At night, Lin He put Li An on the bed to sleep with him.

You can warm up by the fire during the day, but not at night, not to mention warming up in the house, if the air is not circulated, it is easy to die from poisoning, and all the furniture in this room are all made of wood, even the doors, windows and beams.

Even during the day, warming up is just lighting a pot of fire in the yard, and the family sits and chats together, reads a book, and talks about the next plan.

Fortunately, there is no lack of heating tools at night. Hand warmers are also very good. Put one under your feet, one in your arms, and one on your knees. It is very, very warm.

However, the hand warmer is still not as easy to use as Xiao An'er. The whole person is a small stove, and the temperature is moderate, which is very comfortable.

Moreover, he was afraid of the cold at night, so he didn't dare to move around even when he was sleeping, and he slept very well.

Well, whether it's Xiao An'er or someone.

In the middle of the night, Lin He yawned, put on his coat, and went out with an oil lamp. As soon as the door opened, he was shivered by the cold wind outside.

He tightened his collar, quickened his movements, and quickly went to Li Yu and Li Hao's room to take a look.

After the temperature dropped, the two brothers temporarily slept in the same room. After all, Li Hao was still a little young. Lin He was worried that he would catch a cold easily when he slept alone at night, and he should be fine next year.

Li Hao really kicked the quilt, Lin He covered him up, and left in a hurry.

Li Changhui usually does this job, she just needs to sleep until dawn, but now that Li Changhui has gone out, she has to do it by herself.

If it is said that in the past, she took care of these children for Li Changhui's sake of taking her in.

Now he is sincere and treats them as his own children.

There is no way, no one can be truly cold-hearted when they are surrounded by a few well-behaved, sensible and obedient cuties every day.
Not only to see if the two children kicked the quilt, but also to grab Li An to pee after returning to the room.

Because she is the only woman in the family with three children, she closes the door while making dinner, and goes straight to bed after dark.

Even the restaurants, they only go there during the day to take a look.

The nights are long, if Li An doesn't urinate in the middle of the night, 100% will wet the bed.

Lin He muttered in his heart that Li Changhui would come back soon, tidy up Li An, blew out the oil lamp, squinted his eyes and crawled on the bed.

Sleepy and cold, if Li Changhui is at home, she doesn't need to do all these things, how wonderful.

As soon as he lay down, his squinted eyes widened suddenly, and the sleepiness in his eyes was instantly swept away, and the whole person went directly into a state of defense.

There was a 'click'.

It was the sound of the branches she had placed under the fence being trampled.

Probably because the Chinese New Year is approaching, many people’s homes have more or less prepared some New Year’s goods, or men who work outside have returned home with their wages and so on.

There have been more petty thefts in the town recently, and Mrs. Lin has reminded her several times.

Although she was not afraid, there were still children at home, so there were many small branches under the fence and beside the gate.

As long as someone stepped on it, she could hear the movement immediately. For this reason, she didn't dare to sleep too much in the past few nights, so she could only catch up on sleep during the day.

Could it be a thief?
Lin He was excited and cautious, hurriedly got out of bed in the dark, and put on his coat carefully.

When she touched the door with a stick, the black shadow outside the door had already approached the door.

Damn, this thief is really tall and powerful!

However, just when Lin He was concentrating and was about to give the thief a shot when he pushed the door in, he saw the thief stopped outside the door.

Found out?

Lin He was puzzled. There was no oil lamp in the room, so she shouldn't be able to see her shadow.

Immediately, a sigh came from outside the door.

Why does it feel a little familiar?

Just wondering, I listened to the man outside the door.

"Xiaohe, it's me, open the door."

"Brother Hui!" Lin He was taken aback for a moment, but then came to his senses, and quickly threw down his stick to open the door, pulling Li Changhui in.

"It's not to tell you not to travel at night, just find an inn in a small town to stay at night, or you can find a farmhouse to borrow for a night, it's so cold in winter, it's so cold to drive at night."

In just a few words, Lin He already felt the biting chill from the hand she held, and hurriedly pulled him in, and closed the door again.

"You sit here first, and I'll get you a hand warmer."

Pulling Li Changhui to the table and sitting down, he didn't even bother to light the oil lamp. He lived in this room for so long, and he could find a place with his eyes closed.

He took out all three hand warmers from the bed, stuffed one in Li Changhui's hand and put one in his arms. After thinking about it, he stuffed the other directly on his back.

Li Changhui didn't stop him, and let her fiddle with it. When Lin He was done, he held the hand warmer in his hand and looked at Lin He who was lighting the oil lamp.

"I missed a small town on the way, and the farmers I met were worried that I was a bad person, so they simply went home directly."

Lin He frowned: "In the future, I'd better buy a carriage by myself. If this happens next time, I can rest in the carriage for one night."

Before Li Changhui could answer, Lin He said again: "Sit down for a while, I'll boil the water, and after you rest for a while, come to the kitchen to help me light the fire, and by the way, roast your body to drive away the cold."

There was a knocking sound from the street in the distance, and it was already midnight.

It was too cold, so Li Changhui didn't go to see Li An, afraid of bringing him the cold, so he sat obediently in the room for a while, then went to the kitchen to look for Lin He.

Lin He quickly cooked a bowl of hot noodle soup, and specially cracked two poached eggs. While Li Changhui was eating, he boiled another pot of hot water.

At night, it’s fine to take a bath, but it’s still necessary to soak your feet to drive away the cold. After thinking about it, I even took two pieces of ginger and put them in.

After eating the noodles, soaking in slightly scalding hot water, seeing Lin He who was already washing the dishes in Maliu, hot sweat broke out on his body not long after.

In fact, it’s not that cold. I’ve stayed in a colder environment before, and got chilblains on my hands, feet, and even my face. At that time, there were people around me who fetched water for cooking, and even served them extraordinarily carefully.

But at that time, it was not as warm as it is now, exuding warmth from the inside out.

Not only the body is warmed up, but even the bottom of the heart, there is a stream of heat.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, did you hear me, why are you in a daze?"

A hand dangled in front of his eyes, Li Changhui came back to his senses, and instinctively held the restless hand: "What did you just say?"

"I said, there have been a lot of thieves recently, so I put those things under the fence as a warning."

Lin He exerted a little force on his hand, but Li Changhui didn't hold back too much to let go, as if the moment just now was just an inadvertent movement.

"Where's Xiao Hei? Why isn't he at home?"

Dahei had already been sent to the pigpen, and he was taken care of by the chicken coop and the rabbit coop, while Xiaohei stayed at home.

"I was afraid that someone would steal the chicken over there, so I also sent it over there. I made some small warning traps at home. After this period of time, it will be fine."

Li Changhui nodded, didn't say much, but twirled his fingers unconsciously, as if he was reminiscing about something.

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