Looking back, Lin Ye didn't intend to look at them again, but picked up his helmet and prepared to lie down.

But before she put on the helmet, someone came over and connected the equipment for her.

"Don't worry, these things are only for monitoring your body data, and we can infer these data after you finish the game."

"At that time, you can see if your physical data has changed in reality when you are emotionally fluctuating, exercising, shooting or even fighting in the game." The person who linked the device for her explained carefully.

Lin Ye nodded slightly after hearing this, "Then should I record what I did in the game?"

"It would be great if it could be recorded." The experimenter nodded hurriedly upon hearing this.

Lin Ye smiled, "Then I will try my best."

After speaking, he lay down directly and put on the helmet.

Lin Ye didn't enter the game for the first time this time, so he didn't stand outside and watch the newcomers early.

When she came in, even most of the newcomers had already entered the game, even at the first final scene.

That is in a daze, in a daze, and in disbelief.

Can you imagine what a spectacular scene it would be if nearly 500 people were stupid at the same time?
However, Lin Ye didn't find it crowded. On the contrary, it was even more spacious than the last time the internal testers entered.

Only at this time did he react and look around.

It was found that they no longer entered from the on-line room next to the central control room of the base.

It was actually in the residential area they had visited before.

The original large and small houses, as well as the cage-like compartments, have not changed much.

What has changed is the public area where they stand, and there are more positioning points for going up and down the line.

The residential area is designed to allow more people to live here, so the house must occupy more land.

But considering that everyone will be here for an unknown number of years, there is still room for activities.

And these spaces have now become the space for them to go online and offline.

This place may not be that big compared to those living places, but it is much bigger compared to the place where the online and offline places are on the upper floor.

"Is this really going to turn this place into the player's second home?" Lin Ye said subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the big wolf came, "Lin Ye, we are here."

After hearing this, Lin Ye looked up subconsciously, and saw the big wolf walking over with a few strange faces behind him.

He knew who these people were without asking, and glanced at their faces, but finally looked at a young boy who looked like a student Nanji.

He asked with some uncertainty, "Are you... the company commander?"

The big boy burst out laughing, and sighed helplessly, "I don't believe that my image looks like this after entering the game, it's really..."

"But how do you know it's mine?"

Hearing his surprised words, Lin Ye smiled, "I feel, even if you become like this, the feeling will not change."

When the company commander heard this, he laughed directly, "My name here is Wuchang."

The name made Lin Ye feel a little weird, but he still held back his smile and nodded.

Wuchang coughed softly, "You can laugh if you want to. Now that I think about it, it's a bit... non-mainstream."

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