Chapter 137 137 Planted Sweet Potatoes
Returning to the house quickly, Lin He was still very happy, hugged Li An and wanted to talk to him.

Adding up her two lifetimes, the child she raised herself for the first time was finally called her mother. This feeling is very novel.

Li Changhui let her be happy, dumped the sweet potato vines in the basket under the eaves, and asked Li Yu to bring him a pair of scissors.

The sweet potato vines should be cut into relatively short branches, about half a foot in length. The sweet potato planting is also simple, one by one, according to a certain interval, just bury it in the sweet potato ridge dug in advance.

However, after planting, it needs to be irrigated with a little water. The survival rate of sweet potato vines is very high. Basically, it can be revived overnight.

After Li An was tired of calling "mother", Lin He was finally satisfied, put the child beside Li Changhui, and asked Li Yu again.

"Where did you brothers go just now? Didn't you tell you to watch your brother? You almost fell to the ground again."

In front of their house, there is a large courtyard dam covered with bluestone slabs, which is specially used for drying grain during the autumn harvest, which is very convenient.

A little beside the dam is the vegetable garden, one side belongs to their family, and the other side is adjacent to Mrs. Zhang's vegetable garden next door, and the ridge is a bit high, about two or three feet high.

Although there are no stones below, just dirt and vegetables, it is still quite high for the little guy.

The little guy accidentally fell down last time. Although he was not injured, he was so frightened that he yelled and cried for a while.

Li Yu and Li Hao thought that mother had forgotten about this and was still secretly happy, but who knew that she would be taken out after a short while of being happy.

Unable to escape, he could only honestly confess: "Just now Shishi told us to watch the cicada monkey he caught, so we went to his house."

This year they stayed with their parents all day long, and they moved to a place far away from the village. They forgot that they could catch cicada monkeys now, and it was only when the stone called them just now that they remembered it.

"Cicada Monkey?" Lin He was stunned for a moment, and then remembered: "You mean Cicada, did you know Cicada recently?"

Cicadas are edible, especially when they have not grown into adults, the kind that just dug out of the ground, it is said that the stuff is very nourishing, and it is quite expensive.

Recalling what he had seen before, Lin He shuddered and asked, "Do you like to eat?"


Li Yu and Li Hao spoke in unison, and their voices were loud, which shows that they really like it.

Even Li Changhui, who was next to him, rarely interjected: "After frying the cicada monkey, sprinkle a little salt and pepper, it is very fragrant, and it is still a great tonic."

Lin He looked sideways: "You like to eat too."

She is determined not to try it, bugs or something, she is scared to death just thinking about it.

"It's okay, but you can't eat too much of that. You can eat a few at most in a day. If you eat too much, it's not good to make up for it. You can sell it in the town, and the price is not cheap."

Li Changhui kept moving his hands and explained clearly.

Lin He understood: "Okay, if you want to play, go catch Zhizhi in the afternoon, and I will make it for you in the evening."

Although I dare not eat it, it should be no problem to make it, just like fried peanuts.

"Okay, thank you mother!"

The two brothers once again cheered in unison, and then moved to Li Changhui's side: "Father, have you ever eaten fried food? We all use fire to roast, and we have never eaten fried food."

Oil is precious, except for restaurants outside and wealthy families, few people are willing to use oil for frying, right?
"I've eaten deep-fried ones outside before, but the grilled ones are not as good as the deep-fried ones."

Li Changhui explained a sentence, and said again: "Okay, don't stand in the way here, go and help your mother light the fire."

"Oh, alright."

Li Yu hurried into the kitchen, while Li Hao looked at his younger brother.

Just now I left my brother and ran away, I have already been lectured by my mother, so I dare not be careless this time.

Although the family is not short of money, they do not eat big fish and meat every day. Except for eggs, everyone has eggs every day, and meat is only bought every few days.

Even so, it is still very luxurious in the village, and even the eldest aunt reminded them to save a little.

However, Lin He felt that when she and the three brothers were growing up, Li Changhui worked hard every day, so he should not be too economical in terms of food.

Recently, Li Changhui seldom goes hunting in the mountains. At most, he uses a slingshot to catch a few live pheasants and hares.

After simply eating lunch, Li An, who has been ten months old, can now eat similar meals to theirs, but he wants to eat softer and lighter ones.

After dinner, it was hot right now, but the brick house was warm in winter and cool in summer. After eating, I went to the next room to take a nap. It was even a little cold, and I needed to cover my stomach with a thin quilt.

Li Yu and Li Hao also made an appointment with their friends. After taking a nap, they asked them to go to the mountain to catch monkeys.

Lin He heard it and didn't care. He just told them to be careful on the road and not to go to dangerous places when they set off.

However, Li Yu and Li Hao have been practicing martial arts with Li Changhui during this time, and the most practiced is the horse stance. In Li Changhui's words, if the foot is not stable, everything is in vain.

The two brothers are much stronger now, and their personalities are also more stable. Especially with Li Yu watching, there is no need to worry too much.

Lin He wore a straw hat, hugged Li An, and went to the field with Li Changhui.

She has recovered pretty well recently, although Li An has grown up a lot, but she is not as tired as before when she hugs her.

The sweet potato ridge is in the gap between the corn field and the sorghum field. At this time, the corn and sorghum have grown very tall, as high as a person's waist. Planting sweet potatoes at this time will not affect each other.

What's more, sweet potatoes are crops that climb vines on the ground.

The sweet potato vine fell to the ground, took two dustpans, and each of them packed some. Li Changhui took a long strap and carried Li An on his back, and then the two started working.

Li An was already able to crawl around, but he didn't dare to put him on the ground. Accidentally ruining the crops was a trivial matter. If he was bitten by a snake or a centipede, he would have no chance to regret it.

Even if the possibility of this is very small, he still dare not take the risk.

In the past, it was natural for Li Yu and Li Hao to look at his younger brother. Didn't they know that they went to the mountain to catch Cicada today?

Fortunately, Li Changhui has great strength, and with Li An on his back, he is not restricted in his work.

But after a while, Xiuling brought two three- and four-year-old children over.

"Brother Changhui, sister-in-law, give An'er to me. I'm fine anyway. I'll take care of it. You guys can work faster."

The two children she leads are the children of two brothers and sisters-in-law.

She is pregnant now, and it didn't make her too tired during the busy farming season. She just looked after the two little ones at home, and then did light work such as cooking and sweeping the floor.

Even in the entire Xiangan Village, this is the highest level of treatment for pregnant women. After all, there are many people with big bellies who have to work in the fields, digging and picking excrement.

"Are you tired? How many children are there? Can you see it?"

"It's okay, the two older ones are obedient, and An'er is not naughty. Besides, it's sweltering outside here. I'll take him back to have a rest, and bring him home after you're done."

Planting sweet potatoes is much easier than planting rice seedlings, so they didn't have to find anyone, and they had prepared in advance, so they could finish it in two days at most.

But Lin He didn't dare to let Xiuling hug Li An, after all, it was still so far away, so he just carried him to his uncle's house, let Li An play on the ground, and Xiuling helped to watch.

It's more comfortable and free than being tied to daddy's back, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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