I can't die!I haven't ruled the world yet!

Chapter 118: Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

Chapter 118: Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones
Rong Cen said in his heart: What you want is that you feel that you don't have enough time.

She chuckled, with a talkative look, "How long does Master Li think is enough? Five days? Or seven days?"

Seeing Mingjun's face at first sight, Li Huan was confused.

Li Huan shook his head heavily, why is His Majesty so talkative all of a sudden?But just five or seven days is not enough!
He didn't answer for a long time, and Rong Cen made a final decision: "I will give Mr. Li five days. After five days, I will see the evidence and the culprit of collaborating with the enemy and treason."

"Your Majesty?! Minister..." Li Huan was frightened, and his dark red official robe fluttered in the air. He knelt and walked forward a few steps, getting closer and closer to the top position, hesitating to speak, Dare not speak aloud.

He felt that his brows were really imminent, and with just a moment of stupefaction, His Majesty was the final word?

Li Huan didn't dare to raise his head. He tilted his head slightly and turned his eyes fiercely. He peeked at His Majesty's serious face with a serious expression.

It is enough to show that he has no room for bargaining, and Li Huan's heart is getting heavier and heavier. He is standing in the middle of the court, and the suffering comes from heaven!Unfortunately, he couldn't say it out yet.

After the imperial court, the three giants gathered in the Hall of Renzheng again.

The Prince Regent's expression was no longer as relaxed as before. There was no trace of an idle prince caring about his style. He changed his normal style and spoke seriously: "Zheng Qibin is just one of the insignificant informants, and Qin Mao is at best a small boss. If they enter the government, this clue will be broken. There are big figures behind them, and they are hidden too tightly, and our spies can't dig them out at all."

It was about the death of Lord Zhen Guo.

Despite Meng Yang's hard work, Dayin and Xilin have now formed a diplomatic and friendly relationship, but it does not mean that they can condone Xilin's secret actions towards Dayin.Forgiveness is impossible, and it is impossible to keep this breath out.

The country is weak and being bullied, Rong Cen feels panicked.

The inside of the bag must be settled first, and she wanted to take it step by step, first to reform and eliminate disadvantages, to develop the economy, military and culture in all aspects, to lay a solid foundation, and then to carry out external activities.

However, specific issues still need to be analyzed in detail. According to the actual situation, her original idea is obviously not advisable.

The whole country is facing a crisis of life and death, and it is still developing slowly. Will the Qiangman in Beiqiu, Xilin in Nanxun, and Dongli wait?

The answer is undoubtedly, it will not wait.

She only left Dayin for half a year due to an accident, Beiqiu swallowed Yaozhou, Northwest Qiang barbarians wanted to seize Bianzhou, Xilin eyed Liangzhou, Dongli stared at Anzhou, and Nanxun in the south would move north at any moment.

Development is to develop, but at this time, it is not suitable.

Dayin's top priority is to awaken the patriotism of the people, enhance the cohesion of the military and guard, strengthen military training, collect food, raise funds, mobilize all forces that can be mobilized, win foreign victories, resist powerful enemies, and regain their homeland.

Rong Cen thought about it, and felt that there was too much to do and too much to do. With the knowledge of the new era and the guidance of the most advanced thoughts and theories, she would definitely win!
After leaving the two of them behind, she got up immediately, went to the desk to scribble pen and ink, and wrote several sheets in one go, and the wild and unruly cursive script appeared vividly on the paper.

The regent was really curious, so King Chaoxi raised his eyebrows, walked spontaneously to the desk where Rong Cen was, and picked up the rice paper that was on the table with a strong back.

Looking at it this way, it's incredible.

He was shocked on the spot, with a stunned expression, looked up at Rong Cen, and then looked down at the flying characters.

Yun Qi's scribbles are not very sloppy, he leans slightly to the cursive, looking at the strokes waving randomly, but in fact they are neat. He knows every word on the paper, but it is really unimaginable and a little puzzling to connect them together.

For example, "crossing the river by feeling the stones", "the level of force determines the size of power"; another example, "practice is the only criterion for testing truth", "there are permanence in the way of heaven, it does not survive for Yao, and does not perish for Shun. We must put people first, Adhere to the people's line."

Some regents can still understand it, but he feels that it is not appropriate to use it here, right?

King Xi was also attracted, he took the paper handed by the regent, soaked it with half-dried thick ink, and printed a big swirl.

His thoughts fell silent.

Brother Huang wants to reform and eliminate disadvantages, he knows it.So the first sentence means that there is no precedent, and we can only move forward by groping?

There was the Queen Mother's Party in the front, the King Xi's Party in the back, and a lot of the Regent's Party in the middle. It is not easy for the emperor to secure the throne.So I want to understand that the royalist party's force value is not enough, and I am going to cultivate new forces to compete and contain all forces in the court?

In the third sentence, King Xi doesn't know why Brother Huang wrote it down. Maybe Brother Huang had an idea in his mind, but due to various reasons, he was unable to make a decision or implement it?
King Xi silently rejected his guess in his heart, no, looking at the meaning, it was more like the emperor's brother who didn't know whether his decision was feasible or not, and he wanted to try it out to see if he could turn the tide.

Looking at the last sentence again, King Xi suddenly felt that he had understood Brother Huang for a moment.People-oriented, what a discourse of loving the people, just four words, including all kinds of ideas of the monarch and the people since ancient times——

"The people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least."

"The king's boat is the people's water, water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it."


The words of Master Shangshufang are still ringing in my ears.

No, it's not the masters who go to the study, those pedantic old masters will not convey this kind of thought, they will only tremblingly follow the scriptures.

The one who can teach students in this way is the late emperor Yu Heng, the master who belongs to the emperor's brother alone.He has his own thoughts and conveys the real truth of life to his students.pity……

King Xi stopped his wandering thoughts in time, and then concentrated on looking at the paper that looked like a divine book, feeling as if it was covered with golden light.

The emperor's brother is most qualified to be the emperor, he can save the common people.

It is impossible for others to do this for the people.

Even King Xi himself couldn't do it.Compared with his thought-leading brother Huang, he is just a sour scholar who only reads sage books.

"What's wrong?" Rong Cen finished writing all the thoughts of the new era that could come to her mind in one breath, and stopped writing only to find that the two of them followed behind her, looking at the pen and ink, lost in thought.

She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then became afraid for a while.Damn, forgot to avoid the natives.But anything written in front of Jiang Ting will not have such a big impact.

However, there is no sound of the system deducting the regression value in my head, which means it should be fine, right?
She was afraid that the system would judge her as a broken character or illegal operation, after all, the system was too stupid when it was a dog.

Who knew that it would be on duty in her brain, whether it was a sound-sounding and business-like human-spirit system, or an unreasonable dog-like voice system that likes to mess around.

Rong Cen was worried and hated.It was a rare opportunity to go to the new era to learn a lot, but in the end, the system was recruited to restrict her performance.This trick is just two.

(End of this chapter)

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