Chapter 135 Trading Mutant Beasts

Lin Ye still admired this ability to tame mutant beasts.

After all, after having them, many things would save a lot of effort, otherwise they would really be using players as livestock now.

But envy is envy, they still don't have this ability now.

Lin Ye just looked at them, and entered the settlement from a distance. Looking at them here, they seemed very familiar.

Unlike the last time they came to trade and wasted a lot of talking, they seemed to have an agreement and quickly completed the transaction.

What surprised Lin Ye was that he saw them trade the mutant beasts to the settlement.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye's eyes lit up. It seemed that this mutant beast could also be traded.

She believes that as long as the caravan goes to the camp, Noah will definitely keep it, but she doesn't know how to get in touch with such a caravan.

But this time, all items in the caravan have been traded.

Then he left with seeds and food.

It can be seen that there is indeed a lot of food here, and the consumption of their own numbers is already very large.

But in addition to trading to the base, it was also traded to the caravan.

Especially since it was already spring, when there was a shortage of food, not only did they not have any shortage, they could even trade it for mutant beasts.

In addition, it can be seen that food is definitely a hard currency in the wasteland.

Chances are, not all places can grow food.

It is obviously impossible to live by hunting alone if you cannot grow food yourself. Even if you have weapons and mutant beasts, you have to exchange them for food at this time.

Lin Ye could understand that no matter how powerful a weapon was, no matter how awesome a mutant beast was, everything was useless in front of a hungry stomach.

Keeping an eye on them for the transaction, and then the caravan left, it went smoothly.

But even so, Lin Ye did not act rashly. The people in the caravan seemed to be easy-going, and even traded so easily, but if they were found, it was impossible to say whether such a transaction would be the same.

Moreover, she had no idea of ​​the other party's situation at all, let alone their details.

When you don't know your strengths or weaknesses, it's best not to take the initiative to expose yourself.

Just like man-eaters and looters, if they didn't expose themselves, or even actively provoke them, they wouldn't end up being annihilated later.

So it wasn't until he watched them leave that Lin Ye walked out of the bunker and went straight back to the camp.

At this time, on the third floor of the camp, not only the wall was erected, but also more and more houses were built in the open space. In order for the refugees to live in the houses as soon as possible, they all accelerated the progress.

Seeing them work hard, but they all have joyful smiles on their faces. This is something they couldn't see when they were captured. It can be seen that they really like this place.

"Sister Ye!" But at this moment, Dashan saw her and immediately ran over to say hello.

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response, "How is your building going?"

Dashan hurriedly said, "Dahui and I have already built our own houses."

"Now helping newcomers rebuild their homes."

Lin Ye nodded after listening, "It's really good, are you still used to this place?"

Da Shan hurriedly nodded vigorously, "It's really too adaptable, we've never seen such a good place."

"Not only did they not enslave us, but they also helped us build houses and gave us food."

(End of this chapter)

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