and corn are very similar, and people who have never seen them can easily confuse them.

In addition, a small paddy field has been built, and the seedlings have been raised and can be planted, but the paddy field is still being cultivated.

After all, most of the people were assigned to work on the pigsty and chicken coops, so it was a bit slow to open up wasteland and grow crops, but fortunately, the pigsty and chicken coops were all done.

They even set up a small area by the river for temporary raising of ducks and geese.

By the way, there are also sweet potatoes.

After the rice is planted, we will open up wasteland to plant sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes were planted several hundred catties ahead of time, and they are growing well.

Because of the newly bought two hills and hundreds of acres of land, Li Changhui and Lin He also agreed with everyone that as long as everyone remains like this, they can stay and work to make money.

The salary has not reduced everyone, it is only settled once a month.

And this time, the two didn't find another manager, they took care of it themselves.

After all, Lin He had to keep himself busy for the past two years, so it was impossible for Li Changhui to be idle by himself.

Besides, so much wasteland has not yet been developed, and there are so many things in the field, it is useless to find a steward. The steward does not know Lin He's thoughts and considerations, so they still have to arrange it themselves.

The cattle and sheep had already been delivered, because they were bought from different places. When they first came here, they often fought. Fortunately, after a few days, the head sheep was selected, and everyone quieted down.

At this moment, the cattle and sheep are tied to the mountain, and the head sheep is tied with a rope, so that the other sheep will not run far.

The cows were working in the fields, and several calves were tied to places with more tender grass.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a special cattle pen and sheep pen, and there is a night watch wooden house next to it, and someone is specially hired to guard it at night to prevent thieves.

When Lin He went to the field, he happened to meet some aunts who were cooking.

Now the cooking place has been moved to the side of the vine, and a cooking room was specially built. Anyway, if you find someone to work, you have to cook all year round.

Moreover, it is close to the work place, so after lunch, everyone can rest in the cool of the vineyard, which will be cooler.

Lin He and Li Changhui had to help out in the fields most of the noon, and they were also in the field at noon, eating with everyone.

According to Lin He's request, after washing the dishes every day, all the dishes and chopsticks must be scalded with boiling water.

In addition, Lin He and Li Changhui's bowls and chopsticks were brought from home when they were working every morning, and they didn't need everyone's help to wash them after eating. They took them home and washed them together at night.

It's not that Lin He dislikes others. It's something engraved in his mind that public tableware must be disinfected. After all, no one knows whether others have any infectious diseases.

Others don't need to pay attention to it. For the sake of her family, it is impossible for her not to pay attention to these things.

As for what others think, she doesn't care, just do her own thing.

Say hello to a few aunts, I won't stay here for dinner today.

Li Changhui was at home and had been on the road all night last night. She would definitely rest at home later. She didn't plan to do anything, so she went to the field to have a look and then went back.

"Mrs. Lee."

An uncle carrying a tree trunk came over from the side: "I'm afraid there is not enough weeds in the field. The bigger the pig is, the more it eats, and the sweet potato vines haven't grown yet."

For the time being, there are only a dozen pigs in the family, all of which are half-grown piglets, and all they eat are wild grasses in the wasteland, so that in addition to clearing up wasteland, everyone has to separate out those that can be fed to the pigs.

By the way, there are people who feed pigs specially.

But no matter what you do, wages are settled on a daily basis anyway, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want.

This is the unanimous thought of everyone.

"It's okay, the weeds in the grape field should be cleaned up in a few days, and the tender grass can be fed to pigs then."

With such a wasteland of hundreds of acres and two mountains so big, are you afraid that you won't be able to support more than a dozen pigs?

Probably because the expression on Lin He's face was too obvious, the uncle also saw what Lin He was thinking: "Ma'am, the grass on the mountain has to be fed to cows and sheep, and the mouths of sheep are poisonous, and it takes a long time for the grass that has been eaten to grow back. "

"The sheep's mouth is poisonous?" Lin He asked in surprise, what kind of saying, why hadn't she heard of it?
"That's right." The uncle nodded earnestly: "The turf is almost gone where the sheep have gnawed, and it will take a long time for new grass to grow."

I understand, the goat's mouth is slender and pointed, with thin lips and sharp teeth, which is very convenient for eating grass buds on the ground, as well as shrub branches and leaves.

Moreover, they are small in size, and they eat meticulously, even grass seeds. The grass they eat basically has roots. After weeds are cleaned up like this, it is naturally difficult for them to continue to grow.

It is probably because of this that there is a saying that sheep have poisonous mouths and no grass grows where they eat.

Some couldn't laugh or cry, but this also reminded Lin He that there were not only a dozen pigs to raise at home, but also a large amount of food for sheep and cattle. If he didn't plan ahead, he might really have no food to raise pigs and cattle.

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