I don't know how the level of C-level mercenaries is assessed, but they don't look very smart anyway.

In addition to what those people said before, there are really many D-rank mercenaries who don't know.

It can be seen that he also knows his own value.

Just like the situation of each of their teams, the players actually don't know.

The hierarchical system of the mercenary group restricts not only the resources they can control, but also various information levels.

C-level mercenaries can already lead their own teams, and his team is considered a middle-level C-level team. They can choose D-level and E-level mercenaries mixed together, and the D-level team is the main one.

As for the upper class and the lower class, you don't need to think about it. Basically, they are all D-class or E-class mercenaries.

All the missions of the mercenaries are to be handed down to the captain, and the others are not even qualified to know, even if they are sent to die, they still have to count the money.

Just like this mission, originally there was no such thing as attacking the base, but he thought that if he could bring more information back, the reward would be higher.

So his men became cannon fodder.

"How far does your communication equipment support?" Lin Ye asked suddenly.

"It depends on the situation. If there are no mountains and forests to block it, it can reach about [-] kilometers, but basically there is no such perfect condition, it is about [-] kilometers." The C-level mercenary looked at her and explained.

And once these words were uttered, they no longer hid them, but worried that what they said would make Lin Ye dissatisfied.

Then he said immediately, "And only the captain of each team has the right to report to the headquarters."

"The level of mercenaries is very strict, and once the level is determined, it is not so easy to upgrade."

Speaking of this, there is a bit of pride on his face.

Lin Ye chuckled, "Does that mean higher levels have higher authority?"

The C-level mercenary suddenly looked frustrated, "Yes, even if our credit is reported back, it is just some resource rewards, and the real credit will go to the B-level mercenary."

"And the entire mercenary group must be managed by the management. They control all resource allocation, as well as our life and death."

"We have to go through all kinds of training and confrontation since we were born. It can be said that we have to work hard to get our current status, but they can receive a good education from birth, and they are born to be managers."

"Our children are the same. They can only be sent to the mercenary training camp when they are born. If they can survive, they will meet again one day. If they are weak...they can only die there."

Lin Ye couldn't help being a little surprised when she heard this. She thought the mercenary group was brainwashing them, and even if they weren't that loyal, they wouldn't understand the problem.

But now it seems that this brainwashing is not very successful, and it is really far from the mercenaries in reality.

Seeing this situation, Lin Ye laughed straight away, and a special plan suddenly came up in his heart, but he didn't express his thoughts in such a hurry.

Instead, he changed the subject and asked, "Then what's going on with your base now?"

"Base..." The mercenary was a little embarrassed. After all, he also knew that what he just did was not serious. "It was a base that was just opened 30 years ago."

"Although I wasn't there at that time, I knew more or less."

After hesitating for a while, he continued, "At that time, the situation in the wasteland was worse, even worse than the current environment, and resources were even more difficult to find."

"A base that has just been opened is simply a piece of fat for people in the wasteland. Not only are we staring at it, but also those scavengers and even refugees are staring at them."

"The base managers at that time still held the old world's thinking. Although they were on guard against scavengers and refugees, they still took in some people, and they didn't have any defense against mercenary organizations."

"They even planned to cooperate with us. At that time...we sent several groups of high-level teams to sneak into the base, and it can be said that they took down the entire base with ease."

"It is said that they didn't even have the chance to escape back to the base and close the gate. After the entire base was captured by us, it was completely preserved inside."

"It is logical that it has become our own headquarters. In the past 30 years, we have used the materials of the base to continuously expand, and it has become a large settlement."

Lin Ye nodded suddenly, "So you are particularly interested in the newly opened base, aren't you?"

Although the mercenary was a little embarrassed, he still nodded, "Actually... even without our temptation this time, other groups would have discovered you, and this kind of thing would have happened sooner or later."

Lin Ye glanced at him angrily, but didn't want to talk to him about this kind of thing, but asked again, "Where is your base?"

"This..." The mercenary didn't know how to describe it.

But seeing Lin Ye's face turn cold, he hurriedly said, "I have a computer in my backpack, and there... are the coordinates of our base."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ye immediately asked happily, "Is there anything else besides the coordinates?"

"My authority is not high enough, and I only have some authority to enter and exit the area, and some... mercenary training materials." The mercenary is really broken.

Lin Ye was very satisfied, "Big Head Wolf, take his computer and take it back to see if we can import all the information in it into our system."

"By the way, let Noah's supercomputer analyze it to see if there is any information we can use."

With computers, mercenaries are of little use.

But Lin Ye nodded anyway, "You were sent out, if you haven't returned, how will they contact you?"

"There is no way to contact..." the mercenary said directly, "There were also missing teams before us, so we can only send someone to find them."

While talking, he looked at Lin Ye, "Just follow the original mission route to find it. If you don't see people alive or dead, there's nothing you can do. After all, this wasteland is full of dangers, and no one can guarantee that it will be safe all the time. "

"That also means... there is a high possibility that someone will come to you again?" Lin Ye listened and immediately understood what he said.

The mercenary nodded, "Theoretically so,"

"However... No one should find this place for the time being. This is not the only way we must go back."

After thinking for a while, I couldn't help but said, "Unless there are teams like us who deliberately took a long way to get some other resources."

Lin Ye finally laughed. It turned out that their accident was caused by a few people who walked a long way before they discovered them.

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