Gongqing bone

Chapter 116 Deliberately

Chapter 116 Deliberately
"Okay, okay, you can win!" Xue Fei curled his lips, but the bottom of his hand was itchy.

It's so rare for a woman to have such a flamboyant and confident feeling, and he couldn't help but want to pinch her cheek.

Moreover, the gloom on her face has become less recently, compared with her previous self-confidence, she is less eccentric and malicious, just like washed white cotton, showing the innocence and beauty that she should have.

"Then wife, do you think Concubine Long took that 'bug diet pill' unintentionally... or was it intentional?"

She raised her eyebrows: "You don't understand me?"

Xue Feibai stopped talking, it was really unnecessary.

In front of this suspicious Du Heng, there is no "accident" of "unintentional" or "no coincidence".

"Then, who do you suspect?"

"Let's not talk about the distance, but if it's near, I can only think of a side concubine Xiao who slipped because of Concubine Long's 'greedy mouth'."

Moreover, Concubine Long, who has no martial arts virtues, is still publicizing Xiao Zimei's "bad deeds" in Beijing: she said that she lost her child because of her lust for food, she was not careful, and she deserved it; she even tried to "climb" afterwards The noble concubine and the Long family really don't know good from bad.

Therefore, Du Heng felt that if Xiao Zimei used the imported things to avenge the fact that Concubine Long Gui had killed her because of the "banquet" of the Long family, there would be some fatalism of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" in it.

And it fits Xiao Zimei's usual style of viciousness and viciousness.

Xue Feibai looked at Du Heng's pensive look again, and felt that there was nothing good in her belly:
"By the way... you know such a big secret, do you want to deal with Concubine Long first, or Xiao Zimei?"

Xue Feibai could tell that Du Heng paid a lot of attention to Xiao Zimei. Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out what else there was between the two of them besides "Xiao Zimei is Du Heng's third sister's rival in love". origin.

Du Heng didn't answer Xue Feibai's question directly, but she offered to go with her the next day when her nominal mother-in-law, Mrs. Xue, entered the palace to meet the empress.

Although Mrs. Xue was strange, but Du Heng's words were sincere and obedient, and he only said that she hadn't paid homage to the empress after she passed the door, which was really wrong.

Mrs. Xue thinks about it too. Their Xue family is a staunch princeling faction, and it is only natural to show respect for princelings;

Besides, Du Heng's second sister was useless and couldn't help anything, and the third sister was still blatantly facing the family, and it was time to express her opinion, even though she was just a silent concubine.

From this point of view, such a concubine and daughter-in-law are quite sensible.

Along the way, the two of them "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" got into the carriage without saying a word, handed over the sign and went to Zhonggong.

When they arrived at the Central Palace, Mrs. Xue and the empress were chatting happily, as if they hadn't heard of Du Heng, who was pleasing to the eye.

"Empress, the recent Wan'an Palace, is she still acting like that after the draft?"

Concubine Long, isn't she the one who lives in Wan'an Palace.

The queen lacked interest, and took a longan peeled by the maid and put it in her mouth:
"Who said it wasn't? It's expected that the draft didn't affect her; but now the emperor only favors a rookie girl, she is still so immobile, it really surprised me and Concubine Bo Liang!"

Mrs. Xue's ears twitched: "Your Majesty, so the Emperor really dotes on that woman from a Jiangnan merchant so much now?"

"Who said it wasn't~ My son was promoted to a talented person again; I don't know if the emperor likes this, but she is also a merchant girl..." There was an insinuation in the tone, obviously implying something.

Mrs. Xue rolled her eyes: "Hey~ my empress, isn't it a good thing for someone to share the favor of that Wan'an Palace?"

The queen immediately stood up, as if she was about to pour out bitter water with others:
"Mrs. Xue, I originally thought so too! That Meng Cai is young and beautiful, and his family is just a small family with no backing, so he is really the best candidate to deal with that Concubine Long, but, she, she... ..."

Mrs. Xue probed: "Could it be that Concubine Long is preemptive? She bought that talented man?"

"That's not true! That Meng Cairen is, is... a lunatic!"

madman? !Mrs. Xue and Du Heng were both startled and terrified. Are the draft standards so low now?
The queen thumped the arhat bed under her body, "It's not the kind of madness, it's the kind of 'lunatic' who does everything according to his heart and doesn't care; it's a bit like-oh yes, the feeling the emperor felt after eating five stones !"

Mrs. Xue understood a little bit, no wonder she won the holy favor alone, it turns out that the two of them are stinky...cough, they smell like each other!

"However, empress..." Mrs. Xue advised the queen, "She won't listen to your restraint, and she won't take Concubine Long seriously; after all, the situation is in my favor..."

The queen didn't know what to say, so she could only nod subconsciously.At the end, add a sentence:
"However, after all, it is the beauty of the country, and I have something to rely on..." Speaking of this, he even glanced at Du Heng.

Du Heng, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, was not surprising: ...

They seemed to have said almost the same thing, only to see someone like her, even though Du Heng gave the empress a big gift from the beginning.

The queen narrowed her drooping eyelids due to her age: "This is Fei Qing's sister-in-law, she is really... virtuous; and Fei Qing's younger brother, it can be regarded as the right one~"

"Thank you empress for your compliment—" Du Heng saluted dully, and didn't speak or move anything else, just let the empress's words fall to the ground so dryly.

Mrs. Xue on the side looked anxious for a while: she thought that this Du Heng would come to trouble, but she didn't expect that she was just pretending to be clever, but she was so stupid!
"Second daughter-in-law, the empress wants to talk to me about herself, you can go to the imperial garden to play by yourself! When you can kneel down, mother-in-law, I will find someone to call you." Seeing Du Heng here She couldn't win the Queen's favor even in the slightest, so Mrs. Xue also turned down her face and pushed people away.

And this is the purpose of Du Heng's trip.

Du Heng didn't bring her maid this time. She seemed to be wandering around by herself, but she was actually heading for Wan'an Palace.

When passing through the imperial garden, I only heard a burst of laughter from a woman——

As Du Heng approached, he saw a woman in a rouge-colored palace dress lying on a big rock, holding a Qinglong Womochi peony in her hand, and was pulling the petals:

"One petal, two petals, three petals, five petals... Hey hey, how many can I count?"

It's annoying after counting a few petals, the peonies that have been cultivated through untold hardships just scattered on her curvy and enchanting body.

It doesn't look like she is wearing a rouge-colored palace dress, but it seems that her naked and flawless body is soaked in rouge-colored wine, and the wine jar used to seal it is the "national beauty and heavenly fragrance" peony flower .

With her whole body lying there, she felt like flowers were soaked in wine, giving off a sense of decadence and beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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