Rong Cen was very interested, and he flattered the regent with great face: "I said that Dali Siqing has people with lofty ideals lurking in the dark, but the emperor brought up this old story... a secret about the royal family that I don't even know. What does it have to do with it?"

"Then let's start with the two or three things that have to be said between Emperor Ganqin's favorite princess Ruyu and the young master of Helingmen." The regent played the cup between his fingers.

Rong Cen's eyebrows twitched, it didn't sound like a good thing, she just felt that "your circle is really messed up".

The Prince Regent told her in words and deeds that her judgment was correct.

"Master Pei of the Heling Gate and Emperor Ganqin hit it off right away, and they met each other for a long time. They married blood under a peach tree that was immortal but withered and bare after winter. Although neither of them had wives or descendants, they made a promise to have children and children."

"The young master of Helingmen was restricted by the marriage contract since he was a child, and he was extremely rebellious. Before he knew it, he robbed many girls to have fun, and his name was outside. As for Princess Ruyu, she hated men in the world because of the royal family, and even more so. Disdain to abide by etiquette for verbal and joking words, repeatedly threatening that the chastity of her women belongs only to herself and has nothing to do with others."

"The two parties involved are reluctant, but the head of Helingmen, Peimen, has already learned that the godsister who was married when he was young is actually the majestic Emperor Dayin. , How could he not follow? Sect Master Pei has never been married, and adopted his son like a thief."

"As for Emperor Ganqin, there were general elections and general elections. There were more than three thousand beauties in the harem, but he really didn't expect that he would give birth to 38 children in a row. In the end, he would be like Princess Yu, the beloved daughter in his hands. In his heart, he doesn't really want to fulfill the words of child's play back then, but what he said is like poured water, and he can never be taken back. He is an emperor, and he loses his majesty if he breaks his trust. Emperor Qianqin investigated and found out that Young Master Pei Dissatisfied with the marriage, I should have been happy, but I couldn't help but get angry, angry at the other party's lack of vision, and after calming down, I tried every means to force the other party to propose annulling the engagement, but helplessly, the head of the sect Pei did not know what method he used to make the young master Pei willingly accept the princess, so That’s how Princess Ruyu got married.”

The regent narrated this old story in one breath. He laid the groundwork for a long time, but it was just a background review.

The other two silently stood in front of the loyal audience and did not disturb them.

The regent poured two cups of tea casually, moistened his throat hastily, and then began to talk.

"Since the founding of the Dayin Dynasty, this is the first marriage between the royal family and the Jianghu. It is also the royal princess and the first young master of the Jianghu. Naturally, it is inevitable that there will be a huge momentum and many visitors. The two newlyweds are not like glue, but they are also There was no animosity between Emperor Qianqin and Master Pei, they were more like lovers of joy, with the head of the bed and the end of the bed. Seeing that the young couple gradually became in love with each other for a long time, everyone felt that this marriage could Forever marrying Qin and Jin, Emperor Ganqin and Sect Master Pei feel at ease."

"However, the world is unpredictable..." The regent sighed heavily, seemingly regretful, but also playful: "It's a pity that neither of them is an honest person. Young Master Pei has always been restless, and Princess Ruyu is also unwilling to settle down. people in the room."


All kinds of big melons of the year were staged in Cen's mind.

Then, the regent said slowly: "Young Master Pei has no official position, and spends a lot of time being romantic and unrestrained. He is merciful, so that he is only 25 years old, and he has children all over the world. Princess Ruyu is no less inferior to him. When you see it, you have to say, 'Who says women are inferior to men'."

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