Chapter 214
His words not only surprised a group of players, but even other researchers couldn't help raising their heads and looking at him curiously. "Do you really this really possible?" A young researcher couldn't help asking.

He smiled slightly, and answered firmly: "Is it true or not? Don't we just need to study it? Just like the advanced weapons you saw in the base, didn't you also question them, but they still proved their feasibility. "

There was a hint of confidence and determination in his voice.

After hearing this, the doubts on their faces gradually dissipated, and they all nodded in agreement.After all, those who work in the base have already witnessed all kinds of unbelievable technological miracles.

And the dungeon in front of me, no matter from the residential area, the library or the farm, has shown a reasonable layout and design, which makes people can't help but admire it.

Every detail has been carefully thought out, every function has been fully considered to form a perfect whole.

Before Lin Ye brought them out, he had already explored every area, carefully observed and recorded every detail.

It also made them discover that the design of this dungeon is very unique.

In the residential area, they found an intelligent control system that can automatically adjust the temperature, humidity and lighting according to the needs of the residents. After all, this is a place buried deep underground and cannot use any external resources at all.

The sophistication of this system is amazing, even more advanced than what they have seen in reality.

In the library, researchers discovered a collection of ancient books and documents, and most surprisingly, in the farm area, researchers discovered a brand new crop.These crops not only grow quickly and produce high yields, but are also extremely low on the environment.This undoubtedly provides an important idea for solving the future food crisis.

With the deepening of the visit, the researchers gradually discovered that this dungeon hides more secrets.

The level of technology and culture represented by this dungeon far exceeded the era at that time.

However, the mystery of this dungeon still has a lot to unravel.

This is just the first time I have seen it. Of course, the researchers will continue to study in depth. They hope to find more clues and answers about this dungeon.

They also plan to collaborate with other research institutions and universities to solve this mystery.

And it's the same now, when they walked out of the camp, they saw these strange creatures outside, not only the mutations of animals but also the mutations of plants, all of which were worthy of their study.

"This is just the beginning. When you see the power plant, I'm afraid you won't be willing to go offline." Seeing their expressions, the old monster immediately laughed.

If they hadn't entered the game, they thought his words were fantasy, but when they saw this scene, they really became a little skeptical.

"They really made an antimatter power generation device?" Professor Xu still couldn't believe it.

After hearing what they said, Lin Ye smiled lightly, "Should I go and have a look and then I'll know?"

"It's reasonable for Ruli to generate electricity from antimatter. It's no wonder that they can still operate again after sleeping for so many years."

After thinking for a while, he continued, "According to this game, they have very good requirements for rationality. At least so far, I haven't found any obvious loopholes."

(End of this chapter)

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