Chapter 106 Chapter 106

There were still a lot of dishes left over from last night, and the lo mei didn't need to be heated up. It was full with steaming porridge.

At this time, Li Changsheng and Li Changqiang also came to look for Li Changhui.

Li Yongkang's four sons, the eldest, Li Changwen, was the one who killed the pig the night before.

The second child is gone from the army.

The third child is Li Changqiang, who helped guard the taro field the night before yesterday.

The youngest, Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng's two older sisters are both married.

After greeting Li Changhui and Lin He, Li Changqiang put the bamboo basket in his hand under the eaves, and the bamboo basket was specially covered with a dustpan.

"Brother Changhui, I brought the little chicken too, you can see where to put it."

Lin He walked over quickly, and from the gap in the bamboo basket, he could already see the black, yellow and white chicken feathers inside, and the sound of 'cheep' came from inside.

"How many chicks are there?"

She forgot to ask yesterday.

"Seven, the whole brood is here."

There were more chicks that hatched, but they are too small, and it is normal for them to break down.

Lin He nodded quickly: "How much?"

Then he went back to the room to get the money.

"No need for sister-in-law, brother Changhui already gave them yesterday, you can just find a place for them to lock them up, and keep them locked up for a few days first."

"By the way, sister-in-law, they are still too young to eat too many green vegetable leaves, and they will have diarrhea. You need to feed them some crushed coarse rice, or some young vegetable leaves with less rice bran."

Li Changqiang apparently did a lot of these things at home, and he was very clear about how to raise these chickens.

"It's also best to change the water every day. By the way, brother Changhui, sister-in-law, you must remember to close the door at night, otherwise snakes or weasels will come and steal the chicken."

When it comes to this, Li Changqiang has an expression of deep hatred, which shows that he has suffered a lot in this regard.

Lin He wrote it down carefully: "Okay, I see."

Li Changhui also took his own bow and arrow from the room at this time, and picked up the pannier under the eaves: "Let's go, go up the mountain first."

It was still early at this time, and most of the people were still having breakfast, so no one saw the two brothers coming.

But it's okay to see it. It's probably not a secret to go up the mountain to find taro now, as long as you don't let people follow you.

Although both Li Changqiang and Li Changsheng knew that Li Changhui was hunting, they only saw the prey and never saw the bow and arrow.

It may be the nature of a man who loves weapons. Now when he saw the bow and arrow in Li Changhui's hand, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Changhui, is this what you use for hunting? It's so handsome, it looks amazing!"

Li Changqiang just stood aside and marveled, but Li Changsheng approached and even stretched out his hand: "Brother Changhui, can you let me try?"

Lin He looked at his slightly wretched appearance, and almost couldn't help rolling his eyes. If Xiuling saw this before getting married, it would be difficult for him to find a wife.

Li Changhui was also generous. Hearing what Li Changsheng said, he frowned and immediately handed him the bow.

Lin He's eyebrows jumped, how could she be so generous, she hadn't tried it yet!
But soon, Lin He felt relieved.

Li Changhui only gave him a bow, not an arrow.

Li Changsheng didn't mind, he just held the bow and string with both hands, using, using, using force...

His face was blushing, and Lin He felt tired for him, but the bow was only opened a little...

Li Changsheng returned the bow to Li Changhui in embarrassment: "Brother Changhui, this is too difficult to pull away, how did you do it?"

Li Changhui pulled the empty string once after receiving it, and when he let go, he could even hear a slight crackling sound.

Li Changsheng's eyes were straightened. The bow he couldn't draw at all was so easy in Li Changhui's hands!
"Let's go, it's getting late, don't waste any more time."

The three of them didn't stay any longer and greeted Lin He. Li Changhui also told Li Yu and Li Hao not to run around, and stayed at home to help out these few days, and then went up the mountain.

Living in the corner at the end of the village is still beneficial. Once you go behind the house, you can drill into the ground and you will go up the mountain.

After they left, Lin He and Li Yu finished cleaning up the kitchen and were about to feed the pigs, then they slapped their foreheads.

"Oh, I didn't feed the pigs this morning. Your father actually said to wait for him to come back from hunting pigweeds. You must be confused."

At this moment, I heard someone passing by, and the wild boars and domestic pigs were all shouting and making noise in the pigsty, waiting to be fed.

Li Yu hurriedly took the sickle and a small basket: "Mother, I'll get some less first, and you feed the chicken and rabbit first."

After talking, everyone had already run away, and Lin He didn't have time to stop him.

After turning around, I really went back to do other things.

"Xiaohe, I heard that your family bought ten acres of land to grow taro. Did you find taro again on the mountain?"

Aunt Zhang is pulling weeds in the vegetable garden next door. There are tender goosegrass in the vegetable garden, which can be fed to chickens or pigs.

Seeing Lin He, he straightened up and beat his waist, very curious.

Lin He thought in his heart that sure enough, what was done yesterday afternoon probably spread throughout the village.

The smile on the face is the same as usual: "No, this is not a special kind of taro. Of course, if you can find more taro, it will be great."

The search must have been found, but they are only going to plant the ones at home. The two have discussed this before.

As for why they bought so many lands, according to Li Changhui, half of them are given away for free anyway, and they are tax-free for three years, which is a good deal.

Lin He disagrees with this reason, as the so-called free ones are actually the most expensive.

There are a lot of places where money is pitted.

If the barren land has been unable to grow and has been so barren, as my aunt said, the cost of seeds may not be recovered after planting crops for one year, and taxes will still be paid after three years.

At that time, if you can't sell it, and you have to pay taxes out of your own pocket, how can you lose money!

From this point, Lin He is very sure that Li Changhui absolutely only knows a little about the things in the field, and has never thought about it at all!

But I bought everything, and now it's too late to regret it, I only hate that she only had food in her eyes yesterday, and she trusted Li Changhui too much, so she didn't go to the field with her to have a look.

Of course, these can only be thought in the heart, and will never be said, especially to others.

Just as she was thinking about it, she changed Aunt Zhang's voice: "Did your parent, Hui, be deceived? He hasn't grown crops for so many years, how could he even buy such poor wasteland?"

"Your uncle never reminded you, what to buy so much wasteland, you can't grow anything, and you have to pay taxes."

Oh, what about sowing discord?
Lin He cheered up instantly.

Of course, she knew that Aunt Zhang probably didn't do it on purpose. Anyway, most people in the village, regardless of men, women, or children, spoke in such oblique ways.

So Lin He also smiled softly: "Uncle reminded me, but there are other uses for us to buy this wasteland."

Damn it, she must turn this thin land into a fertile field!

The cliff can't let outsiders see the joke!
(End of this chapter)

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