Chapter 203 Their Strength

Several people looked at Little Anna in disbelief, but they couldn't see any difference between her and other players.

Lin Ye continued to explain, "We rescued a group of people together and brought them back."

"After the base took them in, they were placed outside the third district, but Anna is a special case."

While speaking, she pointed to the store behind them, "This is the land that our first batch of players bought together to build this store."

"It looks a bit small compared to other houses now, but at the time it was the first personal house and a shop."

"Come on, I'll take you in to have a look." As he spoke, he actually brought a few people in. "The food sold here is made of leg hair, the weapons and tools made by carpenters, and the clothes made of matches."

"Weapons?" Wuchang thought of something, "I remember you said that there are guns in this game."

"Of course." Lin Ye nodded directly, "Although there are hot weapons, most new players can't afford them. If they want to fight, they can only use these cold weapons."

"And this crossbow is no worse than a thermal weapon."

While she was explaining to several people, other new players had come out one after another, and they also discovered the weapons and food that Little Anna was selling.

Most new players have no friends here, so naturally they have no money to change their guns, so coming here is also the best choice.

So little Anna got busy again, as if she had long forgotten what happened just now.

Seeing her movements, Lin Ye smiled slightly, "Look, we brought her in from the third district, let her live here, and help us sell things."

"Even while we're not around, the store can stay open."

"In this way, not only will it not affect our mission, but it will still be the same after we go offline."

After hearing this, several people immediately realized, "Are you hiring an NPC to work for yourself?"

"Why, is there anything wrong? Not only did the game not refuse, but it even encouraged us to do so." Lin Ye said without thinking.

Then he said, "And this place is not mine alone, it was opened by several old players."

"Then through the big wolf's trading system, some real-world transactions can be made, so that these full-time players can have income."

They were even more surprised to hear that she could already make money in this game.

"I remember they said before that there is no recharge system in this game, you..." Wuchang looked at her in surprise.

Lin Ye smiled, "Of course there is no recharge system, but we can build one, and now it's not just Big Head Wolf alone doing this."

"Despite the lack of players, there are already three trading systems, but the one made by Big Head Wolf is still the most trustworthy one so far."

Wuchang looked at the big-headed wolf, "You boy, you can do it."

The big-headed wolf smiled awkwardly, "Actually, it's nothing, it just looks good, a sudden inspiration."

"And don't just watch me do this, Lin Ye is much better than me, except for this store, she is now a landlord in the game."

Lin Ye gave him a helpless look, "Is the landlord so good? I'm just optimistic about this game. I think there will be more and more people in the future, and the land will become less and less. Let's settle it in advance."

Hearing their 'exposed' strength a little bit, Impermanence really felt emotional, "It seems that compared with you, we are really just rookies now."

(End of this chapter)

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